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doesn't it bug you when...

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...when you have a full skien of yarn and you have to pull the guts out of it to find the end because it's not peeking out like it should be?

I just had to pull the guts out of two skiens because of that, which to me defeats the purpose and irritates me as well...


what little crochetie things bug you? :blush

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The things that bug me are when you're in the middle of a stitch and a knot shows up in the stitch because the company just tied two ends together (even worse when it shows because it's on the wrong side of the sweater). The other thing that bugs me is when you buy a bunch of gorgeous purple Satin Sport yarn and 3 of the skeins have horrible mistakes in the middle such as a giant fat hunk of yarn that goes on for a foot or two.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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It seems like the having-to-pull-the-guts-out thing has been happening to me more and more recently. Drives me nuts!:thair


It seems like every so often I'll have to make the same stitch 3 or 4 times because I absolutely can't get coordinated enough to get it right the first try. YO and pull through how many loops? LOL. It's usually a good sign that I should quit for the night, though. :yawn

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I think for me, my biggest issue is the 'guts' thing. I mean, they're called pull-skeins for a reason right? I don't mind too much if I don't have to yank the entire guts out because if it's only a small amount, I'll probably be using it up pretty quick.

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I hate to find bad spots as I'm crocheting. I just used some boucle that had a lot of places where the yarn was just a piece of string with the fuzzy part missing. I had a similar problem with a beaded yarn.

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Sewing up bugs me I have dragged out sewing up a blanket over this week because if I do it in one day I get all exited and at the end upon sewing the last stitch I get a migraine. I have a little to go which will be finished today. If I get a migraine I will fume lol. Hopefully I will be able to take a picture tomorow to show everyone. I will let you know if i get a migraine.

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The things that bug me are when you're in the middle of a stitch and a knot shows up in the stitch because the company just tied two ends together (even worse when it shows because it's on the wrong side of the sweater). The other thing that bugs me is when you buy a bunch of gorgeous purple Satin Sport yarn and 3 of the skeins have horrible mistakes in the middle such as a giant fat hunk of yarn that goes on for a foot or two.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K



I hope you reported that to the manufacturer. :yes

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Pulling out the miidle just to find the end is a pain! I hate it when you start a project and then halfway through find there is a huge tangle inside that comes out as a lump. You have to stop everything to sort that out before continuing! I am to the point now where I roll all of my yarn into a ball before I start, that way if there is a place where the yarn is tied together, I find that too.

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I had to pick trash out of a skein of homespun in several spots, huge chunks of yellow paper!:eek Made me wonder if they picked it up off the floor and continued winding. I really wish I had gotten a pic and complained to LB, but I was anxious to finish hubby's blanket .:blush:hook

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i hate that also. the majority of the time i just make divide it in half(2 balls) or just 1 large ball. there's on brand of yarn(can't think of name brand right now) that has no "pull out" string. i can't be sure, i think it's Lion Brand 16 oz. size. i like there yarn, but hate to have to wind it up before starting a blanket, then when i get towards the end it gets all tangled up.



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If I can't find the beginning, I just use the end and let the skein roll all over the floor. It's a pain but it's less stressful than digging around for the beginning.


I also have a problem with some skeins that you have to wind into balls. I have all of the equipment, but sometimes it still gets tangled. That drives me nuts.


Personally, I hate when I discover a mistake in my piece when I've gone too far to frog back to the mistake. Finally, I'm annoyed with myself that I just discovered that I crochet backwards. I'm a lefty and obviously learned from a righty. But in addition to crocheting from left to right, I insert the hook from the back to the front (so I wind the yarn around the hook backwards too when doing double, treble etc.)

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I hate gutting a skein. I also hate when you buy a very pretty yarn and it has the worst inconsistancy ever making your project look like poo.. that happened to me with this scarf made from homespun. the yarn was HORRIBLE, it was a very bad batch. It was thick then it would get very skinny, then get thick then skinny.. it made the scarf look like i was an inept beginner. grrrr...I also hate the knot thing in the middle of the project.

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i hate both of those problems and normally if i end up having to pull a large amount of yarn out i cut it and then go from there, then i wind the other up into a ball, but what irritates me beyond is finding the knots, especially when its in a skein of yarn that i paid 20.00 for, last time that happened i took it back. i was so mad. stupid yarn companys need to pay attention to what is going on with their product.:angry:angry:angry

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I agree ... contact the manufacturer in writing. Mention your "disappointment" that there was a defect in 3 of the 4 skeins of their product named such-and-such that you purchased at XYZ store ... in other words let the manufacturer know they might lose the store's business as well as yours.


I betcha you'll receive a free yarn coupon ...


Once I opened a certain tea company's box that didn't have the little china figure in it like it should have. I wrote the company, mentioned where I'd bought it and poof within a coupla weeks I received a "so sorry" letter and a coupon for several boxes of tea.


You are the customer...never forget that YOU have rights when they have wronged you.

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I used to only buy skeins that had an obvious end, yes I looked at the store and even dug a little to see if it is right there. But lately because of the color differences, I have been getting yarn all from one lot instead, which means I have had a few instances. Also, the 12 oz sugar and cream was awful for finding the end.


I also hate the knots. I had one 8'' into a skein that I was using so one of my client's could crochet a baby blanket for her new nephew. I wouldn't have noticed my skein being 8'' short now would I???


Weaving ends is my least favorite thing. I have a blanket I made for me that still has ends poking out. My reasoning is, if I tuck them in I might want to give it away. hehe.


Another thing that bugs me is when I am using one companies yarn and one color is a different texture. It really messes up the tension.


Good job I like this hobby so much, lol, or all of these things would seem so much worse!!!

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good idea Idyer 1! To only buy skeins that have obvious tails to easily be pulled out........I can se where you would not be able to do that all the time, but it is something to keep in mind to do when possible!

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I can't tell you how many times I have to dig through a bin to find a skein that hasn't been manipulated by someone who obviously doesn't know what they're doing! :no

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I thought I was the only one with this problem! I have been getting better though. I find that if I squish the skein so that it is shorter and wider, then stick my fingers in from each side so that they are in the hollow middle and just pull a little of what is in the very middle, I usually pull out just a couple of feet and the end is there!

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I HATE pulling out the middle! But I have to. Every skein of yarn I get seemed to be all messed up and tangled before I've even touched it! The worst are the worsted weight cotton skeins. You have to pull out so much before you find the end. Sometimes I'll get lucky and find a skein with a tail showing and then i pull the tail to start and its tangled. Oh my gosh! I get so angry! My husband could tell you a couple of stories!

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I just go ahead and suffer...pulling out a whole WAD instead of a single strand. I'd rather have that than have to have the hassle of pulling the yarn from the outside of the skein.

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