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2011 Stashbusting CAL


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Went to Hobby Lobby. I was so good. Just bought the needles that I needed. No yarn jumped in my cart today!:lol


Posting early.


WTD=-4 YTD=+2


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At the beginning of the week, I bought four skeins for Special Olympics scarves, so that was a -8. Then I finished two balls on a filet shawl for a -6. Then I worked a skein into a ball on that same shawl. So, my grand total for the week is a -5.


For week ending Jan. 15, 2011:


WTD: -5 / YTD: -3

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I had a few purchases this week BUT I finished 2 scarves to sell, some special olympics scarves, and put some balls into a scrap-ghan.


My first week in the positive - YAY!


WTD +3/YTD -12

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I said I would join this year so add me to the list. I didn't have any points the 1st week, and only +1 the 2nd week (I'll add it to this week, the 15th). I finished my entery for Vanna White's contest and made 25 heart pins. I used 3 skeins (+6) and rolled down 5 skeins (+5) :cheer. If somone can help me, I might be able to post photos.

WTD: + 11 YTD: + 11

Ellie 13

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I said I would join this year so add me to the list. I didn't have any points the 1st week, and only +1 the 2nd week (I'll add it to this week, the 15th). I finished my entery for Vanna White's contest and made 25 heart pins. I used 3 skeins (+6) and rolled down 5 skeins (+5) :cheer. If somone can help me, I might be able to post photos.

WTD: + 11 YTD: + 11

Ellie 13


Added you to the list. Welcome back!


I've been trying to keep the list up-to-date, so if I've missed someone, please let me know and I will be happy to put your name on the list. The current list is on post #8.



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At the beginning of the week, I bought four skeins for Special Olympics scarves, so that was a -8. Then I finished two balls on a filet shawl for a -6. Then I worked a skein into a ball on that same shawl. So, my grand total for the week is a -5.


For week ending Jan. 15, 2011:


WTD: -5 / YTD: -3



Glad to see someone has beaten me in the "Shoot the Moon" department.



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Heading out in a couple hours to a friend's birthday party so won't be getting much more crocheting done before midnight. Bought 4 skeins this week but used up quite a bit of yarn as well this week. Also gave my cousin's young son several skeins of yarn to help him out with his crocheting lessons. :cheer


WTD +30 YTD +37

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Heading out in a couple hours to a friend's birthday party so won't be getting much more crocheting done before midnight. Bought 4 skeins this week but used up quite a bit of yarn as well this week. Also gave my cousin's young son several skeins of yarn to help him out with his crocheting lessons. :cheer


WTD +30 YTD +37


Doing great on the stashbusting score!



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Busy week. One skein turned into HAP rectangles. Finally finished the last two place mats of a set for DIL which used up four skeins. Got 10 skeins into a round ripple afghan kit--thank goodness for small skeins! All that helped bring down the negative balance of my big yarn order. So:


wtd -16; ytd -10

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Had to buy two more skeins this evening for a project I will be starting. :devil I have been working all day on a pattern I am testing, but not using up much yarn. :(


My totals for January 15, 2011: WTD = -3 YTD = -3

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Well, here we are at the end of another week! Here are all the scores, Winners, and the Shoot the Moon!

Your Grand prize Winner is :cheer:clap:cheer:clap:cheer:clap:cheer:clap:cheer:c9:c9:c9:c9:c9:c9:c9:c9:c9:c9

Shell Lee WTD +30 YTD +37

The Silver medal goes to :cheer:clap:cheer:clap:cheer:clap:cheer:clap:cheer

Tracyleigh WTD +21 YTD +46

And Bronze goes to:clap:clap:clap:clap:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer

basjordan WTD +12, YTD +44

The runners up, in descending order

Ellie 13 WTD + 11 YTD + 11

dilyca2006 WTD +10 YTD +22

Dragonpuck WTD +8 YTD +9

Pineknott WTD + 8 YTD + 45

FrLopLady WTD + 5 YTD -7

lhasaapsolady WTD +5 YTD +17

MelissaF WTD+5 YTD+17

Wrennie WTD +5 YTD +4

MamaBearCRT WTD +4 YTD +4

cris WTD +3 YTD -12

Tralee WTD +3 YTD +13

Gshall WTD +2 YTD +7

Jura2908 WTD +2 YTD +3

readstar WTD +2 YTD -22

cshort WTD +1 YTD +3

Graceylue WTD +1

Marzee WTD +1 YTD +3

And now those that are holding even

Saffronangel WTD 0 YTD -14

Shellb37 WTD 0 YTD +2

Crafty Witch [ I didn't see a new posting

ddc [ for any of you, if I missed

DesertCrocheter [ it, please pm me, and I'll

Glitterhooker [ adjust the standings.

JennyT [

MouseCLP [:think:think:think

Needle Arts [

PAndrus [

Patterncollector [

secretpassion [

Twinklesnow [

Unicorn37757 [

And those that have lost a little ground, smallest negative to largest negative

fc1123 WTD -2 YTD -2

KraftynKrazy WTD -3 YTD -3

CLLinda WTD -4 YTD +2

BigPinkPolkaDot WTD -5 YTD -3

yarngeek WTD -12 YTD -112

Greyhoundgrandma WTD -16 YTD -10


And so our new SHOOT THE MOON is::eek:hug:eek:angry:eek:hug:eek

Walker1021 WTD -18 YTD -1

Hope everyone had fun!

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