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Afghan For Sis


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I made this afghan for my sis as a thank you. The yarns are from a box of different brand "purples" I have had in my stash for some time. I also made the baby Granny from this stash when my last great grand Savannah was born. I'm now making a third afghan out of all these purples and just might have enough for one more baby afghan after that! Good thing it's not for me.....I'd be sick of purple by now! LOL

The pattern was from looking at several different patterns and putting them together. 6" squares; 6 X 8 squares. Needless to say, my sister loves the afghan. Yay!



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  • 3 weeks later...

Awwww- Thank you ladies.


lynnf2012;  I looked at about a dozen different patterns at the time I was trying to make up my mind and wound up winging it and frogging several times. I tried writing a pattern up and it was not a pretty site. I leave that up to the experts. Sorry.

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