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What's on your hook for Christmas?

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Has anybody started with their holiday crocheting yet? I have two WIPs on the hook right now - a drawstring purse and a beaded bracelet for my 11 yo DD. I'm thinking about trying socks for the first time as she has told me for the past year that she wanted some funky-looking socks. So we shall see. :sheepxmas

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i was thinking about it yesterday, im going to start making bags later this month, and maybe a HH Short N Sweet for my mum or sister

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A teacozy, some snowflakes, and the way things are going, I may resort to cozies for computers!

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I am way ahead. I already have a tablecloth finished, and some ornaments finished. Have 2 treasure box foot rests done also. Currently I am working on another tablecloth and some more ornaments.

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Good idea to sticky this thread!


I have been thinking of making quite a few of those comfort packs on the CrochetMe website for almost all of the people on my list---they are so pretty and so useful. I might put lavender oil in them so they have extra relaxation power. (I would post a link, but I am not sure how to do it without stealing bandwidth, so I won't.)


Last year I wanted to make afghans for everyone and that turned into a stressful mess; There are a few people who might get one, but this year I want to stick to smaller projects.


I also will probably make some hats and scarves, maybe a purse/tote or two, maybe a few stuffed animals or other toys for the kiddies (not mine--cousins and a nephew).


I also am going to start now instead of . . . well, the last minute. :)



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Well I had planned to do some sweaters and the like, but...I had so much fun with the accessories swap that I'm planning to do beaded jewelry, and also to try my hand at felting (again. The first time I accidentally used superwash. :blush )

Jackie- I pick and choose who I give handmade things to. For instance, everyone in my family loves handmade items. Hubby's aunt may like them, too, since she's a knitter and has made several things for my girls. His mom, on the other hand...really doesn't have an "appreciation" for them, so she usually gets something store-bought as well. (I made her a Martha poncho a while back because she had seen one on TV and raved about it- and I haven't seen her wear it even once. :( )

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I cheat when it comes to Christmas. My stack of presents is already made. I get the Christmas spirit in January after all the craziness of the holidays. Besides I get most of my supplies for half price in the after Christmas sales. Our tree stays up until mid-january because step-dad was ukranian and now its tradition. Its cold and snowy outside (in January) and I pull out my new patterns and some of the old and get busy. I also know who have been naughty and nice and who deserves a "home-made" gift from me. This term has been used both positively and negatively . Negative people get dollar store soap,which I view as coal (in their stocking)and I'm not above re-gifting. To those who appreciate my work, I have listened to their wish lists and noted their color schemes and written it all down, and I'm usually done by the end of February Sometimes I give in, and they get the gift for their birthday. I write down what I made each person and where their gift is stored on my new calendar on the December page and I have been known to wrap some of the presents.

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Has anybody started with their holiday crocheting yet?




We have a comedian here, folks!


Hee hee... in all honesty, though, no, I haven't given holiday gifts much of a thought yet this year... I'm hoping that I will be able to afford to buy things for family this year, as it seems the homemade gifts are starting to lose their novelty with some people... hehehe...

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I am just starting to think about Christmas. I will be making lapghans again for the nursing home this year. Also, felted totes, and maybe some slippers.

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Just started socks, but I got a bunch of patterns/kits for tp toppers that I am going to start on. Anyone know a good dog-toy gift idea? Our family has 4 dogs all together, so I am expected to make something for the "kids". -Jamie

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I have almost finished an ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS shawl for my mom. It just needs the edging finished. The best part for me is that (all be it very simple stitches) it's my very first "original" design! Even I like it so it has to be pretty good. LOL!

I've started a HUGE (didn't know it would be that huge :blush ) afghan for my brother. I may however frog what I have and downsize it considerably... like to a nice throw...lol. I started it before I had much crochet experience and just kept saying "Hmmm... I don't think that's big enough for a blanket"... duh... now I know to MEASURE the chain, not just eyeball it. ROFLMBO... It's probably 6 feet wide...:2eek:ohdear

My DH actually ASKED me for a crochet bathrobe!! I'm so thrilled he wants it I'll have to make it but the thought of sleeves makes me cringe!

Stuffed animals or cradle purses for the little ones in my life... If my fingers haven't fallen off by then we'll see what else I can do... :loco nothing like an overly ambitious newbie is there folks???:hook:sofunny:rofl

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Wow! All of you above are so ambitious. While we were away, I was able to crochet two small Christmas stockings in red and green that will be filled with chocolate kisses for someone. I'm not sure what will be next for me.



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I haven't started yet...but I plan on making something crocheted for almost everyone. My DH suggested Helmetliner type hats for his sons (as I am making them for the troops right now)so I might do that as I had no idea for them. The females will get kitchen items and the children...I will think of something.

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A computer cozy? Do share!


A twentieth-century slipcover! Actually, I made them up, but they probably wouldn't be too hard to do. Hmm, now let's see, if I used Fun Fur and left a gap for the cables . . . :compute

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I'm still trying to get summer top fiinshed! It's taking longer since I'm (cringe) :blush knitting it. I'll be making crocheted dishcloths and potholders for Christmas, they're fun & fast and everybody I know likes them.

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I have a shawl or my Grams going... but I ran out o yarn and can't seem to ind what I need to finish ( ggrrrr)


Fishy toys rom Timeless Treasures website for all the boys and their pets...probably some for my furbabies too..


Coasters, dishcoths , and scrubbies as stocking stuffers since all but one of my kiddos is an adult....AND I am going to crochet their stockings this eyar with some o those bright colors red heart hasout and trim them with contrasting fun fur.....like hot pink with black trim to look like a show girl boot or something :D Kristen's little stufies for the neices and nephews....knitting needle case and stitch markers for mom and MIL...

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