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The "one more row" lie...

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My dh reminded me of something recently - that he would like spouses, friends and the like of we who crochet to know the "real deal" in that when we are asked something or to do something - and we make one of these type replies ------

"Just let me finish my row..."

"Uh I only have a couple stitches left in this row..."

"I just have one more row..."

He wants to be on record to expose these statements as "lies, pure lies!" as he says (humoursly of course - as he is used to it!)

Because in his words --

"There simply just is NO END to "the row" and until you (as a spouse, friend, etc..) come to terms with that - it will be a lesson in futility!" :lol :lol :lol :lol

PS - Can't believe he figured it out and caught on!!!:devil:lol

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I've only ever said that a few times, if I was really into what I was doing, or it was something that I had to keep my concentration for, because of stitch counts. But I'd usually tell my husband that I need to finish this row out so I can remember how many stitches I'm up to, so he knows why I'm not immediately getting to the chore at hand.

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When I am starting a new project and doing the counting thing and my husband is talking to me I'll just nod :yes my head, cause in my mind I am still counting, and if I talk:eek , I'll forget where I was doing with the number :eek counting , till I write it down ,then I can talk to him. But he knows this and will repeating say something or another to try and mess me up. Then he goes off :devil laughing.

lol so funny its always 1 more row to crochet, or gotta crochet a few more stitches, I have repeatly use that line many years...

certain project's I won't stop till I get that row done it depends on the project.

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Oh that is so bad when I'm at work and at lunch... I'm away from my desk thinking... 5 more minutes, one more row.... 3 more minutes, just one more row... then I'm late :lol . Luckily they're not too uptight about that. And that's happened in the morning getting ready for work. At night when I can't sleep. Before bed when I need to get to bed at a decent hour. Dinner geting cold. Dinner not cooked yet (luckily just for me).


Nope no problem here either!

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lol, DS has started to ask me something, when i'm crocheting. and then he just turns around and says, yeah i know, one more row!....and walks off!


It's so funny. And when i'm counting, usually in my head, i start to count out loud until they're finished what they're saying, so i'll remember what number i'm on, and then i'll answer what their question or whatever is.

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:lol :lol :lol :lol Well - I am soooo glad I got a chuckle, grin or wink on this one and I have good company on it!!!!

Sometimes I'll lookup after I have said it and SING in a mischievious way :devil (now some of you will recognize this Lamb Chop song! - only I changed a couple words!)...

Well honey you know ---- "This is the row that never ends, it just goes on and on my friend, well I began crochetin' it not knowin' what it was - but I continue hookin' it forever just because - this is the row that never ends...(repeat numerous times!) LOLOLOL

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Hmmmm... Is that the same as DH saying "there's just 5 more minutes left in the ball game"? We all know that's not 5 minutes real life time!


Especially in American Football...:lol

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I always thought this was the unwritten law of crocheting. I just can't stop in the middle of a row. It has to be completed or I feel when I pick it up again it just won't be right. Of course I hate to leave anything undone. My DH just sits and waits patiently most of the time anyway.


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I said "just one more row" to myself until 2:40 last night. My DW can sleep through anything and can fall asleep almost immediately (I've timed her, 30 seconds). I turned on an old Errol Flynn movie on TCM "for just a minute". But ended up watching the whole thing. I was just going to do one more row then turn it off but I couldn't. So, I figured if I was watching TV anyway, I might as well keep on crocheting.


I did quit last night for dinner within a minute after I was called, in the middle of a row even....

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:lol :lol :lol :lol Well - I am soooo glad I got a chuckle, grin or wink on this one and I have good company on it!!!!

Sometimes I'll lookup after I have said it and SING in a mischievious way :devil (now some of you will recognize this Lamb Chop song! - only I changed a couple words!)...

Well honey you know ---- "This is the row that never ends, it just goes on and on my friend, well I began crochetin' it not knowin' what it was - but I continue hookin' it forever just because - this is the row that never ends...(repeat numerous times!) LOLOLOL



Bwahahahahaha.......something else to torture my family with!!!!:devil

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