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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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I think that all of you that said you liked the make something for myself resolution need to join me in it. I've got the same problem. I can't tell you how many times something that was going to be for me ended up in the hands of either my mom or one of my little brothers. That's part of why I added that it had to be something I wanted, not something I needed. Sure making a hat because it's cold is fine, but I want to make myself something completely fun and frivolous.


In stashbusting, I'm still at a big fat zero. I've been cleaning my house this week instead of crocheting (it needed to be done) and my fingers are starting to get itchy for a hook. I've got to whip up a little something for my aunt today though, she just had a hysterectomy and I thought she could use something small and cheery in her hospital room. I think I'm going to combine stashbusting with getting Christmas presents done early this year. No more working all night the week before Christmas for me.

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WTD: 2 YTD: 5

Posting early, if I wait until later I'll forget, again. Not getting as much done as I'd planned. Have been called back to do some relief work and know it is temporary -- can't afford to turn it down but just too tired to do much after long drive and long day working.

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are there rules for reclaiming yarn? i was given a scarf a couple months ago, and decided yesterday that it should be a hat instead, and ripped it out. I'm also tempted to frog two sweaters. Do I get points for that?

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wtd:12 ytd:25


I will be having company waiting for me when I get home, so I'm going to post early. I'm impressed with my self :D, I haven't bought yarn in 23 days, I think that's a record for me,:lol now that I've said that watch, I'll get home and there will 5 yarn catalogs waiting for me :rofl


I hope everyone has a great weekend! :hug

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are there rules for reclaiming yarn? i was given a scarf a couple months ago, and decided yesterday that it should be a hat instead, and ripped it out. I'm also tempted to frog two sweaters. Do I get points for that?

Any time you get yarn, even from frogging, you subtract points. When you use the reclaimed yarn, you get to add the points back.

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OK, I did it. I went to the thrift shop. Of course, I was looking for yarn:blush. But, I resisted ALL the yarn and only got 2 skeins. One is a blue & white twist which looks like faded denim and the other is a cream color homespun. So, wtd -4, -2 ytd

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I finished the scarf! :yay I finished the Christmas gift scarf that I have been working on since Thanksgiving!:yay I got to the end of the yarn/thread and that was the end of the scarf. All I have to do this weekend is weave in the ends, wash, and block it. +2


Of course I couldn't neglect my VJGC afghan project, so I managed to bust a skein of "fisherman". No great feat - they are just 4 oz skeins. +2


BUT, last Sunday I was doing my usual grocery shopping at (our local one-stop shopping market) Fred Meyer, and just HAD to wheel through the (tiny) yarn section. They had Lion Cotton at buy-2-get-1-free. Now, my sister has expressed an interest in dish cloths and it would be fun to give her a big stack next Christmas, but that Lion Cotton is EXPENSIVE! Oh well, two balls jumped into my cart and a friend followed behind.:yarn -6


I've never crocheted a dishcloth in my life, but I think it will be a good excuse to practice the sc and dc base chain/foundation rows, since a lot of the patterns seem to start with a row of sc or dc. I think I'll just do a solid (granny) square to start, though.


So, I guess I'd better submit my report.


2009 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: -2/YTD: -2




Stashbusting CAL: WTD: -2/YTD: -2


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I am on :c9 I did finish two skeins today making that hat and redoing the flower for it.




I may get another one busted by tomorrow so I am not posting scores yet.


I am really enjoying this group. I like the chattiness and the good wishes that all express.


Love Y'as all :ghug

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I've been working quite a bit this week :yay:cheer:yay so, I haven't gotten much done yet this week...we have our craft meet tomorrow, so i'll get something done there. Plus I have a friend that wants to go through my cotton stash (i have a 30 gal bag full) and pick something out to make a dishcloth - i told her she could shop in my stash - she has a Rose's store that carries fun yarns, so we'll probably trade.

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used two skeins on a hooded scarf--- not much ,but every little bit helps:hook


Ooh, I have wanted to make one of those for a while now. Got any pictures?


And thank you everyone who liked my shawl. I will give it to her tomorrow, hope she likes it!

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Finished off another skein and finished my niece's shawl. +2 Here's some pictures! I'm going to wait to post my score for the week because I may get something else done but I wanted to show you all my finished project!



Wow, Jain! What a beautiful shawl! I like the varied stitches in your pattern. :manyheart:yes


and here's my total for the week: +4

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I'm going to go ahead and post my score for the week. I don't know that I'll get any crochet time in tomorrow, plus even if I do I'm still working with some stupid pounders! :lol All I'm doing is making the same balls smaller!


So, thanks to selling 38 skeins of yarn, my score this week is:


WTD +76/YTD +77




My score will never be this good again so I'm going to revel in it while it lasts! :lol

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