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2,000th post

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Well this is my 2000th post. It only seems like yesterday that I discovered this place and I have had so much fun here, and met so many remarkable people from across the globe.


I am a sentimental type so thought I would make a special 2,000th anniversary post. :manyheart


I started to crochet before I went to school. I must have been about 4 or 5 and learnt to both knit and crochet before I could write. When I was a little kid I would make things for my doll. I remember during the 60s making flowers on a flower making tool and crocheting these together to make belts, and those silly crochet sandle things.


My Nana used to crochet as did my Mum. My nana used to dress those rigid dolls with the stiff bodies and legs. She would make fluffy skirts with them. She would also crochet edges on hankies, and make afghans.


When I was 10 I remember making my self a poncho out of fluoro yarn. I thought I was so cool. When I was 13 I made a granny sqaure vest in maroons and pinks. I rememeber also making bikinis for my cousins and working on some hideous purple velor slack suit for a girl that worked with my mum.


I dipped out of crochet during the Uni years. When I was married my mum gave us the most amazing wheat table cloth done in a 40 cream cotton. In fact I must take a photo of it to share with you. She died of renal failure, on Mothers day when she was 52 and I was 24. I remember her sitting on the dialysis machine crocheting. Both my Nana and Mum died several years back now, but I have a collection of their work.


I had kids, and crocheted little jackets and shawls for them. All of these are tucked away with camphor in the cupboard.


I then started making an afghan a year and would give these away. As my kids played cricket, (which goes for ever), I would always drag my crochet along while I watched. More recently, now that I have saturated the rug and scarf market in the family and friends I spend my crochet time making things for the school fair, or designing stuff just for fun. My brother died at age 42 on Christmas Eve 2 years ago and one of the things I found in his belongings was a crocheted rug. I have no idea where it came from, but I kept it.


It was after his death that I threw myself back into crochet. I was now experienced enough and skilled enough to start designing. I didnt care what people thought any more, It was really just the relaxation of thinking of something obscure, and then crocheting it. Crochet is not really a Gold Coast thing as it is subtropical beach environment with an outdoors lifestyle, but it is fantastic therapy. You can ponder and reflect while you are counting dcs, and the rythum is soothing. I have been also enjoying selling some of my handmade crochet stores on etsy and this gives me a real buz to think that something I have made is off to Seattle or Austria.


I appreciate all that I have learnt here over my 2,000 posts. I stumbled across this place looking for a pattern for a spiral scarf. I found the scarf pattern, and a whole lot more! This is a wonderfully kind and creative place with a fantastic code of ethics and comradery.


Now that was a totally boring and self absorbed post. :P Unfortunately I dont have any thing inspirational to say, only that I love to crochet and it has always been a part of my life.


Thanks for listening.

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Wow. That was neither boring nor self absorbed. It was very interesting! We should all do it when we hit post #2000. Congratulations. And your designs are delightful!

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Unfortunately I dont have any thing inspirational to say, only that I love to crochet and it has always been a part of my life.


Actually, I thought your entire post was uplifting and inspirational. Thanks for sharing.:hug

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That's some "milestone" cupcake ! I'm sure your mother and nana are proud of you.


Lots of people here ( myself included) have enjoyed your patterns and that thought itself must be so gratifying.


You deserve more than just a pat on the back . Three cheers for cupcake :D


Thanks for sharing those straight-from-the-heart vignettes . Lets hope we'll get to see many more posts from the talented lady.


Good luck and God bless !


lacy ( lazy? ) lucy :D

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Congratulations!!! 2000 posts is heaps. A milestone definately worthy of taking a moment to reflect and ponder your journey. Your posts are appreciated. Your patterns are fabulous and we love seeing what your creative mind and nimble fingers come up with. Hugs. :hug

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I may not speak for the whole ville, but I sure do love your stories and projects. They are usually interesting:scrachin , educational :book and definetely lots of fun.:rofl

Congrats on the 2,000 post and hope you continue to show us your fun and interesting ideas.:hook

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Thank you for such a heartwarming and sincere story of your journey in life. It has been such a pleasure for me in these past few months since I have joined the "Ville" to read about your life and share your patterns and projects. Your designs are always wonderful and I always look forward to the next new thing that you and others have created.


I have gotten a new obsession since I found this group which has enriched my life tremendously. I never would have tried many of the projects I am now creating without this group.


I look forward to the next 2000 posts from you!

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Congratulations cupcake! What a milestone!


I love to read other peoples stories about how they started crocheting, what inspires them and so on...and that story was so uplifting. Thank you for sharing it.

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Thanks for all your wonderful comments. Winter has finally hit here on the Coast which makes it good crochet weather. I am currently making tea cosies, as it is good teas drinling weather. ( what else is there??)

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I love your patterns, and really appreciate the fact that, despite being a professional designer, you share so many of them for free. Your post was very interesting to read. Crochetville is an important part of my life, too, and, like you, I particularly treasure the opportunity to "meet" crochet-lovers across the globe. All the best, for lots more posts, lots more crocheting, and many, many more of your unique, creative designs.

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