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Is there a suppport group for pattern addiction???

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I have to say since joining this forum my folder of WIM has grown astronomically!! It is too the point where I would like to take some of my vacation time just to sit with the patterns I would like to try and work some of them up. This would not bode well for my attempt NOT to have 12 projects going at a time (just a slight exaggeration but not far off the mark!!) Have I gone over the edge? Is anyone else ther like this??

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My name is Valeire and I'm a patternaholic....


I look at patters all the time! I save them to my computer and print them out. I love to look for new and interesting patterns, but with a part time job that works me full time hours, I jut don't have time to make everything that I would love to make.

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I am an addict also. I have many patterns on my computer, and I have printed out many, many, many patterns. I have notebooks, large notebooks full of patterns to the point I had to get more notebooks to separate catagories. I have vowed to not look at any more, or print off anymore, but you know what, I do anyway. I am an old woman who could not possibly make all the patterns I have, let alone get any more.

Then I offer to make thing for charities, so I never get round to doing the patterns I want to try. There is not cure, if you know of one let me know.

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Hi, I'm Debbi, I'm a pattern addict.


I found these magazines Crochet Magazines I Found at a second hand store and I'm still looking for more.

I check out CPC Newest Patterns just about about every day, I could check it weekly... but...

I also go on Ravelry and look at the newest patterns.

My D drive at work (can be used for personal stuff) is full of crochet patterns. I put them on a card and on my netbook at home because they were fixing it but they're still on there and so I have them. Plus printed out ones...


Nope no cure.

But what a way to go!:hook


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My name is Crystal and I am a pattern addict. I have several binders full of patterns!I have them saved on my laptop, I have books and magazines of patterns. Right now my printer is not working :eek which is torture for me. So I have to email my PDF files to my father and he prints them out and brings them to me. Thank God for my Daddy!

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I use my iPod touch's wifi internet to check for patterns when I am in the bathroom! How pathetic is that? Very pathetic and very sad I know? When I have to wait on my Daddy to bring my printed patterns I will use my iPod touch to read the patterns while I crochet. Since I use my laptop to watch movies while crocheting. My Daddy about freaked out the other day when I told him I needed about 20 pages printed out. I said it may not be 20 pages. I am not sure. I said it is mostly text and no pictures. I also subscribe to Crochet World I get the magazines in the mail and I paid for the electronic issues where I can get 2 years worth of back issues. Then when I get my magazines in the mail I trade them with people on the ville for more patterns. Since I have the magazines saved on my computer from my electronic issues.

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Hi, I'm Debbi, I'm a pattern addict.


I found these magazines Crochet Magazines I Found at a second hand store and I'm still looking for more.

I check out CPC Newest Patterns just about about every day, I could check it weekly... but...

I also go on Ravelry and look at the newest patterns.

My D drive at work (can be used for personal stuff) is full of crochet patterns. I put them on a card and on my netbook at home because they were fixing it but they're still on there and so I have them. Plus printed out ones...


Nope no cure.

But what a way to go!:hook


OMG! :eek I didn't know that CPC added new patterns every week! Oh no! :blush

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I thought I was the only one that had more patterns than could be used in a lifetime. I am almost 66 years old and I am still printing out patterns. I have them bookmarked on google and on yahoo. I have a bunch saved in my word program and I have notebooks full, I also have book after book that I have bought. I used to pick up leaflets at Wal-mart but since I can't get to the store anymore I gave that up. Besides being a pattern addict I am a yarn addict. My house is being overrun but I love it. My dh is an enabler.

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I am also a patternaholic.


My husband says I never need to buy another pattern for the rest of my life because of the internet and crochetville. I guess the only cure is to get rid of the computer--a price that is waaaay to much to pay.

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I have thousands of patterns I've found on the net and magazines I've collected. I love to go to etsy. I buy about five-ten patterns a month! I don't know why though because I'll never get through them all!! NEVER! LOL

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My name is Arlinka and I am a pattern-aholic.

I have numerous binders of printed patterns and can't go a day without looking at patterns on the internet.

I don't think I will ever live to make all the patterns I have collected.

Yes, I am beginning to think it is an illness, but what a way to go!!!!! :)

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OMG! :eek I didn't know that CPC added new patterns every week! Oh no! :blush



OH NOOOOOO! Now I have to check that site. Help Me...I am drowning in patterns. :manyheart


I thought that I would collect patterns for projects to do when I retire (in 5 years) but I think I'll have to live to 200 to finish all the projects I save.

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If you find a support group let me know! I have so many patterns, and so many plans to crochet different things but not enough time to do even a small fraction of them!

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If there is a support group, sign me up! I not only have 200 books and magazines of crochet patterns , I also have over a hundred I have printed off the computer as well. I also subscribe to Crochet Today, Crochet World and Crochet magazines. Might as well sign me up for a yarn addiction group since I have a closet full as well as 6 bins under my bed full of yarn. If I retired now I still wouldn't have enough time to crochet all of the patterns I want to make and I always see more each week. I definitly need help.



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Well, I'm glad to see that I'm not alone in this. I have probably 7 milk crates full of books and leaflets....I also print every pattern that I see that I "might make sometime". I have binders full of internet patterns. Plus, it's worse for me because I am also saving knitting patterns on top of the crochet patterns....

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I am also an addict. I have three thumb drives full of patterns that I have saved. I also have 4 very large binders that are full of all of the ones that I have printed out. I have a bookcase full and pattern books and I just ordered 4 more books. :blush


Let's all hope that there is never a cure!! :D

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Long-time patternaholic! It started back when I did plastic canvas and has only gotten worse now that I crochet. I even bought a netbook and Sony Digital reader so I can have my e-patterns handy! :eek


I do have to admit though...I'm thinking about getting rid of a bunch of magazines now, since I got the digital subscriptions to Crochet! and Crochet World. Wish Crochet Today would go digital too...:lol


I didn't know you could look up just "NEW" patterns on CPC...now I'll have to add that to my morning internet routine! :hook

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Glad to hear I'm not alone out there. :whew Never mind all the patterns I have on my computer, the book shelves are full and I just bought two more pattern books, not to mention I subscribe to all the magazines on crochet. A lady I attend weight watchers with just gave me about 25 older crochet magazines, "crochet to go", hooked on crochet, and annie's newsletter which I had never seen before. I was so excited. :yay I wouldn't be able to get through these patterns in two life times. I wouldn't trade them though.:no Some nights I will just sit for hours going through them and sometimes get an idea to make something.

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I have so many crochet magazines and fliers and stuff printed off the internet that if I finished 1 pattern a day I'd have to live to 140 to do them. There isn't a newsstand I can pass without seeing if there is a crochet mag. Hubby is thinking of an intervention.

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Hi, my name is Kathy and I am an addict. Not only to collecting patterns but to stashing yarn. Thank goodness there are other people out there just like me. I don't feel so bad anymore. Nor do I need to try to hide it anymore. Of course, hiding it is a little hard to do now with all the shelves full of pattern books, magazines, and pamphlets. Not to mention the boxes and boxes of yarn. And the bags of yarn. Oh, I forgot about the patterns on the computer. I just love Crochet Pattern Central. I caught this addiction (if you can "catch" an addiction) from my mother and older sister who taught me to crochet. They have both passed away but I inherited their tendencies to collect patterns and yarn. Only I think I have outdone them in that department. Oh it feels so good to confess this. Now maybe I will be a little less anxious as I await the arrival of the two newest additions to my crochet pattern book collection. :rofl :rofl

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There is a support group...Crochetville! :hug


If its a slow day at work I search every pattern site I can find. I even got a flash drive to keep in my purse so I didn't have to save the patterns on my work computer and e-mail them to myself. :rofl



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