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After holidays projects-What do you have planned?

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What projects do you have in mond for after the holidays? For some of us, I know the holiday rush is enough, but what types of things do you think you'll end up making in 2008?


For me, I plan on starting and finishing my wedding afghan. I found a pattern that looks like Celtic knotwork and fits perfectly with our theme; now I just have to find the right color yarn for it and find a way to put names and date on a filet pattern. Filet isn't my forte at all.


After that, I'm going to be working on a couple other afghans for my and family members. Many of those afghans will be done by Christmas, but I still have a few I have barely started.


I have a few bag patterns written up that I need to test out as well. Some tarot bag and cloth patterns.


Other than those, I really have no idea. DH will be starting a new job probably and we'll have money where I can' buy yarn again. My current stash is down to almost nothing except what is stored for ongoing projects.


What about you?

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I think I'm going to make a bag for my cellphone to hang around my neck (just misplaced it for the 2nd time in 2 months).


After that.. I'm going to probably work on this Diagonal Hues Afghan


Then I want to make the Football Afghan in Vanna's A to Z afghan book.


I want to finish my cathedral rose window and a Large Pineapple afghan that is almost done.. just needs the edging, yarn is bought.. just been too hot until recently to work on it.


Those are the main projects that I can think of right now.. I always have small ones going on in between the big ones.


AND I am committed to getting rid of some of my stash on eBay.

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I've got a non-holiday-gift afghan started, so I will keep working on that. I am also usually working on blankets for the animal shelter, so that never really ends. :)


Other than than, no real plans...

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Well, that's a good question.


I signed up for the Through The Window Afghan CAL here at Crochetville. So there's one project.


I need to make several baby afghans for a craft show in November of 2008. I don't really have any specific number in mind, just whatever I can make between now and then.


Also for the craft show, I'd like to do some coasters. I just found a very pretty pattern that looks quick and easy. And some dishcloths too.


One of my online crochet groups is having a Kitchen Exchange in February, so I need to do two dishcloths and two potholders for that.


I have a couple of other afghan ideas in the back of my mind, but I don't see them getting done in 2008.


I think that's it for now.

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I want to make an ipod armband, and maybe a bag or 2 for myself, a blanket for my friend for her birthday in May, maybe something for my mom for her birthday in June, and do some blankets/baby things to donate to charities

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I just found out about 2 babies due in May so I will be starting on those after the holidays.


One of the Mom's has decided not to find out what she is having so I guess I will be making one of each for her. I haven't really found a unisex baby blanket I really like.

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My short term list consists of:


1. A shawl. It's going to my youngest daughter for her birthday January 6th.


2. Get caught up on my pledge for Kristie's toy drive.


3. Finish my filet class project.


4. Make a layette for a co-worker who's having a baby in March.

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Well...I think Santa is bringing me a few kits from Herrschners this holiday, so depending on what got snagged off my wishlist, I'll most likely be working on those. Otherwise, I'm trying to use up my out-of-control stash by crocheting up some charity squares.

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Cathedral rose window afghan, either finish the one from Crochet Today or do the Annies Attic one (or both!).

Some other items for myself (time to treat me)

Work on some doilies in small hook and thread (size 10 or 20 thread).

Maybe attempt a piece/motif table cloth... maybe one I can do the motifs at work during lunch and assemble later, but not sure. That's always been a dream of mine to have a crochet tablecloth in fine thread (size 10).



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I have a list a mile long of things I want to do. But I'm going to take a look at the fair list and see what I can start working for that. But I do want to make a sweater for myself. Oh the list to just to long to think about.

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I'm going to make a big blanket for Project Linus, teen sized, and I just bought the yarn on Sunday: lilac, soft yellow, and white, which will be striped in a v-stitch pattern. I made a teen boy one in blue, sage green, and white two years ago and have been wanting to make a girl one ever since.


And there is a UFO I want to finish (the Daisy skirt) and Annie Modesitt's cocoon sweater from IC a couple of years ago that I ordered the yarn for and which has been waiting ever since.



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I have planned to make my son stuffed turtle that he's been asking for. His birthday in Jan. 28th. And I really want to make myself a shawl. I've been asked to make a couple of hats for my cousins daughters. And I will make the new baby a blanket. I also have an order for a few kerchiefs.

Other than that, I have no plans. But that always fills up rather quickly.

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I have decided that next year will be "The Year of The Baby".


I am going to really focus on my local pregnancy support centre and to keep the theme going... more or less... I plan to keep making squares for snugglies for our animal shelter too. Furbabies are babies right?


I know I will get sidetracked but that is my intention at this point.

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Messenger bag is on my list too! And I have to work up the courage to attempt my first pair of crocheted socks. As soon as I come up with a poncho pattern I like, I want to make one for me in Mohair. And then tons of purses and a few ghans to try and sell and a craft fair in the spring.

But most of all alot of charity projects.

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2008 will be the year of the afghan. Two BIL's are getting married this summer and I usually make afghans for wedding presents. My cousin is having her first baby this summer as well. Another SIL is trying to get pregnant and God-Willing, my brother will propose to his girlfriend. (we like her a lot). Another friend is trying to adopt, so that's another baby blanket.


I've very subtly asked for Everyday Crochet for Christmas (by subtly I mean "oohh, the book Everyday Crochet by Doris Chan would make an excellent Christmas present for someone's wife/daughter/sister...") I'm hoping try my first sweater or shirt.

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Plans after Christmas:

Finish Cal King Bedspread only 2 more ft to go

I have yarn for 2 round ripple afghans

Cross stitch Angel of Hope for my nieces wedding

Cross stitch a mystery chart with Helga Mandl (This is exciting I've never done a mystery pattern)

and relearn to knit to make these really cool ornaments for next christmas

and finally make as many burial gowns for L&D as I can get yarn for.

Now I'm overwhelmed just thinking about it!

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I'm going to start on a quiltghan for my parents for next Christmas. I figure it will take me at least that long to finish! :lol


Since my sister is expecting and due in June, I have a baby afgahn to get moving on and a few animals to start (just bought and amigurumi book from JoAnn last week!).


Other than that, I'm sure there will be at least 3 other various projects in the works, blankets, market bags, etc. I also hope to try my hand at crocheting a rug if I can find the right yarn!

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I'll be working on my first design. After that, I want to make 2 blankets for friends. I have one blanket to finish for my neice. DD has been asking me to make her some barbie and babydoll clothes. And I'll be working on squares to make blankets for a local domestic violence shelter.

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