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We haven't forgotten 9/11

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I posted this link in another thread but this pattern keeps calling me to look and to remember...




The one version seems to be done in greys. (it may just be slate blues but) It still calls my heart to remember and to pray for all of the US and all of us.


I also pray that we never forget what it felt like on that day. People remembered what happened on December 7th for more than 50 years but it seems that 9/11 was all but forgotten within 5 years.


My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. You may bear the brunt of this evil but we are all under the threat.







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i am a 911 call taker and tomorrow we are going to have lunch in memory of all that have fallen before us...I love my job and know that those men and women would tell you the same. I also know that they would give again without hesitation. Thanks to you and all the others who remember. There will be a moment of silence at the time the first tower was hit. 9:48am est.


http://mygooddeed.org/ my friends i just saw this a little while ago and wanted to share this link...It is a wonderful way that we can call keep the values of our heros alive. I intend to do my part and pay it forward every chance i get. Random acts of kindness no matter how small are contagious and they mulitply quickly.

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i am a 911 call taker and tomorrow we are going to have lunch in memory of all that have fallen before us...I love my job and know that those men and women would tell you the same. I also know that they would give again without hesitation. Thanks to you and all the others who remember. There will be a moment of silence at the time the first tower was hit. 9:48am est.


It is this truth that keeps the memory alive for me. When others where running out they were running into the buildings.


I will be praying for you especially tomorrow. Days like this tell you why you do what you do.


Please share this with your fellow workers tomorrow :ghug

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I am in Canada also ~ I remember what I was doing when I heard the news and that I ran outside to tell my husband.

I stood listening and cried.

:ghug This is for all who were affected by this tragedy, and my thoughts and prayers will be with them on the 11th.

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What a powerful thread this is. It brings back so many emotions and memories. For all that was lost and all that we have hopefully learned from that terrible day. May we all remember just for a moment -- all those that gave all...

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Thanks for the reminder I normally watch the news & would be reminded but lately I just haven't wanted to watch news. I'll say a special prayer I will never forget where I was & how I felt that horrible day & for so long after.

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september 11th was one of the worst days in the history of the united states and other countries who were affected by this tragedy. so many people lost their life, and continue to do so to this day in retrospect, we must NEVER forget those who have sacrificed so very much. for all those lives who were lost, you all will live on in memory, personally my family was very lucky that horrible day. my bil worked in the pentagon, where the plane crashed into it, that was his area. but he was on sick leave due to a broken finger he recieved when he and my sister were arm wrestling. but for the grace of god he would not be alive today so we were soooo very blessed. also when richard was injured . he hurts but he is alive. for those of you who lost loved ones or friends, neighbors or just fellow countrymen my heart bleeds for you. please take a moment of silence at the exact time the firstplane hit the tower and say a prayer if you do for helpin ending this reign of terror. may the ones who are responsible for this some day you cowards, you will pay. someday justice will be done and you shall die like you killed all of those innocent people including children. may god bless all of you were and are still effected by this tragedy, as a american i thank you and pray for you all god bless those were lost their lives or anyone you all knew, take care and god bless you all:manyheart :manyheart :manyheart

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Thank you for remembering us, those of you who are writing in from other countries. When I first saw the TV news with the building collapsing, I ran to the phone to call my Dad, then I just stood there, literally unable to remember his telephone number. I was so stunned by the horror of it, and by the thought of the kind of people who could do that ~ I just stood there numb and totally unable to recall my Dad's phone number.


We certainly were shown there IS evil in the world ~ the perps, the aiders and abetters, the financiers, the investigators, those who keep lying and misleading to this day.


Many, many prayers for the departed, the survivors, friends and familys of both. Our hearts are with you. We are not forgetting.

Real Deal

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It is such a horrible thing to know that there is such evil and hatred in this world!:( We will NEVER forget the day that time stood still!

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We will always remember those who lost their lives as well. All those brave men and women facing the unimaginable.


A special happy note: *~* And to all those who have today to celebrate a birthday...Happy birthday...My mom is one of those...may your day be blessed. Your loved ones love you very much and celebrate your special day too.

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Most of us will never forget where we were and what we were doing on this date six years ago. It fills my heart with deep sorrow to think of all the lives that were lost and the loved ones who were affected by the gutless acts of terror from individuals who hate us but won't confront us face to face.


I want to send a special thank you to all the soldiers, policemen, firemen, 911 operators, doctors, nurses, and anyone else that is there in times of disaster along with their families for all that you sacrifice to keep this country of ours safe and free. :ghug

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here in the uk, I was watching tv feeling very tired and morning sick ( I was expecting my first 2nd daughter) and the news came on, all other tv programs were stopped as we watched the full horror of the day unflold....many of my relatives phone me, my dad was on a plane going to boston and flew over the twin towers aprox 2 hours before the first plane hit.....we spent days trying to contact him in the states......the world will never forget the brave souls lost....I cannot believe it is 6 years ago! my prayers and thoughts go to those who lost loved ones.

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I light a candle in memory of 9-11 and it burns most of the day. I read about this on the first anniversay and have done it ever since. It is a day we will never forget.


My thoughts and prayers are with all the victims familys and with the brave young men and women that are fighting overseas today.

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I will always take time on this date to remember the people lost on that day. It's a day that will stand out in my memories for as long as I live. I don't need media reminders to remember to honor those who fell and the ones who worked so hard to rescue the rest. My heart goes out to the families and loved ones who feel the loss daily.

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It is a day that the world changed forever. I do try to say a special prayer for all the lives lost, including so many Firemen and Policemen in New York.


We will never forget.



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last night i was crocheting, my 15-yr-old son was doing homework, and i happened to turn to a tv channel that was showing some of the coverage from that horrible day. my son started asking me questions, did i remember where i was when it happened, how did i find out, how did i feel, how did other people feel, did i go to work. wow. how poignant to recite to my son the emotions of that terrible day.


a few years back my daughter, and fellow villager Ah Leah, went to visit friends in NY, and as well as being intelligent and beautiful, she's also quite a photographer - i was lucky enough that she downloaded or sent me (can't remember which) some of her NY pictures... and this one was particularly touching:


Photographer: Ah Leah

Time: Around New Years three years ago

Place: Near Ground Zero


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Where there is life there is hope..let us all live for those who have gone on before us, so that we may give hope to the future. My prayers are with the family, friends, and service people who live with this every day...

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I know I will never forget this day, the rude awakening I received and the fear I felt when it sunk in what had happened. We were on a remote base out in California, my husband looked at me and said I have to go to work. those words just felt like stones. After all he is in the Navy, who knew what would happen from there. The base went on lockdown and we all felt fearful and unsure as to what might happen next. As my friend said one more day where I will never forget where I was when I heard the news. many many prayers and hugs to all.

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I have made this pattern and it is wonderful as an afghan - and the best part it is FREE!

Let us NEVER forget those lost and left behind by the tragic events of 9/11/01

they and those who defend our country against these horrific acts are in our thoughts and prayers this day...


Free Flag Pattern -


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I've been trying to put feelings into words here, but I just can't find the right ones. Thousands of regular people starting out on a normal Tuesday workday...could have been any of us. I still can't believe my eyes when I see the videotape. We all pulled together in the days and weeks following, but I think a lot of that goodwill and loyalty to each other has faded. Thank you to our overseas friends for remembering us today.

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Thank You everyone for Not Forgetting. I will never ever forget. My son was already in the Navy, my daughter was a Senior in High School, I had gotten her up, I had gone to lay back down, she was getting ready, not to go to School but to go to MEPS as she was doing DEP with the Navy. She suddenly knocked on the bedroom door, asked if I was awake and told me a plane hit a tower in NY, I turned on TV and started watching it all unfold. When the 2nd plane hit, my 1st thought was, "we are under attack" and "I bet Osama is behind it". My heart sank, but it sank even further when I heard a plane hit the Pentagon. I belong to a group of Navymoms, messages started pouring in, concerned we all had a loved one at the Pentagon, sure enough, Navymom Sheila had a son there. We were a small group, less than 100 members and we were family. I stayed glued to the TV and the internet. Sheila, Mike and thier son Matt was in our Prayer's, no word all week long from Matt. I called Sheila Saturday, I'm in Washington St she was in Delaware, we talked forever, we knew in our hearts. I told Sheila abt our candle lighting the night before, how all the candles representing all the victims kept blowing out, but the one lit just for Matt kept burning, I felt it was his way of saying he was at peace. The next day (Sunday) Sheila & Mike got the worst news ever, Matt was one of the victims, hero's to me.


My daughter never made it to MEPS that day, it was rescheduled for the 14th. She left for bootcamp on August 14, 2002, everytime she felt she needed a boost, she pulled out Matt's pic. Matt became all our Sailor's Guardian Angel, I know he was right there watching over my son in law when missles were fired over his ship, I know Matt was right there watching over my daughter on her deployment, he was also watching over her making sure she made it to the hospital when she went in labor and was all alone, I had not flown back yet, I know he was watching over my son when he was in the firefights in Fallujah.


Today I remember all the Victim's/Hero's of 9/11, I remember all those who we have lost in the War on Terrorism, but I especially honor and remember our special Hero, AG2 Matthew Flocco of the Pentagon


Fair Winds and Following Seas Matt, you are missed and loved by many and you will always be in our hearts and Never Forgotten.

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