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Where do you get your yarn?

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Where's the best place to get yarn? Do you have a website you always order from, or do you go to the stores? I've looked in the stores, but there always seem to be the same things. What are the best websites for yarn?

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Where ever I can...Walmart, JoAnn's, Michaels, somethimes I use ebay, or Smilyesyarns.com ..or would you believe flea markets..I love yarn, my husband can swear to that..lol!

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I'm trying not to buy yarn! I moved recently and it didn't strike me until then how large my stash really was (and how many extra trips to the car it accounted for because it's so bulky). But I do live equidistant from a Joanns and brand new Michaels now.

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knitpicks.com has lots of great yarn, the really fancy stuff. The even have good sales once in a while and it is good stuff. Other than that I buy yarn at Wal-Mart, LYS, and Robert's Art's and Crafts. Sometimes I go to Joann's or Michaels if there is a good sale.

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my :yarnstash, wal-mart, E-bay, websites, Herreschners, Smileys, Joanns, and every now and then Hancock fabrics. And there are people who I do trades with too. I do buy enough yarns or threads :yarnfor projects and have them in my bins but if I get to a point I am almost out and I know that no one has it in the stores, then I look on E-bay:ebay , or :ccompute or post for help in finding it. I have a bad habit when I like the color of yarns I see and the price is right I buy 10 --15 skeins so I'll have it for:dreaming later. I always buy enough of that color. . Its always later cause I am always crocheting :kniton projects now and still buying yarns for later--the next :hookcrocheting project in mind.

Why don't we have a crochet smiley?


To make a long story short, I keep all the yarn related catolags so If I need a color and know its discountinued I can go back and get the name of the yarn:yarn, then on the hunt for it..

I know, :eekI know its crazy to keep all the :yarn yarn related catolags~~~I have enjoyed looking thru them from time to time. Basically I get my yarn just about anywhere. If someone don't have it, I ust keep looking till I find what I am looking for.


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I miss having a Hobby Lobby around. When there was one close, I would go there to buy yarn. *sigh*


Now, I buy yarn mainly from JoAnn's and Michaels. I do sometimes buy from Walmart, but I try to avoid it if I can. I only go there if I know they have a color that neither of the other two stores carries for some reason.

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I dont live by a hobby lobby either, but try to go to one whenever I am traveling. I understand that after the first of the year, they are going to put all of their ILTY in their online store: Craftsetc.com.



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I buy from wherever I can get it cheap. thrift stores, garage sales, estate sales etc, the dollar stores, closeout stores, walmart, pat catans, then joann's, micheals last the LNS near me only for things I can't get else where, very little from the internet I have so much that the shipping is not cost effective!

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I understand that after the first of the year, they are going to put all of their ILTY in their online store: Craftsetc.com.




*gasp* Oh, I HOPE so! I only ever got to use it on one project last year, and never again. I adored that yarn, and still have some scraps of it I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm afraid to use. If they get it in their online store, then I can finally buy some more of it! Oh... I hope, I hope!! :yarn

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I use mostly Hobby Lobby around here, but I also ordered some honeysuckle cotton from Elmore-Pisgah to make a cardy style sweater, and I'm *loving* it. I can see me ordering more from there. :)

Thanks for the yarn by lisa link, I'm liking the looks of that one, too. OOOH Anchor Perle Cotton!!! My fave threads, whoohoo!!!! okay, that is a dangerous link!!! :drool

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I usually go to Walmart or Michaels because they're the 2 closest places to me. I have ordered from ebay too. Thrift stores are good sources but usually for small projects. I go to yard sales and just look around if I'm visiting in another town.

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