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Gone With the Wind Rhett Butler

Tampa Doll

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What was the saying at the end of Gone With the Wind? Oh Yeah, “Frankly my dear I don’t give a d_ _ _.”


I remember when I first saw this movie. My Mom dragged me to one of the big theaters in Philadelphia; some of you remember the ones with the curtains that covered the screen till the movie started. I gave her a choice for her birthday, of anything she wanted to do. So I found myself sitting in the movie theater with her and my little sister. The lights go down, the curtain opens and the music starts. Typical teenager, I scrunched down in my seat and hoped the movie wasn’t long.


Then all of a sudden they pan down the stair case and there he was Rhett Butler in all his glory. I fell in love. Now I am sitting up and paying attention. By the end of the movie I am in tears. Oh I forgot to mention, not one of us had a tissue on us


You have met Melanie and Scarlett, Let me introduce you to Rhett.


th_8x6zmRett.gif (clickable)


I now have a better appreciation for those of you who design. I thought how hard could it be to make a suit for a 16” male doll. Just take a pattern for Ken and make it in yarn and with a larger hook. Nahhhhhhhhhhhhh, I had to try and copy the suit by looking at the pictures and matching what I was doing to the doll. I did not write anything down, and hope to not do this again. Oh yeah his out fit is made entirely of Peaches and cream. The colors used are: pants and hat –Silver Grey, vest – Misty Grey, Shirt – Egg shell and the jacket – Charcoal.


Here he is out for a stroll with Melanie and Scarlett.



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whose next?


Well, I would tell you who is next, but it ain't fittin I tell you, it just ain't fittin.:D


Thank you all for the compliments, I am looking forward to having them all done (total of 5) and on my August Table.:hook

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Cannot wait to see Mammy!!!!!


I love all your dolls, Mary Jo, but these are truly my favorites. Like you, I have very vivid memories of the first time I saw this movie and the impact it made on me. Thank you for creating such lovely replicas .....you have made my day!!!!

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:clap Rhett is great, Mary Jo. I can't wait to see August's table, too. You are so nice to share your dolls and tables with us. I know I really look forward to seeing what is next! :manyheart



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