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Our House Part Two


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Yesterday a female cardinal at our birdbath was looking at something swooping overhead...

And this morning I saw this Northern (Marsh) hawk perched on a tree at the corner of our backyard. This pic is one I found online. It blened in so well with the oak trees until it moved it's head I thought I was imagining it! And what a wing span!!!!!!!!!!

...and a neighbor had to skirt a flock of wild turkeys that wer ecrossing the nearby road yesterday!

Is the "end" coming??:lol


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Thank you, Judy and Valerie! :)


Judy ~ Our yard is full of birds today. The goldfinches are here until April or early May and are so cute! We see mostly Red-tailed Hawks and I always warn Gracie to "watch out." :lol


Almost finished with the Surreybelle scarf! It's a gorgeous day and I don't even feel guilty for staying inside. :hook

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Thank you, Judy and Valerie! :)


Judy ~ Our yard is full of birds today. The goldfinches are here until April or early May and are so cute! We see mostly Red-tailed Hawks and I always warn Gracie to "watch out." :lol

Oh, that's nice! We get cardinals all year round, but when the weather's mild the Chicadees, tufted titmouse...all those little guys pop over!


You do have to watch the small dogs with the hawks! My guys are in no danger!:lol

Last year I was at the side door of my yard and saw a red tailed hawk fly low, over my head!

For a city girl I really love this stuff.....:c9


Have a good night everyone.

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:angry RATS!!! :yell Rats!!! :grumpy RATS!!!:rant Razzlefrats!!!:bang RATS!!! :thair We lost! After being 17 points ahead! :thair So close and yet so FAR!!! :grumpy San Franscico played well. :sigh


Yesterday a female cardinal at our birdbath was looking at something swooping overhead...

And this morning I saw this Northern (Marsh) hawk perched on a tree at the corner of our backyard. This pic is one I found online. It blened in so well with the oak trees until it moved it's head I thought I was imagining it! And what a wing span!!!!!!!!!!

...and a neighbor had to skirt a flock of wild turkeys that wer ecrossing the nearby road yesterday!

Is the "end" coming??:lol

Great bird picture.


Talked to Rosie just as the game was starting. John had a really good night last night. They are working towards getting John off the ventilator by the end of the day. He was coming out of the drugs and starting to move around when we talked. They said that the tear is 4 inches long and that he will have to have the feeding tube for at least 2 weeks and maybe longer, depending on how the healing goes. So better news at last. :hug

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Linda- Good news about John--prayers for his continued improvement. Sorry about the Falcons loss---I do like the idea of a coaching brother vs coaching brother Super Bowl--now the Ravens need to win for that to happen!


Watching the Ravens/Pats game and it's half time so figured I'd check in- I finished my dishcloth- not perfect and know where I made mistakes- but that is part of the learning process....and it IS only a dishcloth- LOL


Dinner is ready- finally- got a late start with that today since I had to do a big grocery shopping- we were out of so many things! Now we're good to go for a while again!!!


Tammy- Prayers for Ken- will be thinking of him tomorrow as he begins chemo again.



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Final check in!


Linda - I know. I really thought that the Falcons would pull it off. Those 2 turnovers really hurt us because I think otherwise they would have ended in touchdowns.


Oh well...Let's go Ravens!!!


Glad to hear some good news about John. I will continue to pray.


Joanne - Dishcloths look okay.


Have a good night everybody!

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Hi Ladies,


Linda, Good news on John. Continuing prayers.


Joanne, Cute dishcloth.


Mary, It will seem strange not coming here for a few days.


Sherry, I hate when you lose your post. Hope you had a good weekend.


Both DD and DS arrived where they were suppose to without any delays. DS said Maya was doing okay. Tomorrow I'll call her. Have a nice evening and a great monday everyone.

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Tam - prayers being said for DH. So sorry to hear he has to have chemo again.


Linda - glad to hear John is doing better. Will be praying for him as well.


Joanne - Dishcloth looks good, you'll get better with practice! hope you had a good weekend.


Marisa - sorry to hear about the problems with QB but blad you figured out the problems.


This last week was horrible--but at least I got all my reports done. Now on to the W2's (I have one past employee that calls weekly to see if I have them done). hopefully I can get them done tomorrow as the boss will be gone.


Had a easy weekend, had a karate tournament yesterday for oldest GS. He got 2 trophies, 3rd place on breaking and blow gun. He tried for the harder boards and higher score to aim at, and came in last place. But I'm proud that he tried to do something harder and learn from it. Other than picking up a few groceries, I stayed home and rested. We ahve both GS tonight, DD wanted a quiet night to herself, so we have them. They are out of school tomorrow, so they will go with me to work and day care. We played a game and then got ready for bed. They's been asleep for 2 1/2 hours, so it's my turn to get some sleep.


I hope all of you have a great Monday and for those of you who have a holiday tomorrow--enjoy it!


Hugs to all!

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Good morning!


Wishing it was a holiday for me. We used to have off MLK day, but this year they took it away, so off to Paradise I go!


I know the dishcloth is not great, but I'm enjoying the process of learning to knit- and learning how to spot mistakes! LOL Crochet is much faster for sure, and I worked a few rows on the baby blanket last evening while watching the football game.


I'm hoping to get to CC tonight- which reminds me, I should check to see if the library is open since it is a holiday! This is going to be a long work week with lots to do!


Prayers for John and Tammy's Ken!


Will be keeping you all in my thoughts and may not be back on till the forum is back up and running after the installation of the new software!


Have a great day!

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Good Morning, House. :manyheart


Joanne ~ Your first knitting project looks great. :cheer I hope you're able to go to craft club this evening. :)


Hi Sherry ~ Congratulations to your GS! :clap Hopefully, your week will be a little easier than last week. :yes


Marlene ~ Good news that DD and DS had no delays! Is your cold better - hope so! :manyheart


Valerie ~ We were cheering for Atlanta, too. :( Are you still working on dishcloths? I have one of the fish washcloths started and need to finish it up. DD's friends love them for their little ones. :)


Linda ~ It sounds like John is heading in the right direction now. :xfin I hope each day gets better from now on. :manyheart Have you had time to work on the quilt - or is it crocheting time again? :)


Today will be running a few errands and laundry. Of course there's laundry...where does it all come from? :lol Have a wonderful morning, everyone. :manyheart

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morning peeps!


:angry RATS!!! :yell Rats!!! :grumpy RATS!!!:rant Razzlefrats!!!:bang RATS!!! :thair We lost! After being 17 points ahead! :thair So close and yet so FAR!!! :grumpy San Franscico played well. :sigh

Sorry your team lost....though I was rooting for SF;)...even though the son of a long-time friend of ours (our sons went to school together from nursery school thru HS)for years has been videographer and now takes still pics for Atlanta....


Great bird picture.

Looks just like the one I saw!!

Talked to Rosie just as the game was starting. John had a really good night last night. They are working towards getting John off the ventilator by the end of the day. He was coming out of the drugs and starting to move around when we talked. They said that the tear is 4 inches long and that he will have to have the feeding tube for at least 2 weeks and maybe longer, depending on how the healing goes. So better news at last. :hug

Thank goodness he's improving!!!!


Watching the Ravens/Pats game and it's half time so figured I'd check in- I finished my dishcloth- not perfect and know where I made mistakes- but that is part of the learning process....and it IS only a dishcloth- LOL

I never even posted my first attempt - it was really wonky! You did very well!!:clap


I'll be back here during the day - and with many of us on FB we'll be able to check in if needed tomorrow while the software change takes effect.


Later, gators....

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Hi everyone. Sweet Pea has been for her morning walk and then proceeded to run in circles here in the apartment for a while. Silly puppy! She was nutty all weekend barking, because so many people were home and didn't have to work. It's quiet again today so her world is back where she likes it.


I'm continuing to work on the Project Linus quilt. It's just taking longer and longer to make each round as I work out from the center. And since the rounds are just 2 inches apart that's a lot of rounds. But it's nice and fluffy which is what I wanted. And it should be nice and warm too.


I have to tackle the kitchen, but that shouldn't take long to straighten up and then it's on to crafting. :manyheart


Praying for Ken, Tammy. So sorry he's had this setback. :hug


Joanne, I think you did great on your first knitting project! It takes time to get the hang of any new craft. You are doing super. :cheer:cheer:cheer


Marlene ~ I'm so glad that things went smoothly with DD, DS, and Maya.


Sherry ~ Congratulations on the reports all getting done! :clap:clap:clap People don't realize all the work that must be done at year end. It's not just sending out W-2s. And even sending those out is a far more involved process than they realize. I've done it. And know that they are a LOT of work! So much double checking to make sure that they are accurate, even if the computer does make it easier than it used to be. Hugs! :hug:hug:hug And all of this is on top of the normal day to day stuff that still has to be done and kept up with. :hug:hug:hug None of that stops just because there is year end stuff to do.


Sherry ~ Congratulations to GS on his karate wins.

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Good morning ladies :hi (at least for a little while longer)


I slept in a bit this morning and then went to the gym before coming to the office. I must admit that I was indifferent for the Atl/SF game :shrug I did choose Balt over NE though, only because I don't like NE....they fall 2nd to the bottom of my list and unfortunately Balt falls just above them at 3rd :lol And unfortunately, both teams couldn't lose BUT for the super bowl, I'm a 49ers girl :rofl I'm surprised that Atlanta lost the lead for the 2nd week in a row :eek


Linda - Continuous prayers for John and Rosie :hug :hug


Mary - Love the scarves :manyheart thanks for sharing the patterns.


Joanne - Thanks for the downtime update, I haven't looked at anything on the site just yet. We'll all be going through withdrawl :eek:lol Your knit dishcloth came out great for your first project :yes:cheer


Sherry - I always find it difficult to post from the nook or ipad. Hoping you get your W-2's done :xfin and WTG to GS :clap I'm sure he did great, and if he doesn't challenge himself for the harder things, then we won't be able to progress further :yes


Marlene - Glad to hear everyone got to where they were going safely :yes Is it still in the 70's? We have a high of 26 today and 14 tomorrow :eek It's snowing now and looks pretty....and even better because it's not sticking :lol


Judy - So much activity in your backyard :manyheart The hawk would probably scare me, I'm a wussy girl when it comes to such things. As long as it kept itself perched, I'd be ok but as soon as he took off, I'd scream and run away :rofl


Val - Sorry Atlanta lost yesterday. :hug


Hope everyone's having a great MLK Day

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Goodafternoon all!


Not much going on here. Just wanted to check in.


It's colder here and is suppose to get even colder on tomorrow.


Mary - I've only done the 2 dish cloths. I've made 2 infinity scarves (1 from the link posted by Joanne and the other from the tutorial by Love4Nails on UTUBE!.


Joanne - Have a great day in paradise.


Sherry - I hope you get as much done as possible today.


Marlene - Glad all is well and everyone is where they are suppose to be.


BBL if I can!

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Talked to Rosie. John didn't get rid of the ET tube yet, but is making progress towards it. The oxygen is lower. He just isn't triggering enough breaths yet. The infection in the neck is much better.


I'm down to about 5 rows of quilting left and then the binding on the Project Linus quilt. :manyheart

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Marisa, I'll bet you're not really a wuss...:lol:lol


Talked to Rosie. John didn't get rid of the ET tube yet, but is making progress towards it. The oxygen is lower. He just isn't triggering enough breaths yet. The infection in the neck is much better.


I'm down to about 5 rows of quilting left and then the binding on the Project Linus quilt. :manyheart

That's so good to hear that John is making progress!


I can't wait to see th epic of your quilt!!!

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I'm starting to miss you guys already. :eek:) Amy's latest update said they should shut down between 7 and 9 in the a.m. (central time).


Linda ~ Your quilt will make someone very happy. :manyheart I hope John is doing a little better today. :hug


Marisa ~ Is it still snowing? Stay safe and warm!


Valerie ~ Yay for finishing the dishcloths and infinity scarves! :clap


The Surreybelle scarf is finished and I've made a start on sorting through my yarn. :blush When I finish something, am I putting extra yarn away? Nope...lately it's just ended up on my sewing table in a big pile. :lol I have yarn for this pattern and think it's time for some granny squares. :hook

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Talked to Rosie. John didn't get rid of the ET tube yet, but is making progress towards it. The oxygen is lower. He just isn't triggering enough breaths yet. The infection in the neck is much better.


I'm down to about 5 rows of quilting left and then the binding on the Project Linus quilt. :manyheart

Oh, good news about John! And you've accomplished a lot on the quilt! :cheer

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I'm starting to miss you guys already. :eek:) Amy's latest update said they should shut down between 7 and 9 in the a.m. (central time).

then this will be it for me till I see we're back up.



The Surreybelle scarf is finished and I've made a start on sorting through my yarn. :blush When I finish something, am I putting extra yarn away? Nope...lately it's just ended up on my sewing table in a big pile. :lol I have yarn for this pattern and think it's time for some granny squares. :hook

I've always loved that pattern - I'm thinking my odds and ends can be used with this pattern, too! My friend in the NICU is so used to me and the unique "look" of my work.

A while back I used up a couple of skiens of pink and purple Charisma yarn and made a big GS - and her 9 mo takes it to bed with her every night because it's so soft.


CU all down th eroad a bit1

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Hi everyone. Super busy day at work today. It also snowed all day, so the roads were quite slippery coming home. I have to work tomorrow and then I'm done for the week.


I was planning to work on a knit dishcloth this evening and one of my knitting needles is gone. I can't find it anywhere. And that reminds me, Joanne, your dishcloth is great for a first attempt.

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Hi all,


I didn't get home till close to 7, so no craft club for me. It started snowing just as I was pulling down my street! Now I'm comfy in my pj's and checking in.


Thanks for the compliments on my first knitting project. Next up I think I'm going to use large needles with a bulky yarn and make a scarf. tonight, though, I'll be crocheting since I'm tired and don't want to have to really concentrate!


Can't wait to see the quilt, Linda! And glad to hear that John is continuing to improve.


Mary- Love that pattern! and I actually like those colors together (which I have in my stash--might be a good one to use for a co-worker who is having a girl and is due in the beginning of May! I surely won't be knitting any blankets! LOL


Marisa- I'll be rooting for the Ravens in the Superbowl because of Ray Rice who went to Rutgers- I enjoyed watching him play for RU--he's a good RB and glad he is doing so well in the NFL--but I do like the Niners too, so it's a tough call!


Judy- I'm like Marisa when it comes to the hawk--I would run away!


Cindy- Hope that the needle turns up!!! How frustrating when you get in your mind to work on something and you can't find what you need!


Sherry- Hope the GS had a good day today- and that you did too!


Off I go- crochet a little, then calling it a night!

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Won't be long until bedtime for me...I made three granny squares! I can't remember the last time I went beyond two-round saltines. :lol


Have a good night, everyone. I hope the site conversion doesn't take too long - I'll miss you guys. :manyheart

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Hi Ladies,


Sherry, Hope your work starts to slow down for you pretty soon. Fun times with the GS.


Joanne, Hope you have an easy week this week.


Mary, The GS ghan is cute. The cold is much better.


Linda, Good news on John. Your moving right along on the quilt.


Tam, Keeping you, Ken and the family in my prayers.


Cindy, Hope you find your needle. Enjoy your off time. Be careful out on the roads.


Marisa, Were suppose to have 70's most of the week. I hope it don't get cold again, but it probably will.


Judy, I wouldn't stick around with the hawk flying that close by.


We skyped with Maya tonight. She read a book to me. She said all is good.

Hubby has an eye appt in the morning. Just an exam and maybe pick out some glasses.

I had pt this morning, we went to the jam this afternoon and I crocheted on the rr. We have happy hour on mondays. We went to that. Everyone brings something. We had over 20 people for it. Lots of good snacks. There is a guy here Steve who cooks and is good at it. He mad some kind of stuffed bread stuffed with spinach, mushrooms, spices and it was good. Tasted like pizza to me. I don't like spinach and I ate it.

One of the ladies in the kitchen has to go home. Her husbands daughter has cancer and she isn't doing good. She has lost 40 lbs in a month and she wasn't very big when she was here two years ago. He has lost one daughter to cancer already. Things are unknown, they don't know if they'll be back this winter or not. There from Michigan they live in Traverse City. They had someone go open there house up so it will be ready for them and warm when they get there.

I'm off, I'll be back when the new ville is back on. Have a good week everyone!

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