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Boxing Day 2020 CAL Share any charity work!


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Sounds like you did a good thing for them.  So I guess we are on for next year?

It is nice to know things are appreciated.  I know, I think it was last year, when you walked in, one of the boys said, here comes the cool stuff.

Thanks for doing this Chris.  For me it is fun and keeps me out of trouble.

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Hi everyone, my iPad is misbehaving again. I need to get it backed up and replaced. I was hoping the Apple Store would open and I could just pay someone to do it for me, but desperate times call for desperate measures, as they say. 

Darski, I love the card. I tossed my glue sticks away ages ago. Double sided tape isn't as cheap as glue but boy it does make a difference. 

Bailey, so glad that the donations were well received and that they will make it to the children who need them the most. I have two dresses made that I finished too late in the year to send, so I guess we have a head start on 2021. Please let 2021 be kinder! 

I'm still making those "lovies". I need to take pictures of the new ones. Just waiting to figure out where to donate them.  I haven't done much research because something always comes up. A few years ago I didn't think I'd find a place to donate dish clothes but I did. 

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Hi....here is a picture of the little lovies I have finished. I have one more on the hook. I was apparently too tired the other night when I worked on it and last night spent about an hour ripping and fixing it. How did I mess up a granny's square?


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Right pattern, wrong yarn...

My friend made a beautiful blanket from the aptly named Beautiful Shells pattern. I was awake in the middle of the night again last night so I decided to try it. I love the pattern, but this is the wrong yarn, by a long shot. I'm probably going to try the Red Heart ombré which has a very slow color change.


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Well the holiday sales have been good to the 2021 doll donation.

I have secured 2 Our Generation Dolls online from Target with a buy one get one 1/2 off deal. 

I got the Lots to Love 10 inch and 14 inch dolls from a Black Friday deal online at Walmart which I was thrilled about because they had stopped selling the 10" for a bit and I was afraid I was going to have to go elsewhere for it.  I liked the patterns I found for it last year.  The 14" is new this year but I have some outfits I want to try and I'm sending some patterns to my Mom to knit that are designed for the 14" Lots to Love that I got at the Mary Maxim $.99 digital pattern sale. I also got her some 8 and 10 inch baby doll patterns and 3 new 18 inch knit doll patterns.  I think she will be happy.

The My Life Doll I usually get was sold out at Walmart but none of them were on sale so I have a year to get them so not in a rush or concern by any means.

I need to get the 8" doll from CRC Crafts and they have a Rag Doll that I want to try this year as well.  Again no sales so no rush there either.  I also want to get some 8" dolls for myself to continue my holiday dolls.

I stocked up last year on the 16" baby dolls when Amazon had a crazy deal on the ones I use so I'm good for a couple of seasons there.  I'm feeling pretty good about getting started for next year!!!

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Wow Bailey...I think we are all excited for 2021, but you really are getting things going! Glad that you found some deals on the dolls you like.  Last year I saw some My Life dolls marked down at Walmart. For whatever reason I didn't buy them and the next time I went back, they were gone. I'll keep my eyes open again. 

My hats need to get delivered somewhere soon. I have not had the time to get downtown to the veterans shelter. I have a day off next week, so maybe I will finally get them dropped off. 

What are you guys planning for Christmas? My brother from VA won't be coming this year because we decided that he just doesn't need to be on a plane right now. Tomorrow is the Bears/Packers game in Green Bay that we were supposed to go to this year. Watching it on TV will be bittersweet. I have one cousin in WI that is an ICU nurse and he has been working 56 hours a week in the Covid unit since March. I have another cousin in WI that works for Pfiser. She was involved with checking the clinic trial data for the placebo group. So hopefully we can get a defensive move on the virus soon. 

I love that Bailey is attacking 2021 and letting it know she means business!!   

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Christmas is one of the best times of the year to buy dolls as there are all kinds of Christmas sales.  I don't mind storing them and the saving allow me to do more.  Last year I stocked up on the baby dolls when the prices dropped and I haven't seen them drop in price since.  I have them in my Amazon wish list and if they drop I will pick up a few more to store.  It doesn't hurt to have them on hand.

Like Thanksgiving I expect Christmas to be quiet this year.  We normally have a big Christmas Eve bash with both sides of the family at our house but not exactly a COVID friendly event.  I'm looking for some outdoor light event where we perhaps can be outside and socially distanced before Christmas so we can see each other.  So far most of the events I've seen are drive throughs which kind of defeats the idea that we can be socially distanced outdoors and be together.  So we will see what happens.

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I love the lovey.  What a beautiful color match.

Well my first donations for next year arrived from my Mom right before Thanksgiving and I had the chance to take pictures and post them.  They were the reason I was so glad to get the deal on the Our Generation dolls as her outfits fit that doll better than the My Life.  She also sent me an outfit for the 16" Baby Doll.

First Doll Donations for 2021


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Those outfits are adorable. I like the hoodie sweatshirt!  It's great that you have a nice headstart on 2021, you know, just in case it throws us a curveball like 2020 did. 31 days to go and we can get rid of this ridiculous year! 

I was going to start a scarf for my SIL's mother tonight (Christmas gift) but I made the mistake of sitting down to "just watch the start of the Monday night football game". Oops. I should have known better! Better luck tomorrow maybe. I picked a pattern called The Mindless Scarf, but I think I took the mindless part too far tonight! 

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It's funny my Mom NEVER made doll clothes when I was a kid.  Now she LOVES making doll clothes from Barbie sized to the big 18" dolls.  It's good she has something to keep her busy especially now when getting out is so limited with COVID.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I think making the fidget sleeves will bring you more joy that Christmas decorations.

We haven't has a normal Christmas tree for 15 years because we always seem to have foster kittens at this time of year. I wouldn't trade back if you paid me!

You're a super star for doing such a wonderful thing for someone who can never really thank you. 

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Denise it did seem more important to do the sleeves.  I have always been happy with just the lights on a tree which is where we are so far.  I love sitting and looking at the lights.    Didnt get it up last year because we moved in on Dec 12. I did decorate the tree outside by our front door and the boxwood along the sidewalk.  My I'll be gnome for Christmas garden flag is out front.  The gnome for the holidays sign is on the door along with a wreath.  Had dh move some of my concrete gnomes to the front to put where our bonsai trees were in the summer.  I got my mom's ceramic trees out right after Thanksgiving.  Christmas cards are mailed.  The few simple presents I needed are bought.  Just no decorations on the tree.  I miss our TC at Christmas.  I put "decorations" at the bottom of the tree specially for her to play with.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well ladies! We've made it to another Boxing Day.  I can't say I am sad to see 2020 in the rear view, but I think it came along to teach us lessons about gratitude.  I think we all have a tendency to take things for granted or rush through days and weeks without reflection.  

I don't need New Year's Eve to take stock of the things that mattered to me this year...my Dad's health, my steady job (that I all too often let take control of my moods), and my ability, no matter how small, to give back.  

Thank you all for everything you do, and for being such a great group of inspiring friends!  I hope to see you all in 2021. 


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