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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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I went to Michaels today. They finally have their new & improved yarn section up. I am a firm believer that bernat makes their brand of yarn. As those colors I recall being Berella 4. Anyhow I bought 2 skeins for scarves. I bought a skein of RHSS to finish a baby blanket next month... But I gave my mom a skein of yarn & rolled up a skein to a ball. :D I should be even this week if all goes well.

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Well bought a skein of Caron Simply Soft Orchid since I'm working on my scarf for the month of August and it's a light purple so -2 there for me but it won't hurt my score too badly this week and who knows I just might get another skein done hmmmm guess we shall see

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marzee, your square is gorgeous! I love how the black background makes the bright colors pop. And congratulations on posting your picture correctly. I was nervous the first time I posted with the new system. It's pretty easy, don't you think?

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Thanks hon!

what kind of lapghan are you working on? I have a quiltghan and graphghan going right now. I have to do some digging in my stash for more yarn for the quiltghan............. I dont want to have to buy more.






I'm working on a simple rectangle one using LionBrand chunky, in two colors: raspberry and charcoal. It's where you work a square, then turn it and do a few rows on a side, turn it, do a few rows on a side, turn it, etc. until it's as big as you want it. :) Kinda relaxing to work; I like it. :hook


Speaking of stash, I totally fell down the other day, with the encouragement of dh. :oops So now, even having busted a skein of sock yarn, I am still 8 points in the hole for the week. :ohdear:lol

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I'm working on a simple rectangle one using LionBrand chunky, in two colors: raspberry and charcoal. It's where you work a square, then turn it and do a few rows on a side, turn it, do a few rows on a side, turn it, etc. until it's as big as you want it. :) Kinda relaxing to work; I like it. :hook


Speaking of stash, I totally fell down the other day, with the encouragement of dh. :oops So now, even having busted a skein of sock yarn, I am still 8 points in the hole for the week. :ohdear:lol



OMG! You have an ENABLER DH?! :faint... We should all be so lucky! :rofl

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marzee, your square is gorgeous! I love how the black background makes the bright colors pop. And congratulations on posting your picture correctly. I was nervous the first time I posted with the new system. It's pretty easy, don't you think?


Thank you. :)


The black/bright colors combination is one of Krystal's charity square guidelines. I followed these since I plan to send it to her. It was also an opportunity to use up a ball of black yarn and to use a bit of hot pink, which I have way too much of.


At first, I was a bit flummoxed by the last part of posting a photo. I couldn't figure out why it wasn't appearing :think until I re-read step #7 to the end, about using the drop down arrow next to the paper clip to finally post the thumbnail. Otherwise, it was a snap. :photo




2009 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: 0/YTD: -5

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OMG! You have an ENABLER DH?! :faint... We should all be so lucky! :rofl


He's pretty crafty also; does some crochet, some leatherwork. I'm pretty happy to have him. :D



I doubt I'll bust anything today, so I'll go ahead and post my scores:

WTD: -8, YTD: -27

...I think this may be the first time I'm actually posting scores anywhere near on time. :lol

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I'm putting in my totals now, as we're going away for the weekend, so I don't think I'll have time to be online much...


Well, I used up 5 skeins this week working on the Drops Crochet Cardigan, but had to buy 2 more for it, plus I ordered 2 skeins of sock yarn, so my totals for the week are:


Stashbuster Total: WTD +2 YTD +96


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Well, after three days in excess of 100˚ F. :hot , we are "cooling" into the 90˚s. We are working on a record string of 90+ days, now. Not the best crocheting weather, when you consider that I do not have air conditioning. (Generally not necessary here, since the average summer temps are in the low 80˚s, cooling off in the 50˚s and 60˚s at night.) I can find all sorts of reasons to post a zero :devil

2009 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: 0 / YTD: -5


Yippee:jumpyay, off the the Washington County Fair tomorrow! I love county fairs! get to see all the neat things people have crafted, get to win a ribbon or two for my jams, get to see all the farm animals, get to eat generally forbidden foods,....




2009 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: 0/YTD: -5

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Well I'll post my score now since I'm dog sitting my dad's dog for 2 weeks and is he ever a handful so here goes:



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Posting early. Lots of work to do today, and also having to drive my son to help out with someone's eagle project. I do have to drive past the McHenry Michael's store and hopefully my car will manage not turning into the parking lot!:lol That could be a disaster!:lol


I think it was a good week for me.


WTD=+9 YTD=+30


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