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A Doily to Blanket A~Long


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Oh, sweetie - it was a pleasure working on that for you.


What do you think of maybe a table runner or that gorgeous oval pineapple table center piece? Just some ideas to bounce around.


If it's pineapples, I'm all for it! I love working pineapples. :hook

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Can I join??Ive been so sick for awhile that i haven't done much(the Doctors only took a year and half to find out what was wrong with me and then finding the pills that worked for me :P Any way Ive always wanted to do this one http://www.ravelry.com/projects/cmuralidhara/sunburst-pineapple-doily


Just need to figure out color!!

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I've been lurking around since the beginning. I always wanted to know if you could turn a doily into an afghan and now I see you certainly can or should I say this gives me hope I can. I'm not always able to figure it out if I don't have a pattern to follow. I've been asked for 2 baby blankets and this might just be the ticket. You guys are giving me inspiration. All of them have been so pretty, please keep showing your pictures.

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Shaylen, that pattern is actually one of the ones I printed out to try for this CAL. I ahven;t started on that one yet, since I want to finished the one I;m working on first, but I;m planning to do it eventually. I also found it on Ravelry.


Hi, Pat. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

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Shaylen and Pat, welcome to the Cal! :hook There is most definitely inspiration here, (I've already started a second one and am not finished with the first, lol) but both will be finished as one is for my daughter and one is for a donation. Glad to have you joining in with all of us.

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Hi, ladies.

I got to row 20 of my doilyghan and ran out of the yarn I was using for it....and since no color I tried with it seemed to look just right I decided to frog it and wait for another time to make one. I have the patterns I want to try all lined up like ducks...but will need to give this one more thought before trying it again.


Keep up the good work, everyone!

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Momcrochets, I simply Love with a capital L, your doily motif ghan. It is just lovely, the pattern, the color, the swirling cluster stitches. It's beautiful.



I was just digging through my stash box this morning, and discovered (how DID I miss that?) two caron pounders in cream/off-white! That just might be enough for the romantic pineapples doily-ghan. lol

First I have to behave though, and finish the "short" lace...I'm past the 50" mark, going to 64" for that one. after I decide if I like it, I'll know if I am committing to the long one, too. So it might be a while before I start my next doily-ghan...but I'm not going anywhere, anyway :D I love seeing all the pretty doily-ghans!

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Thanks Ladies for the welcome!!


So i went digging in my stash and found some RRSS in white but it didn't lay as well as i wanted(to stiff)so went digging again and found 4 Caron Pounders in peach color so that's what I'm using with a size H hook,this yarn works great for this,im up to round 10 and its 11" so far,i think its looking great.


So far here is what i have!!What do you think?


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These are all so nice. I was thinking of doing one for my new grandson.

I think one done in light blue would be very pretty!!


That's really pretty, Shaylen. I can't wait to see more of it.


Thank you...im up to row 12 again...had to rip back to row 9 at one point because the pattern was wrong :angry

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Okay, I've now finished one of these for the February Charity CAL. It turned out between 15 & 16 inches in diameter done in baby yarn. It is a preemie 'ghan size.


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So many beautiful ones! Thanks for sharing. I haven't working on mine in a couple of nights again. Been busy and daughter has not been well.


What are the average measurements for baby ghans, lapghans and preemie ghans? Just trying to get an idea of what I should be shooting for here.



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Linda, that is so pretty!


Stephanie, for lapghans for nursing homes and hospice and such, 36 x 48 is pretty standard, especially if they're to be used with wheel chairs. I've been making mine around 42 x 52, but I think I'm going to drop down to the small size, at least for some of them. It really depends on what the intended purpose is.

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Okay, I've now finished one of these for the February Charity CAL. It turned out between 15 & 16 inches in diameter done in baby yarn. It is a preemie 'ghan size.


Linda...That is beautiful...i love the 2 colors you used,they go together great.

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Well i am starting over :( my DH didn't like the peach color for the living room...he says it wont match the sofa(its hunter green)and the walls are light brick.Now to go stash diving again because i really want him to like it too.

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Thanks for the sizes. I am 2 1/2 rolls from the end of the pattern and about to run out of yarn. <sigh> I was hoping to finish tonight. I had bought 2 skeins but obviously, not enough. I'll have to run in tomorrow and get a third.

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