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Does anyone ever crack on you for your hobby?

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Depending on who it is that asks the question "what are you knitting" will depend on how much explaining I do. I usually tell them I crochet and that knitting is done with two needles instead of one hook. If they want to know more, then I'll tell them.

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I find it so funny to say that it's an old-lady hobby, when, at 45, I'm one of the oldest people in my Stitch and B**** group! Most of the other people are in their 20s and 30s.


I had one friend poo-poo my love of all things yarn as "a waste of time," but just recently, I overheard her chiding someone who was overstressed by saying, "You need to do something to relax, like knitting or crocheting, like Pam does." :rofl:rofl


The funniest was the time I was waiting for a cleaning at the dentist's office and I was crocheting a Project Linus baby blanket. This sparked a huge discussion amongst the receptionists and dental hygenists over which is better -- knitting or crocheting. The general concensus was that crocheting is "much, much more relaxing!"

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My husband makes fun of my addiction to yarn, but not the items that I make. He's really impressed that yarn can be so versatile. His family is amazed so they never make negative comments. Usually when I tell non-believers that even Vanna White crochets, they stop whatever comments they are making.

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I've noticed that the ones who make negative remarks about my crocheting are the ones who have no hobbies or skills of their own. I love crocheting in a waiting room. It never fails to bring about nice conversations and I've met a lot of interesting people because of it.


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I too have had the "grandma" comments. On another forum the comment was made that my kids probably looked at me like a grandma instead of a mom because of my :crocheting. I just laughed and changed my avatar to this. Yougest DS (15) used to tease me about :crocheting all the time until all of his little girlfriends started asking him if I would teach them because they thought it was really cool :lol.


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I've noticed that the ones who make negative remarks about my crocheting are the ones who have no hobbies or skills of their own.



Either that, or those are the people who play video games non-stop for hours, or watch TV and do nothing else.

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I've never really gotten negative comments. People (well, my old boss) would tease me about it, but it wasn't malicious.

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Fortunatly, I get more "I wanna learn to do that" than cracks on it , once in awhile a coworker will make a crack, like am I going to crochet pen holders next..lol..I look at it as jelousy..lol

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I get the "What are you knitting" a lot. I say "I'm crocheting a scarf/hat/whatever, and smile. Nobody has ever called me an "old lady" yet (48 yrs young) :lol.


JoBug- get a pattern for a can cozy and put it around an empty soup can. Fill it with pens/pencils and put it on your desk :lol.

Ellie 13

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The other day I stitched a hexagon, ran a ribbon through the points, and started using it as a doorknob cover so that the kids wouldn't open the garage door when the alarm has been set for the night.


DH commented that the rest of the family had better watch out - I'd cover anything that didn't move! :lol He said his great aunt would paint anything that didn't move (she toll-painted) and I'd cover anything with crochet...chairs, laps, dogs, doorknobs, etc.


I get some good natured teasing like that, but nothing malicious. :D

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studies show that doing anything repetitive like knitting or crocheting helps to build seratonin levels in the brain... so you feel better! and are happier and calmer... I'm sure that your 13 yo appreciates a calmer, happier mom... I get cranky if I take too long off between projects... of course that rarely happens as I've always got at least 3-4 WIPs going and many bins of yarn to work through.:c9



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i haven't had much teasing, a little from DF's friends if they see it.. but nothing much. i'm 21 and haven't heard any comments that were bad. DF thinks it's cool (his mom crochets too, the granny afghan she made him is his favorite blanket :P ) and supports my hobby. :) DD is too young to say anything yet, but she sure loves playing with the things i make for her.

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I don't get any grief. I just get a lot of "will you make me" requests. My statement is always "if you provide the yarn, yes. otherwise, it's X amount of dollars down and x amount at the finish. i charge for custom work." that runs off a lot of people, but many have surprised me with the yarn and the patterns! Since I taught my DH and most of my kids how to crochet, I usually just have to fight to keep them out of my yarn!

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Not really. Maybe it helps that I AM a grandma who is letting her silver show.


I live in the South were crochet is more common than knitting but people will still not know which of the two I am doing. I smile and say, "I do ________ (fill in the blank with either crochet or knit) too but this is __________. It's done with ________ (hooks or sticks)." After that the response is varied. Some will shrug and say they still don't see the difference but a few will be interested and want to explore the differences between crochet and knitting. If I happen to be working with thread I often hear about some beloved lady in their family who used to "do that all the time".

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I have had mostly support from friends and family. However, classmates in nursing school made fun of me for it. Oh well, they just got left out when I made bath mitts and scrubbies for friends at Christmas. Not everyone is enlightened, I guess. Their loss!:lol

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I usually get the "You must have so much time on your hands." quite a bit.


I tell people that "With my health I would lose my mind if I didn't keep my hands busy. Besides - What do you make while you're sitting around watching tv?"

That's what I get too. Oh, you have too much time, don't you do anything? YEAH I do lots of things and crochet happens to be one of the many things I do.

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I have only gotten the "grandma" comment a couple of times, and I am 29. I started crocheting when I was 12. Most people I know think that it is really cool that I can actually make something with my hands. DH is always amazed that when I want something and can't find it at the store (like a pouch to carry around crochet supplies or a hat) that I will just find a pattern and make it.


I usually respond to any negative comments with the fact that I come from a long line of crafty women who were very creative, and who made things rather than having to always stoop to buying things. I am merely carrying on a proud family tradition.

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My 13-year old daughter really cracks on me for crocheting. She says it's a grandma hobby and I'm too young to do it. A guy at work in his 20s made fun of me when he found out I like to crochet. In response I threatened to crochet him a hat for each day of the week. LOL


I love to crochet and find it very relaxing. I'm 33 and I have no problems with having a "grandma" hobby.



OK, First of all our "grandma's" probably began learning crochet as little girls from their grandma's!:hook


I never pay much attention to the opinions of middle schoolers (neither my own nor the one's I taught in school).


My brother and sister have given some gentle chiding (you're getting to be like Mom! Jujst don't start making Toilet Paper Covers! [guess what my sister is getting for Christmas?:devil]



I also wanted to add that I crochet a few things for Veterans. Lapghans and Walker totes. When people find out they are usually happy to know that Veteran's are being thought of. I have never gotten negative feedback from the general public.

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I'm a tom boy (even now that I'm sneaking up on 40 LOL) and the fact I do crafts at all I'm sure people find amuzing, but I'm a tough girl so they don't have the nerve to say it to my face! LOL







I am a second degree Black Belt in Taekwondo. Maybe I should crochet a cozy for my Nun-Chucks !!


I can hang my uniform on a crocheted covered hanger!:P


How about a crochet bag for my sparring gear?


This could be fun!

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My brother and sister have given some gentle chiding (you're getting to be like Mom! Jujst don't start making Toilet Paper Covers! [guess what my sister is getting for Christmas?:devil]


:lol I love it!


I do think the part of the globe you live in makes a difference. Here in the United States South crochet is very common although I have to admit more "grandmas" do it than young women, but that's true of all crafts, not just crochet. From what I understand, in other parts of the United States or Canada (not sure about the rest of the world) even LYS owners are sometimes silly snooty about crochet — which is their loss. On the other hand, I've had quite a few young women to be fascinated when I either knit or crochet and want to know how to do it. I prefer to give basic crochet instruction for two reasons: 1) I think it's easier than knitting, and 2) they are much more likely to find another crocheter to help them when I'm not around than they are to find a knitter, at least in this part of the country.

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I usually respond to any negative comments with the fact that I come from a long line of crafty women who were very creative, and who made things rather than having to always stoop to buying things. I am merely carrying on a proud family tradition.


Wow. I love this way of looking at it. If I ever get negative comments, I think I may, ahem, borrow this idea. It's true, and I never quite thought of it that way.

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I'm 61 and have been crocheting since I was 12. The only person who said negative things to me was my ex-husband. He stated he was getting tired of seeing me make those (blank-blank) knots. But that christmas we had a beautiful christmas tree with all ornaments and tree skirt made from those (blank-blank) crochet thread knots. Needless to say everyone who saw the tree loved it.

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I am a second degree Black Belt in Taekwondo. Maybe I should crochet a cozy for my Nun-Chucks !!


I can hang my uniform on a crocheted covered hanger!:P


How about a crochet bag for my sparring gear?


This could be fun!



**bowing to another 2nd degree blackbelt*** Wanna hear about how embarassed I am that I did crochet a cozy for my nunchuks lol. It was a mini purse pattern that I just made longer. I started to make a bag to carry my stuff around in but never finished it. I had to stop training when I had my knee shattered in a tournament.


At any rate, DH used to tease me all the time until he discovered that when I was crocheting he could watch his boring car shows and sitcoms without me complaining since i really just used the tv as background noise.


I work in an Assisted living facility and because I had specialized training I used to have to work one on one with certain clients, one of the clients would only watch Flintstones DVD's over and over and over. Crocheting saved my sanity. Every time a co-worked came in to give me a break they would call me Grandma, until some of them got the training and I didn't have to do the one on one anymore. After the first week a few of them were begging me to teach them so that they would have something to help them tune out the Flintstones on the tv lol.

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