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Boxing Day 2020 CAL Share any charity work!


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my hubby still works,its the month off in Dec. when school shuts down,or like the snow days this past Thurs. & Fri.forced 4 day weekend,ugh !!! he is an organizer and lets just say I am not,I'll look for something and he's moved it "some place better"

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I can appreciate the "married for better and for worse but not for lunch" thinking, but I have to say that I would give just about anything (but my eternal soul) to have had my husband around for the last 30 years.  My husband and I each had different interests and hobbies so we could share space all summer while he was not teaching.  To this day I will often see something and say... Oh I must tell Phil about this.

sorry.  this thread just touched a chord I guess. 

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Hey Darski, I have quite a few friends that are very young widows and I try to hold my complaints to a minimum when I am around them. 30 years is a long time to miss someone you love and I am very sorry. My grandmother outlived my grandfather by 40+ years and said the same as you. 

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1 hour ago, babypoohsmom said:

Hey Darski, I have quite a few friends that are very young widows and I try to hold my complaints to a minimum when I am around them. 30 years is a long time to miss someone you love and I am very sorry. My grandmother outlived my grandfather by 40+ years and said the same as you. 

I shouldn't have barged into this conversation but I think the fact that my friend recently had the 1st anniversary of her husband's death has got me thinking along those lines. 

I've always been of the opinion that men and women are 2 separate species and humour is the only thing that gets us thru.  Love y'all and sorry I intruded in an interesting thread.

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Finished this tonight.  I finally checked the pattern and it is by Patricia Klonoski. Is that Darski or did I just get this confused? Maybe Darski just recommended it to me. This is made with the Walmart brand yarn. 


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Darski always glad to hear whats on your mind or in your heart.  

Hey Denise its a senior community.  Everything is during the day and some things start at 8am!  Their New Year's Eve bash was well over with by 9pm---- well it was midnight somewhere. Dh is horrible at keeping his schedule straight and always wants to do it all.  Gives no thought whatsoever about logistics of it.  One potluck on Sat and two Sun----no problem I am the one left figuring it out.   We married in our 40's and even though we have been married 22 years he still lives his life in bachelor mode in many respects. In this case his solution is still to just take a bag of chips (and these are really not bag of chip type potlucks!). After we were married at grocery store he  would count out exactly enough bananas for himself for the week.   Hey wait a minute I eat bananas too.  Back when he joined the volunteer fire department instead of discussing things like how it was going to affect our schedules/lives I was told "I don't care how you feel about it" and on the move I was told "I am moving with or without you.  That's your choice."   I do remind him that I recall saying something about til death do we part but nothing was said about natural causes and do you really want to go there with the person that prepares all your food knowing she worked in a hospital laboratory (you know majored in biology minored in chemistry ---like do you not know how much salmonella is in raw chicken???) not to mention what was it my conceal carry instructor told you after I took the class you INSISTED I take-------something about good aim tight pattern.  By then he is guess thats not too smart is it and we are both laughing.  

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6 minutes ago, pineknott said:

my daughter lost her husband a yr ago also

I am meeting many ladies here that have lost their husbands-----some years ago and one just last Thurs.  Dh rescued one in the parking lot last week.  She started across parking lot before she realized it was slick.  He was cleaning off the car and helped her on across.  She was so greatful.  

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Brenda, old habits really are hard for some people to break. My friend always says her husband believes in elves and Santa because he thinks all the work that goes into Christmas just magically happens and poof everything is ready. Some people just live in their own little world. Sounds like you need to find a simple, no cook dish, like salad, or an easy dessert to take to all those potlucks.

darski, sometimes we need reminding of our blessings. So may different perspectives are one of the things that makes this group interesting.

Denise, cute dress. I like how the variegated made a diagonal stripe.

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21 hours ago, babypoohsmom said:

Finished this tonight.  I finally checked the pattern and it is by Patricia Klonoski. Is that Darski or did I just get this confused? Maybe Darski just recommended it to me. This is made with the Walmart brand yarn. 


Looks beautiful.  This isn't one of Darski's but she has many amazing patterns that have helped us all over the years it's easy enough to think it might be one of hers.

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22 hours ago, babypoohsmom said:

Finished this tonight.  I finally checked the pattern and it is by Patricia Klonoski. Is that Darski or did I just get this confused? Maybe Darski just recommended it to me. This is made with the Walmart brand yarn. 


I do love this look but not one of mine.  I love the effect of the vari yarn here.

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I love this craft using a pop bottle - even though I am not overly adept at glue and stuff.  I plan to donate this to a young woman whose dear friend is dealing with cancer and not faring well.  I'm thinking that Sherry could put a little something in this to help her friend along.  It took a whole lot of planning and fussing to get this so I don't think I will make another.




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a question to consider.  I was part of the stashbusting CAL and was doing rather well while I was crocheting.  so. I saw this yarn at my Dollarama and wanted to use it to cover this wreath form.  I have been debating -in my little pea brain_ whether it would qualify as a yarn purchase since it was for a craft and not for crochet.  Food for thought hmnnn




actually I don't think I could have crocheted with this yarn as it has bobbles instead of regular fake fur.


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Oh my gosh, so that involves cutting the bottle and getting it into the heart shape...then gluing it in place? I would need at least two extra hands to do that!  Kudos to you!  It is very pretty and I'm sure it will be appreciated by both of them.  

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3 minutes ago, pineknott said:


I would think it counted as used for points whether for crafts or crochet

Oh well... good thing I don't have to count anymore but then I have 3 huge bags of yarn that I am donating would have hundreds of points for those. :rofl


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darski, I can't even imagine how much trouble the soda bottle project must have been or how you can even reshape the bottle. Such pretty results!

Yes, if it's yarn, whatever kind, it would count when you bought it, but also going out as used whether you crocheted or crafted. Giving away yarn is what got me in the positives last year.

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