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2011 Stashbusting CAL


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I got ambitious this week and decided to organize my stash. It's grown a bit since the last time I made any sense of it. The jumbled pile of smooshy, yarn-filled, shopping bags had completely overwhelmed the totes in the "yarn" closet. Luckily, Target had totes on sale this week because I definately needed more!:lol

I figured :think since I was digging it all out of the closet, :idea I might as well take some pictures!:photo This entailed lugging the whole lot upstairs so that there was enough room to spread it out, sorting through it, placing it all just so, snapping pics, packing it all back up in it's new groupings, and lugging it all back downstairs. It took all day!:whew





I didn't catalogue or count it because I just don't want to know the final number.:devil I was going to post all the pics here, but I mostly grouped the yarn by brand and/or type, so I ended up with 18 pics.:eek Here are a couple of the bigger collections.













If you're drinking a beverage, you might want to swallow now. :D









Also, if anyone's curious, I posted all 18 pics in my Ravelry stash: http://www.ravelry.com/people/yarndweeb/stash/stash-3-10-11








Okay, ready? I don't want to be responsible for any liquid damage to keyboards and screens!














I don't feel near as bad now, --- you don't happen to have a couple of skeins of Red Heart Tweed "stormy" hidden in there do you?


I'll have to see if I have the pics of my yarn wall somewhere -----( i suppose I can re take it)



I hope to finish this pounder later today so I'll post my numbers than, after two weeks of 3 oz skeins this is taking an awful long time for two points :eek

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I'm posting early. It's the big St. Pat's dinner at church tonight. Lots of Corned Beef, cabbage, potatoes, and all the other trimmings! Can't wait.


WTD=+7 YTD=-12


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I gave 2 skeins to a friend (+4), and I finished up the skein on my scarf (+1). The scarf seemed kind of short (I like long scarves). I found out variegated :yarn comes in smaller skeins :angry. I'll have to end the scarf or buy more :yarn. I need to get eyes and pom-poms for the Easter Bunny pins. I need at least 80 bunny pins.

WTD: + 5 YTD: + 31

Ellie 13

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After a couple months of not adopting stray yarn skeins, I finally decided to enlarge the family and welcome home some new additions. :devil


I went to Michaels and found Homespun and their Loops and Threads brand, Country Loom, on sale. I bought three Homespun and four Country Loom for a -14.


Then I went to my shawl ministry meeting on Thursday and some folks donated yarn to our group. I came home with five skeins from that for a -10.


I managed to work only one skein into a ball for a +1. So....


For week ending March 12, 2011:


WTD: -23 / YTD: -23

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After a couple months of not adopting stray yarn skeins, I finally decided to enlarge the family and welcome home some new additions. :devil


I went to Michaels and found Homespun and their Loops and Threads brand, Country Loom, on sale. I bought three Homespun and four Country Loom for a -14.


Then I went to my shawl ministry meeting on Thursday and some folks donated yarn to our group. I came home with five skeins from that for a -10.


Congrats on adopting some lost, lonely skeins! It's always so heartwarming to hear of those poor orphan skeins finding a new home. :)

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Well, I was doing well until my friend presented me with a skein of yarn and told me to buy more yarn to make her mother a scarf (she's going to pay me)! I haven't bought the other yarn yet, so my score for the week is:


Stashbuster Total: WTD -2 YTD +36


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WTD +6 YTD -8


Next week is spring break so no homework, but work is still crazy. 20 turtles in 15 days. :eek I hope to use up some yarn next week...I hope.



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I might as well post now since I have no idea if I'll finish my current project and get time to bust a skein or ball before midnight. The current project is taking longer than expected, but the pattern is in my brain and not something I'm following along on so I can't just whip through it. hehe


Bought 6 skeins, used 1 1/2 worth.


WTD: -9

YTD: +13

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Took a peek at your Ravelry page. :eek:eek:eek How many yarn stores do you have hidden in your house?? :rofl You need to post this to the Flash Your Stash page on Ravelry.

Did I mention that I work at a big box craft store? :blush Since I started there- and joined the 'Ville and Ravelry- my stash has gotten 4-5 times bigger! I'm a sucker for clearance and deep discount yarn, so I have a habit of stocking up when I find good deals. I haven't decided if I'm going to post it in Flash Your Stash yet (there are a lot of yarn snobs on there).




dragonpuck- Sorry, no Tweed. Yarn wall, you say? Sounds interesting.... :devil





OK- I hinted earlier in the week that I'd scored a ton of clearance yarn. I have added a mere 13 skeins to that, so my score is: WTD: -194!


:faint Time to get that hook flying!:hook

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WTD -11

YTD -77


I'll be doing scores in a little bit...need to feed the little monster! :lol

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Here we go...

Gold Medal! - KraftynKrazy +23

Silver Medal! - Dragonpuck +16

Bronze Medal Tie! - dilyca2006 +10

- Walker1021 +10

lhasaapsolady +8

CLLinda +7

cris +7

Basjordan +6

TurtleLvr +6

Ellie 13 +5

cshort +2

FrLopLady +2

Gshall +2

Tralee +2


Marzee +0

Saffronangel +0



Pineknott -4

fc1123 -8

Shell Lee -9

Braxxi -11

Greyhoundgrandma -13

BigPinkPolkaDot -23

Shoot the Moon! - yarngeek -194

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Did I mention that I work at a big box craft store? :blush Since I started there- and joined the 'Ville and Ravelry- my stash has gotten 4-5 times bigger! I'm a sucker for clearance and deep discount yarn, so I have a habit of stocking up when I find good deals. I haven't decided if I'm going to post it in Flash Your Stash yet (there are a lot of yarn snobs on there).


You're right about the yarn snobs. There are a lot of them. But don't let them deter you. Show off your stash. You should be ultra proud of it.

BTW...I think you should change your name from Yarn Geek to Yarn Goddess. :rofl

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