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Our House Part Two


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Good afternoon housemates :hi


Thanks for all your input :hug  Yesterday we had a KtB leader meeting in the new workspace and all the panels that were here are now officially over there.  When I got home I worked on my shrug a bit while I watched Restaurant Stakeout then read a chapter before bed.  Did laundry this morning and worked more on the shrug.  Met a guy for networking at noon over coffee.  Went to the market, then here and now here I sit.  I have a couple coming in at 3:30 and need to vacuum since all the yarn is moved out now.  My parents are coming in today and my mom is staying for the week! :clap  I'm so excited. 


Judy - WTG on your throw!  You're really making progress and moving right along.


Val - I hope you feel better soon :hug  When is your appt again?


Cindy - Glad your class went well albeit boring.  Acutally, the ville was up on my computer screen and was still in screen saver mode, so I know the computer was not touched.  None of my office stuff was open, I'm always sure to close it when people will be here.  And when I step away to treat patients, I lock the computer so I don't have to close things out.  I hope shopping with MIL goes well as well as your trip to Grand Haven!


Joanne - How great to get that R&R time!

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Good morning everyone. I've been up for a while, but still need to get dressed. I knit a few inches on my scarf, and did a few rows on DD's shawl while I had coffee. Then I spent some time looking over free kindle books.

A nice way to start your morning!

It's about time for me to get moving though. I want to get my cleaning and laundry done today. Tomorrow morning I am taking my mil shopping, (she needs to be home by 1 for her cleaning lady, as she feels a need to help her). Dh just informed me that we are going to Grand Haven after I get home from shopping. It's a cute beach town on the shore of Lake Michigan. So, a little boutique shopping, dinner and walking the boardwalk. Hopefully the weather is better that it has been for the past couple of days. It is cold, rainy, and dreary, not at all spring or summer like.

It's been cool here again, too.


Judy, good luck with the closet. I did mine a few months ago, and it's still pretty organized. It's mostly because I got rid of the clothes that were too big, and I haven't replaced most of them. Interestingly, I have noticed that I feel like I need fewer clothes now. Not sure why though.


Have a good day, friends.

I know what you mean by needing less clothes. I find I have favorites and keep going back to them. I had the top shelves filled with yarn (open containers) and closed totes with ghans. I consolidated the yarn into 2 big totes on the floor of the closet and took the ghans out ofthe totes so I can see them for a change. I also took a hanging garment bag (with compartments) and put my purses and large tote-type bags in there - again, so I can SEE them!

It felt good.... :)

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Good evening everyone!

Another late night in Paradise. It's started to rain, and Tropical Storm Andrea will be heading up the east coast.


Judy and Cindy- I also find I don't need as many clothes anymore (although I still do have more than my fair share). I have plenty and the only time I pick up something new is when it's something priced so low I can't leave it in the store! The only new things I've really gotten for the summer are two pairs of sandals and a cute dress that I got at the Gap for 4.95 final sale (tried it on- it was perfect!)


Marisa- Glad that all the panels are now out of your office!!! Enjoy the time with your Mom!!! I know how excited you must be!!!


Linda- How's work been? Missed seeing your posts.


Val- Hope you are feeling ok


Mary, Marlene and the rest of the crew===have a good night!!!!

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Hi Ladies,


I was on here last night and lost my post twice. So I gave up. Today has been busy with laundry, grocery shopping and I have to pack tonight. Hoping to be on the road by 8am. Hubby has a test on his esophagus at the U of M hospital, then were going to Maya's house for the weekend. Were having her birthday party at a park on saturday.


Joanne, It's to bad that work project has gotten the best of you. Your probably not the only that feels that way. I hope is will be ending soon, so you can go onto better things. Glad you had some R&R time.


Judy, Way to go on cleaning out your closet. I have my favorites I seem to wear over and over.


Cindy, I hope you have a nice time shopping with your MIL. Enjoy Grand Haven!


Marisa, Enjoy your weekend with your parents and next week with your Mom.


Sherry, Hope things are okay at your house.


Linda, I hope all is okay with you. You've been missing for several days now.


Mary, How was your play date with Zack?


Val, Hope your feeling better.


I hope everyone has a great weekend if I don't get back here until sunday.

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Hi All!  It's been a horrible and busy week.  This is the first week we've had the boys again at night, 3 nights every week during the summer.  Once I get them to bed, I put on the brace and sit in my recliner until time to go to bed.  Plus all the storms--that's had me on edge.  We've had storms during the night for the last three nights--like at 4 a.m. to time to go to work--now we have major flooding.  Yesterday morning I got a call way before 7 with there was something wrong in the playground at church.  Well a big streak of lightning took out half of the tree and it destroyed most of the playground equipment, plus damaged the neighbor's house.  So now I get to deal with the insurance company because boss is always out of the office.  Ugh.....that's just part of the week.  I could go on and on about everything else but I won't rant any more for now.


The tornado on Friday took 20 lives, some 4 were storm chasers  and 9 were children.  The storm did such an erratic turn that it caught everyone off guard.  So very sad.  The storm was 2.6 miles (yes miles) wide and was an EF5.  I know it's too much to hope for that we won't have another big one, but I certainly hope it waits a long, long time before we get another big tornado.


I'm hoping to get some rest this weekend--and unpack some more boxes.  At the rate I'm going, I'll get it all unpacked in about a year LOL.


I hope all have a good evening and I'll try to check in a little more often now that some of the weather has calmed down.  Hugs to all!

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Good morning everyone. Finally, sunshine here.


Sherry, so sorry for the rough time you are having. Hope you get the insurance stuff straightened out without too much trouble.


Marlene, hope hubby's appointment goes well, and that the two of you enjoy your time with Maya and your Dd.


Linda? Are you around? It's been a few days, and I'm a bit worried about you.


Val, hope today is a good day for you.


I'm just about to knit a bit on my scarf before its time to pick up my mil for breakfast and shopping.

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Morning, peeps!


Early start again....going to food store in a heavy rain (Tropical Storm Andrea is passing through today) and then an appointment with DS. No real "adjustment"....want to be careful because of my degenerative stuff in my back) but heat and his stretching table will work wonders. He stopped by for a visit yesterday....we love those "no reason" visits :)


I frogged my knit square (not much to frog...lol)....still have a death grip on the needles so I want to try and lessen the tension. I was even too tired to crochet yesterday! :P


Have a good one my friends!

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Hi everyone!  Once again, I'm way behind. ;)  


Judy ~ Good for you for picking up your knitting again!  Your throw sounds like it's coming along nicely - can't wait to see pictures!  It must feel good to have your closet all organized...my house needs a total cleaning and our closet would be a good starting place. :yes


Marlene ~ Safe travels over the weekend.  I hope DH's test goes okay. :manyheart


Marisa ~ Oh, I know you'll love having your mom for a whole week! :)   How is she feeling?  So sorry about the incident at your office.  I truly believe that some people have never learned what "respect" means. :ohdear


Valerie ~ Sending you lots of hugs. :hug   We all want you to feel better!


Joanne ~ I hope things at work ease up a bit soon.    


Cindy ~ Enjoy your day with MIL!  I loved taking mine shopping, but she was worse at making a decision than I am. :lol


Sherry ~ Keeping fingers crossed that the storms are gone for a very long time.  You all have had way too much lately. :manyheart   How much longer will you have to wear the brace? 


Linda ~ Thinking of you and hoping everything is okay. :ghug


Hi to those I've missed, too.


I stayed with Zach Wednesday and with Luke all day yesterday. ♥  DH is taking the train when he needs to go to Dallas, so I've already taken him downtown this a.m.  Wish I could go back to bed. :lol   DH and I are meeting Sue at our parent's house tomorrow to go through more stuff - there is a lot of it!




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post-8552-0-43150100-1370647769_thumb.jpgMary, I restarted the first knit square and it looks a lot better...getting there! And here's that throw - again, I'm using the suggested colors No daylight here today, so this is with artificial light

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Good evening!

Oh, what a soggy day with Tropical Storm Andrea! The ride home tonight was not bad considering.


Judy- The blanket looks great so far! I haven't picked up a hook or a needle in a couple of days, think I will tonight. My wrist has been feeling much better- so not sure what it was, but it's A-OK now!!!


Mary- I remember having to clean out my parent's house after Dad passed away. There was just SO MUCH stuff!! I feel for you!

Glad you had time alone with Zach and then with Luke!


Marisa- Great article about KtB that you posted on FB!!!  Hope you are enjoying your time with your Mom


Linda- I'm worried about you as well. Sending hugs and positive thoughts that all is OK


Marlene- Hope you have a good weekend with Maya


Sherry- You sure have been through a rough patch lately. Take it easy with the unpacking- it'll get done all in good time I know you want it done yesterday, but you are still recovering from your surgery and you also have had a lot of rough weather to deal with. I don't know if I could live in "tornado alley'. It's bad enough having to go through hurricanes- and luckily we don't get too many bad ones! Hugs!!!!


Val- Glad you checked in and hope that you will soon be feeling much better.


Tonight is DD's art show, needless to say due to the weather I didn't go.  :(  Her exhibit will be up for a month, so I'm hoping to go check it out maybe next Saturday. :)  Tomorrow I have lots to do here and unfortunately on Sunday I have to go into work for a few hours. Hopefully by the end of the summer this project will be over and I'm hoping to take 2 weeks in a row off in the fall.


It's also my DD and SIL's 5th anniversary today. Can't believe 5 years already! Thankfully, the weather on their wedding day was picture perfect and not like today with TS Andrea!


Have a good night, all

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Hi, Joanne! Glad your wrist feels better. You DO need a huge vacation...


Marisa, I couldn't open the KTB article on my phone when I saw it....and when I finally got on the puter I forgot to look for it again :P


Off I go for the night.


I hope Linda is ok....

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Judy ~ Your afghan is absolutely gorgeous!  I love both the pattern and colors. :clap   How are  Miss Lucy and Sparkie?


Joanne ~ I hope you all don't get any severe stuff from the storm.  I truly understand about the long hours - no fun at all. :hug   Happy Anniversary to your DD and SIL. :manyheart


Willl be gone most of tomorrow - have a good Saturday, everyone. :)

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Good morning friends. Looks like a nice day in store for us.


We did end up going to Grand Haven last evening. We ate pizza (so bad for my diet!) on the patio of a little downtown restaurant, and then leisurely walked the 2 mile boardwalk, and the lighthouse pier. There was a wedding on the beach, which was kind of interesting to see. The bride was traditionally dressed as were the bridesmaids and guests. The groom and his attendants were in casual white pants and turquoise t-shirts. It was pretty cold along the water, so the wedding party must have been pretty uncomfortable. This is one of the things I enjoy about the area though, the people watching. Also, love seeing all the different kinds of dogs. The boardwalk is a gathering place for the locals, as well as the more touristy types, so there are pet walkers, bikers, skaters, skateboarders, etc. Last night the largest dogs we saw included both a St. Bernard and a Newfoundland, along with others, but we saw many more tiny dogs. It seemed like the littlest dogs barked the loudest and the big dogs just wander along quietly and calmly.


Not sure what our plans for today are. We are going to dinner with the inlaws tonight, but other than that, we have no plans. It looks like it will be a nice day, so probably yard work.


Judy, your afghan looks just beautiful. Those colors are just right together.


Joanne, at least the end is in sight for this project. Sorry you have to work Sunday. Hope you get some time to relax today. Sending good wishes to your dd for the showing of your work, and congratulations to another dd and your sil for her anniversary.


Mary, maybe today will be the day your brother pitches in and helps!:). I hope you get lots accomplished and that it isn't too emotionally draining.


Marisa, I haven't been on Facebook, will go check out the KTB article. Hope you are having a great time with your folks. I know you'll enjoy having your mom around for a week. Is she doing any better?

Val, Linda, Marlene, Sherry and everyone else, hope your Saturday is a good one.

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Good morning


What a nice day it is outside- sun is shining and the rain is gone. Too bad this wasn't the weather yesterday, then I could have gone to DD's art opening. Oh, well, it is what it is.


I ended up going to bed at 9 last night- no reading, hooking or knitting- just blissful sleep! Just what I needed. I got up early and have been on a cleaning binge- two cabinets in the kitchen re-organized. The one that holds all my tupperware-like things is now not a danger zone each time you open it! Then I proceeded to really clean the kitchen- and I feel like I've really accomplished something! Laundry is in the dryer and I think we'll go take a ride later on- and I'll bring some hooking or knitting and sit outside and celebrate Worldwide Knit in Public Day!


Cindy- Enjoy your day- the evening last night sounds wonderful. People watching down by the water on the boardwalk is always a lot of fun!


Mary- Hoping your bro pitches in a bit too---but although my fingers are crossed, based on what you've said, I'm not holding my breath!


Off to re-fill my coffee cup and then tackle the bathrooms!


have a good day everyone!

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morning, peeps!


TY for the compliments on the ghan. It's enjoyable to work on - easy, but the color changes make it interesting.


Mary, the pups are good, except for Sparkie's ear infection. The vet says that's all she's been seeing lately! And the probiotic type powder I put in Sparkie's food has him doing very well. Gained a pound! His ribcage was showing too much, though the vet thought he looked fine. He's just under 100 pounds - and is a hit with everyone at the vet - as long as he's not having a shot or anything done to his hind end :lol   Miss Lucy still annoys him at times, but then will lay with her head on him and go to sleep....she's so attached.


A friend asked me if I had any baby girl hats for sale...no, but am going to whip up one for her - and then will make sure I have at least a few on hand, along with blankets. It;s not the first time I've been caught short!


We just finsihed a little trimming in the yard and I'm waiting to cool off before showering. I also decluttered a drawer in the garage...feels good to be doing a bit of that every day.


Have a good one, Joanne, Cindy and all...BBL

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Quiet day in the house!


DH and I took a ride to B&N and I checked out Michael's too- they have lots of new yarn- alot of their own brand it seems. I don't need any yarn but it was fun to look around! At that point in the day it was overcast with some sprinkles. This evening I went over to DD's and we took a nice long walk with the boys! It was great and I left after Ryan went to bed.  It was nice to have some R&R time.

I spoke with DD and she said the opening was a success! I guess it helped that it was in Brooklyn, where lots of people could just walk there. She sold 3 pieces last night and one person is very interested in one of her larger pieces. We are going to go with her next Sunday to check it out!


I did one square today for the Sunny Spread and only 1 row of knitting. All in all, got alot accomplished on my one day off, including stocking up on the groceries.  Really hoping to be done by around 1 tomorrow so I have part of the day to just relax.


Really starting to worry about Linda!

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Sorry to MIA this week.  It's just been a busy week.  Didn't feel too good several days so took it easy and read several books.  I've finished one prayer shawl and the first two rows of another one.  I think the weather has had something to do with how I've been feeling too.  We've had several days of rain and thunderstorms.  My loom came on Tuesday just a couple of minutes before I left for work.  Then the hand carders arrived the next day while I was at work.  The closest shuttle arrived today; the one from Estonia has been sent and should arrived sometime in the next 1 to 3 weeks.  So I've got lots of boxes to open and things to set up.  I've been fixing some of the dresses at work that have a seam not quite right, etc. and today I brought one of them home with me.  The shoulder strap had gotten caught in one of the seams.  I released it at the store, but decided to restitch the seam with the sewing machine instead of doing it by hand.  It's right where the elastic is so will be much faster on the machine and much more secure.  Frank was pleased that he wouldn't have to send it back.  It's a new style and super cute.


The 91 year old lady in the next building, Rose, waved for me to come over this morning when I was walking Sweet Pea.  She couldn't remember how to write out the amount for a check, so I showed her on an envelope and she was going to copy it onto the check later.  While I was in the apartment I noticed that she had some oriental statues and told her that I collect them, too.  And what did she do but gift them to me.  :eek   I felt bad that she was giving them all away, but then she explained that her daughter is getting a new house and is going to have Rose move in with them.  And she told Rose, "...to get rid of all that junk in her apartment."  Rose was tickled pink to find someone who would enjoy and treasure her treasures.  So I now have to find them homes here in my apartment.  :P   I got her a scarf from work for her as a thank you.  She is so very sweet.


I just read up through Tuesday, so I'll catch up more tomorrow.  Maybe even get some pictures taken and posted.  :P   Have a great night and a good day tomorrow.  :manyheart

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Good morning,


Linda- I'm happy to see your post this morning! Glad it was mostly just being so busy that kept you away! Sorry you weren't feeling great- and yes, the weather probably had something to do with it. How very sweet of Rose to gift you the oriental statues. it shows how one good deed begets another one!

Your employer must be just so tickled pink that you are able to make those repairs!


Wishing all of you a relaxing Sunday- and fingers crossed that I only have to work a few hours!

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Good morning. Gloomy with rain in the forecast here today.


Linda, I am also relieved to see you post this morning. It was so sweet of your neighbo to gift you some of her treasures. And once again, Frank must be thanking his lucky stars that you applied for that job. Hope you are feeling better.


No big plans here today. Hope you all have great days.

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Hi Ladies. :)  Thunderstorms woke me up at 4:30, so it will be a long day. :lol


Linda ~ So glad to see your post. ♥  I agree with Cindy - your boss is one lucky guy to have you!  Can't wait to see what you decide to make with your loom.  And congratulations on finishing another shawl. :clap


Cindy ~ Your evening at Grand Haven sounds wonderful.  It's so nice that you have places to go that aren't too far away. :yes


Judy ~ Oh, so sorry about Sparkie's ear infection - but good news about the probiotics working.  I love the hats that you've shown us - how nice to have people asking for them!


Joanne ~ Our Michael's had a lot of yarn on clearance not too long ago - I thought they might be changing brands.  That's the day I overdosed on Vanna's Baby colors. :lol   I hope work goes quickly today and then you can look forward to next Sunday with your DD. :)


Hi to everyone at Our House!


Yesterday was just the beginning of long days of sorting and boxing up things.  We're going to rent a storage building in our vicinity and have an estate sale at our house in the fall.(way too hot in the summer!)   No way can we do it at the parent's house...too far to go and nowhere to park, etc. My brother has suffered from depression and anxiety for years and it's worse now...he still won't accept our offers to go to a doctor with him - not sure where he will end up and it's very sad. :(


Today I'm going to crochet no matter what!   :yes   


This picture is my screen saver for now. ♥♥♥




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Good morning everyone.  Sorry to have worried you.  One of the purchases I made last week was some new games for my computer and a couple of them are very addictive.  :reyes   They are fun and new and that helps too.  I'm just going to have to watch my time on them.  It's quite easy to lose a couple of hours with realizing it.  :P


It makes me feel really good to be able to fix little problems with the dresses at work.  The one I brought home means that instead of having to send it back as flawed, they can sell it.  The amount of time that will take is minimal for me.  I just make sure that I know exactly what the problem is and how to fix it before I start on any of them.  And they do give me some fantastic extra off items that I buy ~ anywhere from an extra 5-15% off.  One of the notebooks I wanted (it was all graph paper in a spiral bound notebook) he just gave me without charging me anything for it.  I love the feeling of being appreciated.  :D


It's mostly cloudy here today and I think there's a chance of rain for most of the coming week.  Friday they got so much rain in Atlanta that they were having problems with highways being flooded and one of the major ones was closed for several hours.  We didn't get that much here in Cumming, but it still had the ground really soft.


Glad you are finally getting a breather from all the tornadoes, Sherry.  They've been rough on your area this year.  Hope the worst is now over.  :hug


Joanne ~ I'm so happy for your middle DD and the great start to her art show.  :clap   :clap   :clap   You are going to royally deserve time off when this project finally gets through.


Mary ~ If your brother is suffering from major depression, it is serious.  When in the throughs of that it can be almost impossible to do anything at all.  Not because he's lazy, but because there is absolutely no energy in his system to do anything.  Even thinking is hard.  He probably does need to see a doctor.  There are lots of new meds out there that can really make a difference.  I speak from experience.  I'm on a combination of three and there is no comparison between my life before being on meds and now.  I'll never willingly be without them again.  If he's anywhere near where I was, his life is extremely bleak and hopeless.  It is NOT a good place to be.  And with both of your parents dying so recently, that is only going to make things worse for him.  Coping with that kind of change is hard on any of us and it will be exponentially worse for him.  I strongly encourage you and Sue to get him in to be seen.


Judy ~ glad to hear that Sparkie is doing better.  I took Sweet Pea in to the vet last week and she is now caught up with all her shots.  They are going to do a teeth cleaning on her and remove a lump on her shoulder in a couple of weeks, then she'll be all set.  I'm going to get her groomed as well.


All for now.  Love you all.  :ghug

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Hi Linda!  Hmmm - computer games are the culprit. :D   Thank you for sharing with us. :hug   Unfortunately, my brother refuses to admit (at least to anyone else) that he has a problem.  We've even had a good family friend (RN) try and talk with him as well as his favorite neighbor.  I know we can't force him to get help but we continue to offer our help and support. 


DH and I went to lunch and ran a few errands.  He's a real trooper about not driving - I'm so thankful for that!  I hope you are all having a good Sunday. :manyheart

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Hi Ladies. :)  Thunderstorms woke me up at 4:30, so it will be a long day. :lol


Linda ~ So glad to see your post. ♥  I agree with Cindy - your boss is one lucky guy to have you!  Can't wait to see what you decide to make with your loom.  And congratulations on finishing another shawl. :clap


Cindy ~ Your evening at Grand Haven sounds wonderful.  It's so nice that you have places to go that aren't too far away. :yes


Judy ~ Oh, so sorry about Sparkie's ear infection - but good news about the probiotics working.  I love the hats that you've shown us - how nice to have people asking for them!Thanks! I was tempted to really start letting people know I can make them and maybe sell some more (my friend insists on paying - so she feels better about just giving one gift...LOL) I think I'll let my book club peeps know I can make gifts they can buy and that's it. I'll consider requests from them for hats and small things.


Joanne ~ Our Michael's had a lot of yarn on clearance not too long ago - I thought they might be changing brands.  That's the day I overdosed on Vanna's Baby colors. :lol   I hope work goes quickly today and then you can look forward to next Sunday with your DD. :)


Hi to everyone at Our House!


Yesterday was just the beginning of long days of sorting and boxing up things.  We're going to rent a storage building in our vicinity and have an estate sale at our house in the fall.(way too hot in the summer!)   No way can we do it at the parent's house...too far to go and nowhere to park, etc. My brother has suffered from depression and anxiety for years and it's worse now...he still won't accept our offers to go to a doctor with him - not sure where he will end up and it's very sad. :(

I'm sorry about your brother....it's a shame he won't seek help.

Today I'm going to crochet no matter what!   :yes   


This picture is my screen saver for now. ♥♥♥


I love that picture!!!!


Have a good night...and like Linda, I'll be busy (though not with games :lol ) so if I don't show up or post now and then it's only because I've been busy with stuff around here, etc. I DO love the "like" button attached to our posts, though ;)

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Hi Ladies,


Sherry, Sorry that you have been going through so much. Hopefully your weather will change soon and your life will settle down and you can relax. Good luck dealing with the insurance company. Enjoy your time with the grandsons.


Judy, The afghan is really pretty and looks good. Glad both the dogs are going better. You might knit a scarf using sashay yarn. It has big holes and it might just help you loosen up on the needles.


Cindy, It's nice that you were able to get over Grand Haven. We haven't been over that way in years.


Joanne, I'm glad for you your project will be ending soon. You will deserve 2 weeks vacation. Glad you had some time with R&R and DD. Glad that DD is doing so well in her art exhibit.


Mary, That's a cute pic of Luke and Zac. Sorry that your brother suffers from depression and anxiety.


Linda, Glad you are okay. How nice of Rose to gift you the oriental statues. Your boss knows he has found a gem when he hired you. It's nice that you can fix some things for them. Enjoy your games!


Marisa, Enjoy your week with your Mom.


Val, Hope your feeling better.


Hubby's test went quickly. I have to call and have the doctor send us a copy as that is the only way to get it. And we don't see him again until november or december. We had a nice time at DD's. We had Maya's birthday party at the park. We had a cookout and the everyone had a nice time. We had plans of Maya coming home with us, but next weekend is father's day and her sister is there for the week so she stayed home and will come next weekend. My laptop has an issue. It has a black screen. I can see everything there it just has a black curtain in front of it. Hopefully it is something I can order and fix myself. DS thinks it might need a new screen. I'm not sure what is the problem.

I hope everyone has a good week. DS is here with the kids. I will be watching them tomorrow. He has another court date with the ex.

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Marlene, I hope the court case goes well for DS.


I've been crocheting this evening and have another prayer shawl almost half done.


I neighbor stopped by for a bit this evening.  She's going through a lot right now and needed a hug and someone to listen.  She's really very sweet, but she's got a lot going on.  She just broke up with her boy friend, is quitting smoking, is decreasing the amount of caffiene she takes daily by a lot, and just got started on some new meds.  No wonder she's having a tough time right now.


Hope you all have a great Monday.  :ghug

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