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Our House Part Two


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What beautiful gifts, Tammy!  Sounds like you've been super busy.


I've read one of my books and played games on the computer so far today.  And made and had lunch.  It's hot out and I'm just not in a very energetic mood today.  Although I'm thinking of making a run to Michael's as they've got a sale on from 3 -7 day where you get 25% of your whole purchase.  That's tempting me.

I've been trying to keep my crocheting going while all the driving to baseball games and such this summer!   So I did manage to get a good few things done!


Oh... I know... I want to do a Michael's run too.................. but I have so many things around here I need to get done.    :sigh....




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Wonderful gifts, Tam!!


Linda, did you get out to Michaels?


Did  a little crocheting today - not a lot. I worked on the baby boy RR and the thread scarf for me....going from one to the other means neither one is finished yet :lol


Have a good night, my friends :hug

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Wonderful gifts, Tam!!


Linda, did you get out to Michaels?


Did  a little crocheting today - not a lot. I worked on the baby boy RR and the thread scarf for me....going from one to the other means neither one is finished yet :lol


Have a good night, my friends :hug

LOL.... I do that two... work a little on this... a little on that.... :lol

So much I want to make... so little time... LOL

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Tam - what beautiful gifts you've made!! 


Joanne - no HL trip yesterday--DD wanted to take the puppy shopping to get her some more things, so that's what we did.  Also no crocheting either :(   I was really tired by the time we got home and today we had to do grocery shopping. Glad you got some "me" time and some R&R time!


Judy - glad you got some crochet time in.  Just keep working on those WIPs and they will soon be done.


Tomorrow night I have a meeting so probably no crocheting then either.  I'm going to look in my stash and see if I have enough of one color to start on my friend's prayer shawl.  That way I can take it with me for a few days and work on it during my lunch.  Youngest GS called tonight wanting to spend the night tomorrow, told him no it'd have to be Tuesday--he was very sad and cried.  So I promised I'd eat lunch with him tomorrow--I'm hoping it's something that I can eat (or want to eat--the cook isn't a very good cook), and that seemed to make him a little bit happy. 


Well it's time to go and rest!  Have a great evening all!

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Tam - what beautiful gifts you've made!!  Thanks dear!!!


Joanne - no HL trip yesterday--DD wanted to take the puppy shopping to get her some more things, so that's what we did.  Also no crocheting either :(   I was really tired by the time we got home and today we had to do grocery shopping. Glad you got some "me" time and some R&R time!


Judy - glad you got some crochet time in.  Just keep working on those WIPs and they will soon be done.


Tomorrow night I have a meeting so probably no crocheting then either.  I'm going to look in my stash and see if I have enough of one color to start on my friend's prayer shawl.  That way I can take it with me for a few days and work on it during my lunch.  Youngest GS called tonight wanting to spend the night tomorrow, told him no it'd have to be Tuesday--he was very sad and cried. awww...I hate that... makes my heart sad! So I promised I'd eat lunch with him tomorrow--I'm hoping it's something that I can eat (or want to eat--the cook isn't a very good cook), and that seemed to make him a little bit happy. oh good.... yeah.. .I hope you can eat.   :hug


Well it's time to go and rest!  Have a great evening all!  Night dear!





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Almost done for the night.  And, yes, I did make the Michael's run.  Went to the library first to print out the coupon.  And, yes, I yielded to temptation and did buy a bunch of things: light yellow RHSS for a baby blanket that's been in the works for quite some time now, quilter's safety pins and clips for the edges, 5 skeins of Impeccable glitter yarn by Loops & Threads in mirror, and 5 balls of Sugar & Cream in daisy ombre.


I've worked a bit on the baby blanket and the yellow is working with the other colors that I already have.  Should be very pretty when done.


We've had lots of thunder and lightening this evening, but not a lot of rain so far.


Have a good night.   :manyheart

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Almost done for the night.  And, yes, I did make the Michael's run.  Went to the library first to print out the coupon.  And, yes, I yielded to temptation and did buy a bunch of things: light yellow RHSS for a baby blanket that's been in the works for quite some time now, quilter's safety pins and clips for the edges, 5 skeins of Impeccable glitter yarn by Loops & Threads in mirror, and 5 balls of Sugar & Cream in daisy ombre.WOOHOO.... got lots of goodies!!!


I've worked a bit on the baby blanket and the yellow is working with the other colors that I already have.  Should be very pretty when done.Oh cool... cant wait to see.


We've had lots of thunder and lightening this evening, but not a lot of rain so far.


Have a good night.   :manyheart


Good Night dear!



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Good morning. I don't think I posted at all yesterday, but it wasn't because I didn't have time. I sat around and read all day. Maybe today I will get back to those WIPs. We are going camping tomorrow through Friday. So I probably won't be able to check in, unless I use my phone. I'm not sure if there is WiFi at the campground or not,



Tam, your projects a re lovely.

Linda, WTG on the yarn. Do you have plans for it!

Sherry, poor little gs. Still, even little guys need to learn that life doesn't always go our way. Still it's nice that you will be having lunch with him.

Judy, I work on a few projects at a time, pretty much always. I have a short attention span, and get bore d easily.

Mary, how is Dh's weekend in Chicago going? Did you have a nice laid back weekend?

Marisa, I saw KTB pictures on Facebook. Very cool!

Joanne, I'm so glad for your sake that this project is nearing completion. You must be so tired of it!

Val, How are you doing.. Any more commissions?

Marlene, you certainly keep busy at your house. I get tired reading about it. Did you enjoy the festival? How long before Maya goes back to school?


I am sitting outside drinking coffee again. I cleaned out the camper on Saturday, all except for washing dishes, which I will do today.. Then I need to pack. That will be easy, since our church is having its annual family camp, and meals are provided. We don't usually join them for breakfast though, too early. It's at 8, but activities don't start until 9:30 or 10. Those who don't camp stay in cabins, but our camper is more comfortable.

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:sun ·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Morning Kids¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸   


Well..... I'm off to meetings this morning for work.  I cant believe school will be starting next week.  Wow!

This afternoon I want to spend some time getting some crocheting started and done!  :hook

So much to do... so little time..... LOL

Tomorrow its oil changes on vehicles... school physicals for the boys and some school shopping.  Then Open House in the evening.... :whew


Well... need to get ready....

Catch you all later this afternoon.




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morning, my friends!


Cindy, that's me...a terribly short attention span! I also have several books I'm reading at the same time....I really have to stop doing that, though....more fun if you remember the details from earlier in the book :lol Sounds like a fun camping trip!


Hi to everyone...off to pick up my hook. Raining now....but I could have told you it was on its way yesterday, the way my body was feeling...lol!

At least my hands aren't hurting much at all... :D


Have a good, productive - or relaxing day!


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Hi Ladies,


Tammy, Nice to see you again. Great news DH and Michael are in remission. You've made some beautiful gifts.


Mary, Your motifs are real pretty.


Sherry, Nice of you to make another shawl for your friend. Poor GS, they don't like to here no do they. One time Maya told me Grandma you have never told me no before. You should of seen the crocodile tears flowing. Hope lunch is something you like.


Linda, It's nice that you could take some of Rosy's things. And the scarf sounds pretty.


Joanne, It  sounds like you had a great day and founds some good bargains out shopping.


Cindy, The ham roll ups look delicious. Maya starts school the day after labor day. Have fun on your camping trip.


Judy, Glad you enjoyed your Greek dinner. Hope the rain don't last long so you can quit hurting.


Marisa, I'm going to go check out the pics of KTB.


Val, Hope all is going well for you.


We enjoyed the festival. We went to the parade. There was at least 30 farm tractors in it. Quite unusal for most parades but we live in a big farming area. One driver was even a lady. They had the Ultimate Air Dogs. I had never heard of it and wasn't sure what to expect. They had a 40 foot pool with a trailer in front of it and the dogs would run and jump out into the water. They had lots of labs and some German Shepards. The dogs all really loved doing it. We checked out some of the cars at the car show. Then we stopped by Gordy and Mary's. Mary is doing really good. 

Yesterday we went to a reunion. MIL's side of the family. Only hubby and one brother attend it. After that we stopped at Walmart to get Payton's birthday gift. Tomorrow is his birthday. He will be 9. We seen my niece and her hubby and son there. I also got a new laptop. It was in there ad. It's a Toshiba with windows 8 on it. It is quite different than the xp and vista I have. It's going to take some getting use to.

We also stopped by and visit with my sister and bil. It was quite a long day.  I need to get off here and do some cleaning and laundry done.

Have a good day everyone!

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Good afternoon.  I couldn't turn off my brain last night so didn't go to sleep until about 3:00 am and consequently slept late.  Way late.  When I took Sweet Pea for her walk the sun was shining brightly and it was raining.  Go figure.  There should have been a rainbow but there wasn't.


I picked out the colors to go with the dragon panel that I got on vacation and then came up with a pattern for it.  It should be gorgeous.  I'm excited and may well start in on it now although I should be finishing up a number of WIPs there are getting close to done.  One thing about having lots and lots of WIPs is that eventually I suddenly have a whole bunch of completed items.   :D   And that feels sooo nice.


The black glittery yarn will be made up in the Celtic Knot shawl pattern.  The cotton may well end up as part of my first weaving project  which will be a shawl.  I picked up a couple of pieces of 1/8th inch plywood at Michael's yesterday and am going to try my hand at making some extra shuttles for the loom.  (Wish  me luck at that.)  I think I can make them work.   :xfin


Tammy, it sounds like you've got a super busy day in the works.  Good luck with getting it all accomplished.   :hug


Marlene, your festival sounds like lots of fun.


Judy, I've been reading about a book every other day for the last month.  The current one is by John Grisham.  I thought I had read all of his, but found a new one at GoodWill yesterday, Playing for Pizza.  It's totally different from most of his but I'm already captivated by it.  It centers around an awful 3rd string quarterback who goes to Parma, Italy to play football after spectacularly losing a playoff game for the Browns who were 17 points in the lead with only 11 minutes left in the game.  You have to feel sorry for the guy, but sorrier for the Browns fans.


Cindy, have fun camping.


Will catch you all later.  Have a great day.   :manyheart

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Hi again!


Linda, that's a very different book for Grisham, isn't it? I don't read his stuff - tried, but they never grabbed me.


Have a good night everyone  - oh, we were without power for 5 hours today. The pole supporting the transformer that feeds our side of the street has been condemned for....like forever...and they put in a new pole and transformer today. We also got a notice that a tree cutting crew will be making it's way through the neigborhood to trim back stuff from the overhead wires. Yup: after we and some other neighbors paid to have it done on our own!

Lessons learned from Super storm Sandy, I guess. They discovered it's cheaper to be proactive - and better for public relations :P

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Oh,Judy, that's frustrating, but better late than never and maybe it will prevent some damage later on.


Hope you all have a good night.  I'm calling it quits for the night.

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Good morning!


After a wonderful Sunday of pool time, R&R time and crocheting time, it was back to paradise yesterday-and what a busy day it was.Today will be just as busy! I woke up early today- so much on my mind.


We are supposed to get T-storms today- I feel bad since DD took off work since they are supposed to go to my son-in-law's job's family picnic--at a swim club! . But at least they'll have a family day together even if that doesn't work out.


Oh, Judy, isn't that always the way? Glad they are being pro-active-but they could have been a little more pro-active ---a little sooner!!


Time to pack up and head out soon so will just wish you all a good day.


Oh, and Cindy- have fun camping!!!

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pouring rain out there this morning!


Joanne, I hope you can relax tonight :hug


Busy day today - WW this AM, food shopping, then my hair touch up.

It'll be nice sitting and being pampered.....



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Good morning housemates................I'm heeerrrrrreeeee! :hi


Well, it's been a LONG time since I've gotten in here.  The past week was crazy between my parents being here at the start and then rounding up for KtB, which was quite successful.....it looks awesome and I think I've noticed a lot of you saw a lot of pics on FB.  I myself didn't take any pics there, except the dark one with my panel.  But last night a little group of us went on the river tour and I got some pics with the camera from there.  I'll have to post some for you :)  We still are working on bottom railing covers so the black will go along the bottom of each panel as well :yes  It's sooo exciting!  And the police officer that was doing our security on the side my panel is on (I got the very 1st spot on the sidewalk :bounce ) loved it!  I had a friend take my pic with it (my phone battery was dead) and he asked if I made it and subtly mentioned about 3 times that he wouldn't mind having one like that.  Anyways, after my phone charged a bit I got that dark pic with my camera and he again came over asking if he could take it with him when he leaves.  So, I offered to make him one and let him choose his colors....which he picked blue and black which are their 'officer or district' colors.  I figured since he donated his whole Sunday and volunteered for 12 hours, it would be a nice thank you.  He was just really into it all and we had a knit in up front for passers by to help with those bottom railings and they were trying to teach him to crochet.  :lol


As for mom, her colonoscopy went well (as well as one can) and of course as we all knew....she wasn't up to leaving to drive home after so they stayed until Thursday morning.  The ulcerative colitis is moderate, but not very ulcer-ish....it was more like diffuse pussing :think  But, overall things are looking better.  They are slowly increasing her meds to a higher dose....the same med that she reacted to initially, but we all think that the slow increase over time will be alright for her :xfin


Ummmm, what else....I guess that's it.....KtB has been all consuming while getting this together.  I spend 30 hours on the bridge over 2 days!!! :eek


I totally didn't read anything to catch up, so please fill me in on anything important I may have missed :hug

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Hi House. ♥  I hope everyone is having a good Tuesday. :)


Tammy ~ Your baby 'ghans are adorable :c9   and I love the scarf, too! :clap   You must have lots to do to get ready for the start of school!  Ours start on the 26th.


Linda ~ Your Michaels excursion sounds great! 


Cindy ~ Have a wonderful camping trip...I hope your weather is lovely all week. :yes


Marisa ~ Oh WOW!  Thanks for sharing the KtB pictures - it looks awesome!


Judy ~ Enjoy getting pampered today. :)   Sorry about the power being out yesterday - hopefully your temps weren't too hot!


Valerie ~ I hope you're feeling okay.  We miss you! :manyheart


DH had a great time in Chicago.  Yesterday, he had two appts. so we haven't been home much.  I finally get to see the little guys tomorrow - it's been way too long again. 

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Marisa, your pics were great! And I love that you're going to make the PO a blanket....


Mary, it was just warm enough that I spent the 5 hours w/out electricity and AC without a crochet hook in my hand :P  Today we had tornado warnings and flash flood alerts - thankfully none were expected near us!


While I was at the food store my hair salon called to push back the appointment an hour. Thank goodness! It gave me time to do a couple of things here so I can really relax! Off to go there now.....



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Marisa, the pictures are fabulous!  You all did a marvelous job and the bridge looks great.  Glad things are getting a bit better for your mom.  This has been a long haul for her.


Judy, this Grisham book is way, way different from most of his stories.  The character development is just as good and it takes off with a bang which is just like his regular books.  So far, it's much more light-hearted and fun.


I've just been taking it easy for most of the day, although I did get some vaccuming done.  BP is still high and I'm having more problems with pitting edema in my lower legs.   :sigh  Hopefully, the kidney doc will okay the med I was on, or suggest something that will work as well or even better.   :xfin  :xfin   Next Monday can't come soon enough.    :reyes   And, yes, I'm keeping track of the BP for the docs.

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Hi Ladies,


Marisa, Thanks for sharing your pics here to. It would be so cool to see something like that done in person. You and all the others that helped make it did a great job! It's nice of you to make one for the police officer.


Judy, That figures after you guys and the neighbors spend money that the utility company is going to come through. If they do a job like they do here sometimes you may be glad you did it yourselves. Glad your power off wasn't out any longer than it was. Hope you like your touch up.


Mary, Glad your seeing the boys today.


Sherry, I went to ravelry this morning and on the front page was a dragon scarf. I thought of you. It's a free pattern. The website for it is www.sixlittlemice.blogspot.com.au/2013/08


Linda, Wishing you good luck on making extra shuttles. 


Cindy, Hope your staying warm today out camping. Pretty cool day here today (68).


Joanne, Hope your able to relax each evening after your busy day at work.


Today we celebrated Payton's birthday. He wanted to go up to the park in Stanton and play so we went there for awhile before he had to go back home. We stopped by Gordy and Mary's.  She needed some help with her phone. She didn't look as rested as she did saturday. Hope everyone has a good evening and a great wednesday!

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¸¸.•*"Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ"*•.¸¸ Hi Ho House...................


I tried first thing this morning to pop on here and I tell ya... I fought for some time trying to get the site to come up.    Finally had to give up and get on with my day.

Was busy......

School physicals x3

School shoes x3

School clothes x3

pick up my sons Jeep at the mechanic.... and drop off mine.

grab dinner out and home!   :whew


But we're home... and comfy!   :U

Time to get out my crochet and get busy!

Its Fall Baseball season and I have a bunch of these to make!   (orders)










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Good Morning!  This will be quick...I took DH downtown to the 6:50 train in a torrential downpour.  Came back home and have done a few things and am now headed to babysit for Luke and Zach. :drive:whew I hope I have enough energy to keep up with them. :lol


Have a wonderful day, everyone. :manyheart

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