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Eight-pocket Tote CAL


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I think I'm about halfway done with the back panel. It works up quickly enough, I've just been distracted. Hopefully, I'll finish it tonight and start on the front. I'd post pictures, but it's really quick boring looking thus far - just being natural and all. :smile


Hopefully when I get a bit more, I'll post a picture.


I was looking at this and thinking that it would be a great bag to stuff things in for a Secret Santa exchange we do at work. SO, I think I'm going to have to go out and buy more yarn! Fancy that happening, huh???

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I've been trying to think of who I could make one for too. I want to do mine first to see how it goes then I'll have to think of colors for the gifted ones.

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This would make an awesome Secret Pal gift, there's also the Autumn Purse swap going on, sign-ups until Aug. 25, that this would work for as well, I know i'd LOVE to recieve this as a gift, as i'm sure most of you would too!!


hmmmm...that gives me some ideas too, I just might have too put mine on hold and get yarn for another....decisions, decisions:think

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I think I Picked my colors... the base will be black, and probably white for the edging. I think it would make a great diaper bag, one good for toddlers even. I have a bag that I use all the time for my 27 month old when we go out.


Oh and I'm making it out of simply soft

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I am using Bernat handicrafter cotton, desert rising is the color for the bag, with a sugar and creme beige for the handles. I have to use a G hook to get the gauge right. I am half way through with the back. :hook

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Yup...sorry I forgot to repost them! I'm using Lily cotton in natural/cream and some recycled cotton in a light blue color. I just started tonight....three rows in and counting! You can check my blog for a pic--if you're really bored, that is! :)


this just gave me another great idea! in my thrift shop sweater binge last spring i got a LOT of cotton sweaters....step son's girfriend studying environmental somthing or other....i see an idea starting to take shape!!! i've got a two almost unraveled, one dusy blue and one dusty green that would be perfect...or should i go with the bright orange/raspberry striped sweater/vest combo? oh, no! now what to do?!!! i must set a deadline for picking the colors for the first one or i will hem and haw over this for WEEKS!!!!:blush

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...Thought a nylon cord would work up nice too; kind of like the "Sak" brand purses.


I've done several nylon cord bags....this pattern would be perfect!!...here i go again...i've got to stop reading all these great ideas so i can make a decision. :no

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I can't wait to see some of the colors.
I'm finished with all my pieces, except the straps and button tab. I haven't put it together I was thinking it might be easier for me to get the size of the lining from the pieces rather then the bag sewen together. I was debating on the lining fabric color. I have a ton of white, and could use that instead of getting more fabric and having left over. If I decide to do a different color, I thought I could take one of the pockets to match it (in case there wasn't the yarn there).
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I can't wait to see some of the colors.

I'm finished with all my pieces, except the straps and button tab. I haven't put it together I was thinking it might be easier for me to get the size of the lining from the pieces rather then the bag sewen together. I was debating on the lining fabric color. I have a ton of white, and could use that instead of getting more fabric and having left over. If I decide to do a different color, I thought I could take one of the pockets to match it (in case there wasn't the yarn there).



WTG:cheercan't wait too see it done :)

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I am getting so impatient waiting for my yarn to arrive. I want to start this and have fun too. :thair I can't wait to see what the colors I choose look like together. Today I went to AC Moore and they are finally putting out the new yarn. They had Vanna White's yarn and Paton Grace which is 100% cotton. Sugar and cream you can now get in a big roll or cone. The new yarn I seen seem to be softer and of medium weight, a lot of cotton yarn hitting the market . Maybe I should had tried my LYS first before ordering at Joann's oh well you live and learn. :devil Hopefully by next week I will have my yarn in the mean time I will continue to work on the two WIP that I am doing.:hook Hugs :manyheart

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Sorry Nance! Didn't mean to give you yet another idea! ;) Maybe you can just make a million of these bags and give them away as gifts! Oops...maybe I shouldn't have said that either!:heehee Anyway, I'm sure you'll pick the option that you'll enjoy the most, and that's the important thing, right?


Thanks to my preschool kiddos napping well today, I finished the back panel and got a good start on the front today. I may have that finished before bed tonight. This pattern works up so quickly that I've almost been forgetting to pay attention to when I'm doing sc and dc...I have to keep double checking to make sure I didn't just lose my brain somewhere along the way! But it's sure nice to work on something where I can see the progress!


Happy crocheting everybody! :)

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Oh, none of is truly sorry for giving each other new ideas! It's just too much fun sharing and playing with yarn together!


Well, I was a bit impatient to get yarn for the second bag. So, I picked up some more yarn at JoAnns. Really, I should not be given the option of walking over there when my car is having an oil change and some other maintenance done. Really, it's evil and wrong for those places to be so close together. :devil


I picked out Bernat Handicrafter in Rose Pink for the main and Sugar n' Cream Patio Pinks for the handles. I'm really excited about the colors. I really don't like pinks that much, but it's the favorite color of the person I'm giving this to, so it's acceptable!

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Well I've started on the back of my bag. I'm using 2 strands and an "I" hook. I'm doing simply soft in black for the main part of the bag. Then when its time for the other color, I'll see what color I feel like using. I plan on using this as my daily bag, so I wanted to make sure it was sturdy enough to hold my stuff.

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I'm (very) slowly but surely making progress on this bag - usually just a few rows here and there inbetween working in other projects with earlier deadlines. I'm almost done with the back - or front - I guess they're the same - anyway, almost done with the first part.

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:c9 Morning everyone, I am praying that my yarn arrives soon. Renee I am so jealous that you can walk to Joann. The colors you picked sounds delicious for I love all the family of pinks. Have a great day everyone.
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I can only walk when I'm getting my car worked on! If I try to walk any other time, I have to cross a highway!!


Am nearly done with my front side!! Whee!!

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Well I finished the front or back of my tote, then had a customer come into the shop and wanted to know if I could turn that into a purse. So I folded it in half and seamed up the sides, added handles and off it went. Not sure if I'll re-start it or not.

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Well I finished the front or back of my tote, then had a customer come into the shop and wanted to know if I could turn that into a purse. So I folded it in half and seamed up the sides, added handles and off it went. Not sure if I'll re-start it or not.

How inventive!:hook

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Well, I've finished the front and back panels and just started the gusset. I am going to look for material tonight while I'm at Wal-mart and see if I can find something I like for the lining. I'm also considering putting some plastic canvas in under the lining to make the bag sturdy...definitely on the bottom, and possibly on the sides. I really don't like floppy bags, especially ones I am carrying my projects in, as I plan to do with this one. So, we'll see how it shapes up!

Keep up the good work, everyone! :)

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Well, I've finished the front and back panels and just started the gusset. I am going to look for material tonight while I'm at Wal-mart and see if I can find something I like for the lining. I'm also considering putting some plastic canvas in under the lining to make the bag sturdy...definitely on the bottom, and possibly on the sides. I really don't like floppy bags, especially ones I am carrying my projects in, as I plan to do with this one. So, we'll see how it shapes up!

Keep up the good work, everyone! :)

The plastic canvas is a great idea!

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I finished mine about a week ago and have already been using it. It is a nice looking tote and holds alot. I wasn't sure if I would like that many pockets but have found them very useful. It is bigger than it appears in the pattern. I made mine with light blue as MC and a varigated blue as the CC because I was using what I had. I used the bag as a brief case for a meeting tonight and immediately got many compliments on the bag! I like it so much that I would like another one; after all, you can't have too many totes, lol.


I did not line the inside of the bag and may do so on the next one.


I hope you all enjoy this as much as I do!



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