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Do you crochet in the summer heat?

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The summer is beginning to heat up here and I am having such a hard time getting motivated to work on my crochet projects.


Does anyone have any tips to keep me going in the heat?

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I tend to swith to crochet project requiring thred. It is a lot cooler than having baby balnket or heavy yarn project on your lap. You might try crocheting projects with cotton yarn, too, I live in the hot south Texas heat, so I totally understand your dilemma.

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This is precisely why God invented air-conditioning... :D


I usually stick with projects that are small, so that I don't have some heavy, hot afghan in my lap (unless there's air-conditioning, of course). Afghans that are in small blocks are ideal for this. Also, scarves or some wearables.

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I crochet smaller projects outside and larger ones inside bc I get cold easily so they keep me warm in the ac LOL

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I usually do like others & switch to lighter projects or small projects. I use a lot of cotton in summer. I'm working on a light summer cardi now with thin spa yarn, I also work on dishcloth's & summer bags, cozies etc.

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last summer i was making a 2-strand afghan for my bf's bday in july, the trick i learnt for not melting under the weight was to have a fan directly on me (the a/c just wasn't cool enough, and didn't want to freeze my mother by turning it up WAY HIGH. Not to mention the bill it would have brought w/ it). I am wierd though and tend to like fans over a/c under most circumstances.



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I am always cold--even in the summertime. So when the a/c is running, I'm usually working on an afghan, cause once it gets big enough, it keeps me warm:D.

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Crochet in the summer? Absolutely! With swim lessons, Swim practices, Swim Meets, and music lessons...you bet I'll be crocheting! I'll save my afghan projects for when I'm home under the air conditioner, and take my little hat, dishcloths, scarf,and square projects along for the ride. I don't like to read poolside, as there's usually someone there who wants to visit. I find it much easier to talk and crochet than to talk and read:crocheting

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Do I crochet :crocheting in the summer heat? To paraphrase the motto of the USPS, "Neither cold, nor heat, nor lack of sleep stays this crochetier from the swift completion of her latest project.":rofl In other words, YES. We have ceiling fans as well as air conditioning. As long as the ceiling fan is going I'm just fine.

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I crochet any time I can!



Season doesn't matter to me at all.


I do go for smaller things like hats for the warmer weather. I collect a bunch of them and then donate them in the fall.


I'm making a baby afghan right now and hoping to finish by the time the warm weather finally gets here. It's just taking it's sweet time to get warm here.



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I tend to swith to crochet project requiring thred. It is a lot cooler than having baby balnket or heavy yarn project on your lap. You might try crocheting projects with cotton yarn, too, I live in the hot south Texas heat, so I totally understand your dilemma.



I agree with switching to a thread project or small projects like dishcloths using cotton yarn. Sometimes, I just switch to cross stich projects...have one that I've been putting off. Guess I should get the fabric ready so I can begin.



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This is precisely why God invented air-conditioning... :D


Exactly! Here in Florida we only go out in the summer to jump in the pool/ocean. Then back to the A/C. :D



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Crochet knows no temperature difference, my hooks go in all types of weather.

Even when my AC broke down, I switched on my little desk fan and kept crocheting (the temp in here reached 91).

When it's chilly and there are drafts in cold weather (very old house) I slip on my fuzzys and put a lap ghan over my legs.

As long as fingers can go and I have the hooks and yarn I will be crocheting.

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Summer = smaller projects for me and cotton yarn or thread crochet. I do hats, scarves, purses, dishcloths, pot holders, slippers, etc. Then, when it gets cooler, back to afghans. All the stuff I do up in summer are for gifts and donations and to have a stash of items I can grab for emergency gifts :lol


Even with A/C, ghans are just plain to hot to work on for me!!!

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I live in NJ but my family is in Houston, TX so I generally travel down south in the summertime. It is a big change from this area to there. But believe or not, I enjoy crocheting down there more than I do here. I will crochet whatever I am needing to make at the time. Although I can see swapping out thread for the yarn, I just haven't had the need to do so yet.

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I remember reading somewhere (probably on the 'ville somewhere) where one person got around the heat issue by just putting her afghan on a table to crochet it, so that it wasn't in her lap.

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