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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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Braxxi +36 SILVER MEDAL!

Miss Scarlet +18 BRONZE MEDAL!


drgaonpuck +17

lhapsaapsolady +14

fc1123 +13

CLLinda +12

appylover +11

jessicagil +11

darski +10

Legalwoman17 +10

teakaycee +10

Needle Arts +9

Ladykats +8

LeslieG +7


Marzee +5

Ellie 13 +3

BigPinkPolkaDot +2

dilyca2006 +2

goofy +2

pineknott +2

walker 1021 +2

Ariel Manx +1

crocheting4mygirls +1

Jain +1


mar3185 0

WendySue 0

zanthia6 0


CraftyWitch -1

basjordan -2

karishema -4

hseger -9


DesertCrocheter -70 SHOOT THE MOON!

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Woo hoo!! I have never won the Shoot the Moon award! A dubious honor, but I accept it graciously. :lol However, I insist on sharing it with SweetPea65, the source of the yarn that earned me the title. :P And by such a wide margin--where were ya'll last week? Apparently crocheting, if these figures are any indication.


I used up 4 leftover balls after I posted yesterday and last night, so I'm already +4 for this week. Go hook!



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Next time you post, include your YTD, so I can post both WTD and YTD for the end of July!



Thanks for posting that reminder at the beginning of this week that will help a lot and congratulations to all the people that medaled

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Way to go medalists!!!


I am still so very proud of us all. We continue to have a top heavy report... we have more on the plus side than on the minus side.


I admit to getting very discouraged as each week comes and goes but I also know that signing in helps me more than it discourages me.


Thanks to all who keep this going and we are so lucky to have Beth in charge. Love yah girl :manyheart



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Way to go medalists!!!


I am still so very proud of us all. We continue to have a top heavy report... we have more on the plus side than on the minus side.


I admit to getting very discouraged as each week comes and goes but I also know that signing in helps me more than it discourages me.


Thanks to all who keep this going and we are so lucky to have Beth in charge. Love yah girl :manyheart



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I am trying really hard to use up this yarn. I have just about finished the flower granny baby ghan. I still seem to have a bunch of brightly colored scraps in large and small balls. Guess it is time to do another larger scrap ghan. I am really trying to finish up these ends.


I have two big projects in mind. A tiger graph ghan and I need to start another flower square afghan for the lady who owns the barn where I board my horse. I have promised myself I am finishing up these scraps first. :devil

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Yay. Today I rolled a almost complete skein into a ball so I get my FIRST Point!! WTD: +1 YTD +1. But i'm going yarn shopping later... So i'll be saying bye to that point shortly!

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I'm making a scarf for the fair, and I used up a skein last night. So I'm in the positives!


+2 so far.



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I finished my scarf this morning and used up another skein. It's kind of a wine-mulberry color that I had in my stash. I've used up 4 points so far this week.



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Teakaycee, love the chapstick holders! What an awesome idea!


Ladykats, enjoy your escape! It sounds like a lot of fun, and Soooooo romantic:manyheart


CLLinda, will you be posting a pic of the scarf? It sounds lovely!


Guess what I did? I went to Michael's yesterday and bought a pattern booklet, and that's all!!! No yarn!!! I even looked at it, but I didn't bring any home with me.!!!

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just took a delivery from joann's. 2 more skeins of yarn and a couple of double ended hooks!! Have already adjusted my siggie again. Not going to be in the positives this week at all!!!!!!!!!LOL

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Just finished off that ball I had to frog back last week. +1 Almost done with the dinosaur hoodie. Just finishing up the spikes and then I can sew it all together.

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Well I went to Michael's and looked around but I bought 2 skeins of cotton yarn for 0.97 each couldn't resist so there's -4 for me for the week haven't crocheted too much because the wrist is acting up so might not get too much accomplished this week.

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Here's an eye-opener...


I just put all my yarn into ravelry.


(After taking it out and petting it, organizing it, admiring it, dreaming about what it wanted to be when it grew up...)


When all is said and done, I have 478.5 skeins of yarn right now. :rofl


(And to think, I sold several hundred skeins of yarn earlier this year!)

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