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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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I haven't posted in a while, but my score is unchanged. I haven't done any crochet in about 5 or 6 weeks, so my stashbusting score is unchanged (since I've been good and not buying any yarn). So, for this week, my score will still be 0 for the week.

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Man! Those big skeins take forever! I finally finished another skein on my afghan though. :D


WTD +50

YTD +59

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A most generous friend gave me 4 skeins and 18 balls of yarn, so my WTD is taking a nose-dive to -27. My YTD is still positive, at +19 -- for now. I have a Herrschner's order on it's way....:devil

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I rolled 2 skeins into balls and finished off a skein for +4 points making me +7 for the week. Not too bad after buying 3 skeins of yarn :lol

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I can't seem to kill a ball or skein of yarn at all, but I bought the last 3 skeins that I can afford for awhile...


0 WTD / -7 YTD

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Thank you so much Marzee! I know my score will take a hit but I don't care, I love getting new yarn!


I finished one fingerless glove today and started the second one but no points in sight this week. I might do something tomorrow though, so I will wait to post my score for the week.

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I was thinking that this week was going nowhere but I have finished a skein of cotton making another (yet another :blush ) water bottle cozy. That plus 4 is looking pretty good for this week. :woo

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Between driving down to ISU on Monday and then the high school play on Thursday, I've had no time to really work on any stashbusting.


I'm currently working on a knitted baby beanie, but it hardly uses any yarn.


So for this week,


A Big fat 0


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Finally finished a skein this week. :clap I was so happy that I could put a positive # in for my weekly count. But NOOOOOO...my friend at work found the bag of fun fur we used to make her daughter those fun flip flops last year. :eek 2 full skeins and 2 partial skeins of fun fur made it thru my front door yesterday. Oh well, atleast my yearly score is still in the positives.

WTD -4

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i will not get to crochet today. dd is practicing driving for her behind the wheel test on monday. so with the crocheting i did yesterday (i used up a few smalls balls for squares) my totals for the week are....


2009 Stashbusting Score: +5 WTD / +66 YTD (3/07/09)

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I'm pretty sure I'm not getting anymore stashbusting done today so here are my totals:


WTD +50

YTD +59

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I used a ball and finished a square (+ 1). 2 more squares to go :clap. I used a ball tiring to make a stuffed bunny (+ 1), the body is O.K. but the ears are all wrong. And I'm not sure about the tail (might have to find a pom-pom). So I did O.K. this week.

WTD: + 6 YTD: + 34

Ellie 13

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Gave away 61 skeins of yarn last Sunday to my church prayer shawl ministry and another family member and finished up two whole skeins of yarn for me so my score for the week is

+ 126... yay

gotta love it.

and I managed to not obtain any more yarn this week.. and saved gas..lol

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I don't think I'll get anymore points today. so my score is.....


WTD +9+10


:woo not too bad for having to buy yarn this week. I was just hoping to at least stay even. :D




edited- I ended up using one more ball today on a ditty bag.

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Okay, I mailed off 10 skeins from my stash so I'm

+17 wtd

I think I might finish another skein working on my blue curacao shawl (I figured out how to add another row of pineapples to make it longer) but I won't count that chicken before it's hatched!

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