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A Doily to Blanket A~Long


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yep, I do know I wanna. and a friend of mine is having baby #5, girl #2, so I do wanna make a blanket for her...this is a good excuse!

I did a swatch test on that 8.5" doily...and even with an I hook, it's going to be between 24-27" across...really too small for a baby blanket--it wouldn't get used long enough! (especially since she has a tendency to make big babies, KWIM)

Good for a preemie though...for those who may want to use it for that, here's the linky: http://pandacrochet.8m.com/trish.html


maybe I should fix the ink in my printer and just go with the romantic pineapples. Or maybe I should go through my pile of old mags and find something...or maybe...LOL



Oh, now that is fantastic! That really is lovely. I will be making this for donations for sure. I really like this one. :manyheart Thank you for posting the link, it's a keeper! :hook ...wonder if #5 bulky yarn would make a newborn size?

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Oh, now that is fantastic! That really is lovely. I will be making this for donations for sure. I really like this one. :manyheart Thank you for posting the link, it's a keeper! :hook ...wonder if #5 bulky yarn would make a newborn size?

you can always use 2 strands of yarn....

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Hi there I hope you don't mind that I do this doily pattern with you. All those that I tried today I couldn't understand the doily lingo. I'm using Pound of Love in Pastel Green and a 5.00mm hook. So far I'm finding it easy and I'm loving the pattern, thank you for finding it. :hug


nope don't mind at all. Its kinda airy, but will keep going to see what happens.

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I don't know about anyone else, but this is waaaay to much fun!

It is:yes...and easier to frog when you get to the end of a row and discover you made a mistake that can't be fudged:lol

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I'm doing the double pineapple, and got to the row where the pineapples start, read the instructions and thought - is that REALLY what it means? Apparently so. When I printed off the pattern, the picture didn't print, so I had to come fire up the computer and look at it. I guess I'l better leave it on for a bit.


It's pretty open in the center, but I think it will be ok. So far, so good..... The great thing about having a lot of holes it is goes really fast. Love that!

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I'm just about done making doll clothes for my daughter's friend (her b-day party is the 26th). I have a few doll clothes to make for my daughter before her b-day party (mid-March). I really hope to get working on this doily-ghan sometime soon though...:(

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Thankyou gardener, I had to quit my hands were aching. My mom made me afghans when my kids were little and they all had big holes in them. I used to use them as car seat covers along with a recieving blanket or for nap time. My kids loved them. After I finish I will let my freind decide what she will use it for or if she wants it. It will be for her baby. The holes are about a 1/2 inch.

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Well, I started mine tonight. I have Vanna's Choice SeaMist Spray and started out using an I hook. Holes looked way too big to me, so I frogged and started over with an H hook. Much better. It is a smaller pattern as I've never done a doily and haven't done an afghan in over <ahem> years so I wanted to start small and work my way up. lol. Pattern said in thread it's about 10 inches. So far, I've worked 11 rounds out of 23 and it's 15". If I need to, I think I can add more rounds to it at the end.


Some beautiful ones on here ladies. :)

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I started one this morning for my friend Carols' grand daughter-to-be :) she was due on the 12th & is still hanging in there but I didn't find out until last night.


I'm making "August" from "a year of doilys book 4" it is 34 rows and at row 10 mine measures 10". I'm using DK weight yarn and a 5mm hook.


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so now the question begs to be asked..how big is to big on the holes? Someone suggested using 2 strands which would make the 'ghan bigger, but will it makes the holes lots bigger too?? inquiring minds...

The holes would be bigger - unless you used a smaller than usual hook for working with 2 strands.

It'll take experimenting....

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Kookaloo starr - that's a gorgeous pattern. I can't wait to see your pics!


I didn't get much done on mine last night. I was so zonked after working this weird schedule that I fell asleep in the recliner and zzz'd away four hours - so much for crocheting! The babies will just have to wait.


It's turning out really lacy, but I think it will be ok. At any rate, it's good experience. I brought it to work to peg away on during lunch. At least my co-workers like it, or are gracious enough to say they do.

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Here's where I'm at this afternoon, not far but it is a start :) I've ch 5 when I should ch7 and ch7 when I should ch9 and it seems to be working OK so far :D and personally I think it's lovely :manyheart


Personally I think you are understating the facts..that is going to be gorgeous! Interesting idea on the chains as it's laying flat and not puckering with doing that and keeps the holes smaller.


The projects everyone are posting are beautiful!

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So many gorgeous blankets-in-progress! I think how much hole is too much is in the eye of the beholder. Sometimes a lacy blanket is perfect, they're not as hot in the summer months, and you can wrap baby in a light "sheet" and then the pretty blankie for show, too. ;) For one that will get lots and lots of daily use, you probably want one that has smaller or fewer holes...baby's finger will inevitably find the holes. I did hear once that for a WW ghan, holes should aim for 5-chain or less, if that helps anyone.

With my kids, I got several cute-and-practical blankets. They fell in love with bears, not blankies...some of the cute-and-practical, have become doll blankets for DD (6yr)'s babies. :D But having a special, lacy one, is a treasure that gets kept!


Anyway. I was digging around, and don't have enough lightweight yarns to make the romantic pineapples doily (and in WW with I, I thought it'd end up HUGE, which I wasn't in the mood for...I have a nearly full skein of Caron Pounder in that lilac color, to use up, and I find that yarn a bit thick/stiff, so it's I hook for me. So I dug through my old mags (mostly from one fantabulous haul at a thrift store a couple years ago!) and came out with a stack of doilies to put on my WIM's list. I also found this one, that I've started playing around with.


This is "Swirl Motif Doily" fromOld Time Crochet, Dec 1999. It's a 12" in size 10 thread, so I figure, based on my gauge swatch, that it should come close to 36", which feels like a good size for a baby blanket I think.


Here's what I did yesterday, and here's hoping it all works out ;)


So far, the swirls aren't showing up very much...might be the angle though.

I guess it's official, I de-lurked and jumped in. :lol

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