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Our House Part Two


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Evening All!!  What a terrible long, long day!!  DH set the alarm off at 2:49 a.m. (by accident) and I couldn't go back to sleep for a very long time.  Then the neighbor decided to start mowing his lawn at 6 a.m. :(   Did get the newsletter out (with a little bit of help), had to go to lunch with the boss and then spent the rest of the day trying to get the monies figured out for a meeting tonight.  Finally at 5 I had the report ready.  It's a nightmare but at least it's done and we can make a few changes and it will be good. 


Had both the GS tonight, no karate, I was too tired.  We had a good time, little one helped make supper.  Then we played games and watched Chopped (oldest one loves cooking shows!!). 


Marisa, hope you have a good evening! 


Marlene - enjoy your weekend!  Hopefully they will mark down the yarn some more soon.  I'll tell DD about the shoes.  She's always looking for something that is easy on the feet.


Well, I guess I'll go and crochet some.  I have until September to get the "ginkie" made (his birthday is in September).  With school starting soon, I won't have as much time to work on it since I'll be at DD 3 nights a week watching the boys. 


Have a great evening all!!  Hugs to all of you!!

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Good morning,


Like Sherry, I had a rough day yesterday- very long- didn't get home till 8PM!! Way too many hours, IMO, but the end of the project is finally within sight. Have to work on Sat and then the next two weekends (hopefully , just Sat)....so much for the summer.....


Hope that Linda is a having a great time with her DD and GS!!! Thinking of you Linda!!!


Wishing you all a wonderful Friday!

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Good morning. Sorry I haven't checked in, it's been a really busy week so far. Today I don't have a thing planned ( unless you count going out to dinner). I have to work Sat and Sun, but next week, I'm only scheduled to work Thurs. dh and I are thinking of going camping for a few days at the beginning of the week. It's supposed to be perfect camping weather, cool nights, warm days, no rain. We have a camper with all the comforts of home, A/C, furnace, bathroom, oven, stove, refrigerator, microwave, etc.


No progress on any of my WIPs this week, but maybe, I will get to something today.


Sherry, a lot of my co-workers wear Sketchers shoes. A lot like Dansko shoes as well. For a much cheaper option, Dr Scholls shoes also have good arch support. I've also heard that Dr Scholls insoles help a lot, and that is a cheaper option as well.

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Hi Ladies,


Maya and I got here to DD's and DS showed up with the kids. We made spaghetti for dinner and it was hit with everyone. DD and I went grocery shopping and left the kids with Maya's Dad. He said take them with you next time. We put up two blow up beds and I was going to sleep in Maya's bed but the kids wanted me near them so I slept on the couch. I ended up with both girls on the couch with me. Maya was having bad dreams and couldn't go back to sleep and Jocelyn got woke up with Maya's crying out. They all said they were hungry before bed so they had a bowl of cereal. Her Mom says that what happens when she eats before bed. Maya's Dad rescued me when he got up for work. He put Maya on the bed. I didn't wake up until 8 when DD got up for work and I woke the kids up and we took her to work. Then I took them to a grocery store for donuts and chocolate milk. They have a sitting place there so we enjoyed a morning out. We looked for some garage sales but only found a couple and they didn't look like we were in a good area so we didn't go. I showed the kids where Maya goes to school. It's a two story school and a nice looking school. 

I got a call from are friend Gordy. Mary fell and had to have stitches inside her mouth. She hit her head. She's bleeding inside but they didn't know where yet. They were checking her stomach yesterday. They said something is wrong with her heart and she may need surgery.  I asked Gordy if he told them she fell two weeks ago when he was in the hospital and he said he did. It seems like when one goes through something in a couple of weeks the other one does. I'm going to call him later today and see if they know anything. I told the kids I may go see her tomorrow. 

I hope everyone has a great day!

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Happy Friday, everyone.  Not sure where the last two days went, but they were both very busy. :lol   I've read through posts and hope you are all okay. ♥♥♥


Marlene ~ Oh, sending good thoughts and prayers for Mary and Gordy. :hug   They have had way too much lately. :(


Joanne ~ I hope you can take a nice long vacation this fall - 6 day work weeks are no fun. :no


Cindy ~ Your weather sounds perfect for camping!  Let us know what you decide to do. :)


Sherry ~ Hopefully, you can relax and have some "me" time this weekend...you deserve it!


Hi to those I've missed, too. :manyheart


We've been setting up Medicare B, supplemental and Rx for DH and researching "low vision" computer monitors - I think crocheting sounds like much more fun. :wink 

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Hi, everyone!


Marlene, that's so sad about Mary! It seems like you get to a certain age and it's always something.


Cindy, now that's my idea of camping! A/C and everything :D


Mary, we've retained DH's insurance from work and that's his supplemental...and will be mine in December :lol   All these decisions....people our age shouldn't be having to deal with such confusion!

We're already confused at times as it is :lol  :lol :lol  :lol  


I took Lucy up two houses to visit with her BFF on the front lawn where Rosy was thethered. Rosy ran in circles she was so  excited to see her! And the play bowing....too cute. It's been so horribly hot they haven't visited in months - no running around in the yard today - Rosy had just come back from a run with her mom.


Working on the soft white squares now for the baby 9 patch. I think I'll do a single round of sc with each of the pinks and then make a crab st border. How does that sound to everybody?

 It's looking good. :)


Have a good night my friends!

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Good afternoon, almost evening :hi


I don't really know what I did today :shrug  Last night was our first KtB training session and it went well, but of course some things we can improve upon to help it run more smoothly next time around.  My cousin backed out last night so when I got home there were still some neighbors hanging out for a 'stoop night' so I joined them for a bit at the tail end of the get together.  I saw my cousin today when he came for his visit and we're going to out tonight instead for trivia night.  We're doing our 2nd KtB training tomorrow morning and another on Sunday.  Otherwise, not much going on this weekend.


Sherry - I hope today was better than yesterday :hug

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Hi House. :manyheart


Judy ~ Loved reading about Lucy's play date. :)   I think your idea for the border sounds perfect!  Can't wait to see it. :yes


Hi Marisa ~ The KtB project sounds so intriguing!  I hope you share lots of pictures when it's in progress.


We've been to our local farmer's market and it was so enjoyable - cooler, drier air this a.m. and lots of people were there.  Then we ran a couple of errands and hopefully we're home for the rest of the day.  I'm still getting used to doing all the driving and we're learning to plan ahead a little better...we don't live really close to anything. :lol


I hope everyone is having a great weekend so far!♥♥♥

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Hi all,

Went into work this morning, and on my way home got called and had to take a conference call. Sheesh! Now I'm home finally and doing the usual Saturday routine. Thank goodness, DH went and did the grocery shopping!!! And he has the "rover' in the pool and it looks all nice and sparkly clean.....I'll be heading in there later to float around for a bit!


Just wanted to say hi--I do want to get my chores done so I can relax for a bit!!!!!


Hugs to you ALL!

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Hi everyone. Work was very busy today and I ended up staying late. It was a good day though, and I expect to have the same patients again tomorrow, so it will be busy again. After that I'm off until Thursday.


Judy, I like the way I picture that border to look. It should look really great on the blanket.


Mary, I see you decided on Hexagons. They look like a nice summer project, small and portable. However....they require sewing! 'Nuff said!


Joanne, hope you get to relax tomorrow, sounds like another busy week coming up for you. It definitely was not pool weather here today, I don't think it got past 65 degrees outside.

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Good morning,


Cindy- Hope today flies by for you and then you get to enjoy your time camping! Have fun.


The weather here yesterday was beautiful. DD and the boys came over and we had a lot of fun in the pool while Robbie was sleeping. DH tended to him for a bit when he woke up, then I dragged myself out of the pool and took over while DD and Ryan spent some more time in the pool. He loves being in the water!! They stayed for dinner- grilled chicken on the barby- YUM. We all took a nice long walk after dinner--the weather was beautiful!


I got an email last night that I may have to do some work again today. I can't wait for this project to be over....a few more weeks and it should be, but these next 3 weeks are going to be very exhausting.


Well, that's it from this neck of the woods- must get some things done around here..... Have a good Sunday!

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Hi, ya peeps!

Mary and Cindy - ty for the input re the border on the 9 patch. I' half finished with the soft white squares around the entire ghan (definitely baby size...LOL) and want to finsih quickly so I can make the border. I envision it as looking like a picture frame. :)


Joanne, make sure you take care of yourself over the next weeks so you stay well while finishing this project!


Hi to everyone else...not going to do too much today - I'm not too energetic. Getting over some sort of throat/sinus thing that DH had. His only lasted 3 days...my poor immune system is deciding otherwise. :P  Pushing tea and fluids....the ususal.



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Mary, I see you decided on Hexagons. They look like a nice summer project, small and portable. However....they require sewing! 'Nuff said!

:lolYep, I knew you would think about all the joining. :wink   Enjoy your days off - did you decide to go camping?


Judy ~ Feel better soon. :hug  


Joanne ~ Your time with family sounds so nice!  I hope you didn't have to work today. :)


Hi to everyone at Our House. :manyheart


I feel somewhat caught up on paperwork and files - it's neverending. :yes   Dad's probate still isn't on the court docket - the lawyer filed the papers on July 8th, so hope it won't be too much longer.


Time to do some watering and then crochet for a while.  Have a good afternoon!

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Hey, Mary, I hope you had some crochet time....

I have 20 more soft white squares to make - and attach :lol   It's hard to stay on task when you have coughing fits or need to blow your nose. At least my throat doesn't hurt any more.


Have a good night my friends.

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Evening All--Hope you've all had a great weekend.


Joanne - sounds like a very busy weekend but I'm glad you had some fun.  My week will be another exhausting one--still don't have everything figured out.  Everyone thinks because the books were set up by a CPA that all I had to do was open them and start working--well they had no idea that she didn't do anything other than the list of accounts.  I've had to enter everything as we go along.  Hopefully this week I'll get the budget part in and they will leave alone for awhile. 


Marisa - hope you're having a good weekend.


Judy - what is a crab st border?  Haven't heard of that one before.


Thanks for the ideas on the shoes, I'll let DD know when we go shoe shopping in a couple of weeks. 


My brace is broken :(  Hopefully it can be fixed, if not maybe they will bring me another one.  A piece came off of the joint area, so I'm not wearing it until it's fixed.  I'm not sure it would work right without that piece.  At least I'll get a better nights sleep.


Well, I'd better bring the puppy in and put her to bed and then I'll go to bed as well.  Have a great evening all--sweet dreams to everyone.  Hugs!

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Good Monday morning,


Sherry- I hope they can replace or fix the brace. You don't want all the improvements to be for naught! Hope your week goes better than last. I already know this is going to be one heck of a busy week for me.....


I didn't end up working although I had to keep checking emails for updates. They didn't finish loading files until almost 9PM so at that point, I surely wasn't going to begin testing things. That and a million other things have to get done 'first thing in the morning' :lol


I started a ripple blanket for my step grandson to be who is due in Sept. I spoke to my step daughter yesterday and she wants Alabama colors so I'm making it in crimson and white. (using RH burgundy and soft white) Since she ended up going early with the first and didn't have a baby shower, her friends are throwing her a shower 8/17. I would love to get it done and shipped in time for that but with the amount of hours I'm going to be working the next few weeks, that just may be wishful thinking!


Well, friends, time to get ready.....wishing you ALL a good day! :hug

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morning, peeps!


Joanne, that blanket for stepGS sounds like it'll be gorgeous!! I hope you get time to work on it!



Sherry, the crab stitch is also known as the reverse single crochet. Makes a nice rounded edge. I;m thinking I may not use soft white for that part but just continue with the deeper pink. I'll probably try it both ways and frog what I don't thing looks good....

I hope the brace can be fixed! Yikes! After all your effort to keep wearing it!


Have a good one my friends...

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Good morning. We had a cold rainy weekend here, but today it is sunny and quite a bit warmer. We needed the rain though, and since I worked all weekend, it didn't matter to me what the weather was like.


Judy, I think doing the crab stitch in a shade of pink would be a good option. I rarely make light colored edges on blankets because I think they look more finished when the edge is in a color, and i also think that the edge is the most likely area to get soiled because that is often where they are touched. Of course, I don't know that there is any logic in my thinking. Having said this though, I was looking at finished "Learn to Knit" afghans on Ravelry, and one of the ones that I liked the best had white borders on all the squares and a white outside border as well. In fact, I liked that one so well, that I probably will do the same with mine, assuming that I ever get it finished!


Sherry, I hope you can get your brace replaced easily. Hopefully, your progress won't be delayed.


Joanne, glad you got to have Sunday free from work. Good luck with the ripple blanket. At least they go quickly,


Mary, I don't think we're going camping. Dh was all enthused about it last week, not so much now, though. It's okay with me either way, I have plenty to do around here.

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Hi Ladies,


Mary, I hope you figured out all the benefits for ss. I have a couple of years before we have to do that for DH and I'm already wondering about it. I drive every where. Hubby likes to sight see and that and driving don't go good together. Can't wait to see your hexagons.


Judy, Your way of doing the border sounds perfect. Your projects always look great. Hope you feel better soon.


Joanne, Glad you were to get some me time and enjoy it with the family to. I hope work isn't to hard on you this week.


Marisa, I hope the KTB runs smoothly.


Sherry, Hope you can get the brace fixed. I hope you can get the books finished or to a point that is acceptable.


Cindy, This weather is just a little to cool for me. Glad it's warming back up tomorrow. Enjoy your time off this week. I've seen squares that looked framed and they look really nice.


I took the grandkids swimming friday. It was the best day for swimming of the whole time I was there. They wanted to swim sat and sun to but it was to cool. We did take them to the Air Zoo. They had 4 indoor rides and a museum to walk through. The kids enjoyed it. Maya and I got back late last night. I did go get me an iphone4. We are going to be changing hubbys phone out to a pay phone. I pay almost $45 a month and he makes less than 10 calls a month.

I need to get some things done around here. I hope everyone has a nice day!

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Cindy, the 2 reasons you mentioned for using pink on the border...well, great minds think alike! Esp since it's a baby ghan and could get a lot of use, the white border isn't practical. I so like the ideas you saw for the LTK ghan borders. Unless I suddenly have very few crochet WIPs or WIMs I don't see myself making any significant progress on that. I have maybe 8 rows before I bind off square one and it's still waiting for more of my attention!


Marlene, we're going to rethink our phones...but our contract isn't up till May of next year :P Have fun with the iPhone! I'm home so much of the time I really don't need all of the internet access, etc. Just texting :D


We had a productive morning - did some sprucing up out front on the porch, cleaned wondows there and washed the kitchen floor. I think the floor could actually be done again - and this time on my hands and knees, not a mop! I wiped up a spill right after it dried and it's still not very clean! Ick. Good thing we don't have little ones (2 footed variety) creeping around on it! :lol



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'Afternoon, all. :manyheart


Judy ~ I'm so glad your throat isn't sore and hope the other stuff goes away soon.  You've accomplished a lot with the little squares in a short time...does it have a home yet? :)


Sherry ~ Oh, so sorry about the brace.  :hug  I hope you can get it repaired or replaced very soon.  Good luck with figuring out the books - the CPA sure got the easy part!


Joanne ~ Will you use the Attic 24 ripple pattern? 


Cindy ~ I hope you have some "me" time this week while you're off work. :yes  


Marlene ~ Have fun with your new Iphone!  I have the 3 and DH just got the 5 - he uses his for work and everything else so we need lots of minutes and data usage...paying that bill is no fun. ;)


I took Gracie to the Vet this a.m. for her shots and the bloodwork needed prior to having her teeth cleaned.  Then I went to buy groceries and have done laundry.  Tomorrow we're having lots of tree work done, so it will be very noisy around here. :lol


9 hexagons done, at least 91 to go. :D   And I'm crocheting over and weaving in ends as I go...there are 4 colors in each one. 

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Good afternoon housemates :hi


I had a good weekend.  We did a KtB training both Saturday and Sunday and they went well.  I was able to stay and help out both days as well.  Did some laundry this morning and now have the turtles in their feeding tank. 


I agree with the crab stitch border, I use it all the time.  I also agree with Cindy, I love the way a white border looks but I always do a color for the same reasoning....it just seems so impractical :think


I hope everyone had a great weekend, even with all Joanne's work and Sherry's bookkeeping :hug

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Mary, no the balnket doesn't have a home. I'm going to take a pic of it and post it to my friends in the book club so if anyone needs a gift that, and the hats are available. THen I'm going to make a baby boy ghan. Maybe a RR - haven't made one of those for a while. It won't be "baby boy" looking, though - might be on the bright side :lol


Marisa, your turtles must be so happy being back with you!

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Hi Ladies,


It looks like we have all had productive days today. I swept floors, did some laundry and cut the top and sides of my hair. I told myself to go get the back cut. With the natural waves I'm not liking it at the length it is.

Mary could use some prayers or good thoughts. She is having surgery tomorrow. She's having heart bypass surgery. We are going to the hospital for it. I'll let you know how things go when we get home. I hope everyone has a great tuesday!

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