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2011 Stashbusting CAL


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I think i'm in a food coma. but i need to crochet! I have just a month left to finish TWO ghans! And I'm only 25% or so done with each!


But... the food coma is from eating some absolutely divine pierogies. mmmmm mmmmm mmmm :c9:c9:c9

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I have failed horribly at busting. Think I may just lurk and visit. DOn't wanna be the permanent moon shooter!


Aw Wrennie it's all in fun..at least I hope this isn't really serious stuff or I'd be in big trouble!!


I did manage to make another divine hat and got started on the matching scarf for it and busted one skein.


Started another from a ball and busted it too! woohoo!


I still have to count what I've bought this week though :lol

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Not too bad this week. Used up 5 skeins :yay and my son brought one home for me, for a total of


I was going to head to the beach today with my book:book, but instead I'll stay home and crochet:crocheting. Stupid cold :sick

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Hang in there! Some weeks you just don't make much progress--and some weeks it's in the wrong direction. Counted my Wal-Mart trip--28 skeins. I've used 4 skeins and 1 ball so far this week, so there will be something of a gap.

Yeah I know, I'm just too good at going in the wrong direction! :lol


Don't throw in the towel~~~ stay with us~~~pretty please????:yes

I wasn't going that far away, I'll still stop in!


Awwww don't leave us! If you shoot the moon again, I'll post your numbers on Sunday :P

Careful what you offer. My friends daughter is back, I can feel another truckload of yarn in my future. Fabric too, maybe a machine or loom too.


Aw Wrennie it's all in fun..at least I hope this isn't really serious stuff or I'd be in big trouble!!

I know, but it started to feel like work to me. 'Gotta get it done by the weekend count deadline'. Started feeling not so fun. And I didn't get paperwork done cause I was so intent on getting yarn work done. Now I have to rush and get it postmarked by monday or get fines :eek Don't want that. And its my last sales tax due ( I had a business I closed) and I should have done it over the past month but now I'm doing it in 2 days. Bad Wrennie!:2nono (( :rofl ))


(1 more post and I'm an official jabberfingers with 1000!)

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WTD -1 / YTD -17


I am not quite sure what happened this week other than everything I did didn't use a full skein or a ball of yarn. I even finished off a stocking cap last night and it didn't use the whole 2 balls of yarn. I am slowly making my way through the pound of baby yarn for the baby blanket - but again, haven't used anything "whole" up. I thought perhaps I'd feed the scrapghan today but eh - I think I'll just take my -1 and hope for a positive next week.

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Gave two more balls to my daughter and twelve-year-old cousin which they used to make bracelets and tie up their 51-year-old uncle/cousin. :lol



Kids tying up a 51 year old :think? Was he asleep :think? My niece (then 7 YO) tied an uncle's shoes together because he was snoring while she was watching a DVD. He fell off the couch when he tried to get up :lol. If she'd had :yarn, who knows what she'd done :devil.


I made 15 more bunny pins and started a stuffed bunny toy, used a ball (+1). Good news, I donated a bag of :yarn to the church ladies - 5 balls, 2 skeins and 4 partial skeins (+13) :clap:cheer. Bad news, I got home from work Fri. and found 4 skeins (1 was a pounder!) by my door (-8) :angry. A friend was paying me back for all the skeins/balls I gave her in the past. I keep telling her she doesn't have to, but nooo, she insists.

WTD: + 6 YTD: + 40

Ellie 13

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bought 5 skeins, used 3. Figured I'd post now though because we'll be heading out for some errands once the hubby wakes up, and who knows how late it'll be by the time we get done, and whether or not I'll feel like crocheting more.


WTD: - 4 YTD: +9

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I can see that this next skein is not going to disappear this afternoon, so I'll go ahead and post in case anyone wants to go shopping. Four skeins into an afghan and 1 ball into a dishcloth didn't make a dent on my Wal-Mart trip.


WTD -47/ YTD -253

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Didn't have much time for crocheting. Terrible cold this week. So I'm just at a



WTD=+2 score this week.


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For week ending March 19, 2011:


WTD: +2 / YTD: +7

Just made 2 balls this week. I've mostly been working with thread which doesn't seem to go anywhere.:crocheting

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I have been using this forum as an excuse not to work on my cross stich. This is the hardest piece I've ever done - it was supposed to be finished at Christmas as a gift for my sister. So, I've decided just to suck it up and stay with it until it's finished. That's the long way of saying I have a big fat WTD 0

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This project has been helping to eat up some yarn this weekend. It's a modified color blocks flannelghan-style ghan for my dad-in-law. I have 2 strips left to make up. His birthday is next month so I'm hoping to get the strips done this weekend so all I have left is putting the strips together and putting on a border. have an MRV and lumbar puncture this week so I'm hoping to get as much as possible done this weekend as next weekend may be shot for doing much of anything. Have a second ghan to get done by mid-april as well.


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