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Amethyst Mist

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just joined the group on Facebook! I'm on Facebook, and you are welcome to add me. I just ask that when you add me to put a note on the friend request that you know me from Crochetville. I will admit I'm an addict to Facebook. It is a great place to reconnect with classmates. I have reconnected with individuals that I went to elementary school with and not middle school or high school. It is a great networking tool also to keep in touch with previous co-workers. I also use it to stay in touch with family that live on all ends of the United States. There are some neat games (applications) too...very addicting as well...like Farm Town, Farmville, Farkle, Yacht...that list can go on and on...


Again feel free to add me...my link is in my signature below. Happy Crocheting! :hook

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  • 3 weeks later...
thecraftymonkey :crocheting


I'd love to find you all, but I don't know where to look! :P I need names or usenames or links so I can friend every last one of you! :lol




I know! I added the ones I could! Please feel free to add me! I love facebook and would love to have more crochet friends!:hook You can search for me avonladycl@gmail.com. :)

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I love Facebook...I have managed to find my best freind from Kindergarten through 9th grade and my best friend from my first two years of high school. I have managed to find alot of former classmates from the elementary/middle school i went to. It was K-8 and a Catholic school in a town with a Navy Base. Many of them are still near "home" and we are talking about a 25th reuniopn from 8th grade. I love Facebook.

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  • 1 month later...

I have a facebook and addicted to the thing.....but have decided to not a thing on it for the next 7 days.....ugh!! So dang hard too....since I have only posted this am to say that I was going to do that and haven't since. Yikes!!! Addictions are harder on the web then anything else....haha

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  • 4 weeks later...

Anybody that uses Facebook to show off their creations, I would love to be friends. If you play some of the games too, I play those as well. If you add me, I request you put "Crochetville" in the request when sending. Thank you! :D

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