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crochet get-togethers you have to pay for???

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I'm noticing a trend. I don't know if it's just around here or not, but I know of about 5 different knit/crochet "get-together" groups. All in different locations but you have to pay each time you go. I just don't understand this. I would love to go to some of them, but I'm not going to pay to sit and crochet. It's usually $3-$5 each time.


Are you familiar with this? What is the money used for? Why do you have to pay?


I went to a LYS about a year ago and the lady told me about the knitting group they have. I told her that I only crochet and she said that noone in the group crochets but I'd be more than welcome to attend anyhow. Then she told me that it was $5. I asked why, she said that they have a knitting teacher attend and she will be there to help anyone out with any problems or questions. I told her that I won't be needing any knitting help because I don't knit. Too bad....still have to pay the $5.


I know that the socialization is nice, but I'm not paying to do something that I do at home for free. I'm not too keen on the idea of "paying" for friendship.

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If the money went to pay the teacher for her time, that would be one thing........otherwise, I'm with you. Why pay for friends to do this together? I know some ladies in my area who gather at a large local bookstore that has a cafe, and they all come, have coffe, tea or whatever, and sit for a couple of hours sometimes, just doing their needle work...knitting, crocheting, cross stitch, all ladies are welcome. Sounds good to me!

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I'd only agree to it if, like the others said, the money was to go towards renting the space or towards paying a teacher for their time. or if there was some specific reason given (like the local quilting guild does have dues that are used towards a specific reason...im not in it, so don't remember the few i'd heard them state) but they may have a newsletter they put out so printing costs,ect.



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Hopefully the money goes to rent the space. I teach crocheting and have 3 classes a week. One, no one pays. It is just a group of my cousins and we rotate around each others house. One is for the summer school fun programs, the kids pay to come to the programs and then I get paid by the schools. The last one is a group of young girls 10-13, I go to the house of one of them and they pay me by the hour. I also go to a group that meets at our local Panera bread company. We sit there for a couple of hours, crochet, knit and gossip. No one pays any money.

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Check online for CGOA Chapter meetings in your area. You may attend even if you are not a member of the guild, and they are free. Our group gives classes, everyone shows off their latest projects, helps with problems, goes on "field trips" to yarn events, and socializes. It is held in our local library and the public is always invited. Try this link to look for a chapter in your area.




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One other thought, you could always start your own free crochet group. Hang fliers in your libraries, yarn stores, schools, etc. The knit groups are wonderful in some areas, but my personal experience has been that we (crocheters) are humored rather than appreciated. Occasionally, they are thrilled to see you because they need to crochet on a trim and desperately need help figuring out how.

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At the Micheals by me, it costs money for the crochet "class" because the teacher can help with stitches and patterns. I don't know if she rents space or not. It's her time and knowledge that is being paid for. She can help someone start a pattern, work throough the pattern and finish the pattern. I was talking to her as I was buying yarn. So if you don't need a teacher, you would want one for free. I'm going to look at the CGOA site.


Now I don't know if I would do it for free if I had to help someone throughout the class instead of crocheting and just being there and chatting. I do not mind helping people on a one on one basis, if I'm not there to crochet. I've done that many times, I like doing that. My crochet time is precious to me, too. Now if I was offering a class, and "teaching" and maybe if I did have to rent space and spend my time teaching not relaxing, then I would probably charge (although I doubt it, but who knows).



PS: What if there are no CGOA chatpers in my state? I just checked. :(

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I just think it is ridiculous to pay to go to a knitting or crocheting group! I would think that the more advanced people would help out the newbies just because it is fun to do! If the group is not too big you can take turns "hosting" a meeting in your home.........perhaps provide refreshments. Larger groups can gather in restaurants or parks and everyone will buy their own stuff......who needs a crochet/knitting teacher????:think

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I would pay to have people to hang out with that loved to crochet/knitt but we don't have anything like this around here.


check you joanns or michaels store. my local stores have groups. you have to pay for them though. do you have local coffee shops or a borders bookstore? we have groups in my local ones there too.

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PS: What if there are no CGOA chatpers in my state? I just checked. :(


if you click that link that was posted, there is a section called "how to start a chapter". try there.

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PS: What if there are no CGOA chatpers in my state? I just checked. :(


Start a chapter yourself! In order to start a chapter, at least one person of the group has to be a member of CGOA itself. Member dues are only $35 per year, plus you get a subscription to Crochet! magazine and quite a few member discounts.


Once I have some more free time, I'd like to get a local CGOA chapter started in my area.

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The paying groups I've seen advertised have all been thru a LYS. The owner must need to charge to pay for utilities and salary to have the shop open. I guess I can see the owner's point of view if people come and knit or crochet and don't buy anything from her-she's losing money. But I wouldn't pay to go unless I needed help that I couldn't find somewhere else-Like Crochetville!:devil

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PS: What if there are no CGOA chatpers in my state? I just checked. :(


I would say do what another said and put up fliers everywhere, then if you get enough interested people maybe start a CGOA chapter of your own...just a thought.

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It may be to help pay for the space rental. Some places give a group the space for a price and the group just divides the price among the people who show up. It's not that out of line really.


I am lucky. My group meets at the church center and it's free.


Or, they may have refreshments and it helps cover the cost. But I would rather just bring my own, and not have to pay a fee.



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I belong to a local SnB group that meets at Starbucks once a week. We don't have to pay a thing (unless you want coffee), plus at the end of the night, the baristas come around with free eats :lol. We have both knitters and crocheters.

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I have a crochet group in my church that people can come to for free, I donate my time to teach them how to crochet. I enjoy it. I dont want to pay to go to a group to do what I can do anywhere else for free. Maybe if it was used for renting space, but other than that I agree, why pay, I believe the teacher should be everyone who is there. Maybe take turns helping.

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If one was to start their own chapter what does CGOA require of you other than the $35/yr? What would the "chapter" be required to do? There are no chapters in my entire state!

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If one was to start their own chapter what does CGOA require of you other than the $35/yr? What would the "chapter" be required to do? There are no chapters in my entire state!


their website answers alot of those questions plus more. i would try there first.

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My daughter is in a free knitting group that meets at local coffee shops. If a group is hosted by a store, I would expect to pay, since the stores exist to make a profit.

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I used to go to a group that was hostd by a LYS. It was free (mostly knitters but nice girls anyway!) They had been together a long time and it was free. Someone usually volunteered to bring lunch for everyone or a main dish and others would bring things. It was very casual. But, you had to come for a year or so before they would put your name on list!

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I think belonging to an informal group of ladies would be fun. One woman on here PM'ed me about meeting but it was way far from me instead of being centrally located. I bet some of the senior centers or community centers would loan space for a while in the daytime or in the evening once a week. CGOA has 4 Ohio chapters but not close to me WAH!

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I asked a lady who belongs to knitting group if they had to pay. She told me they meet at each others houses and only pitch in a few bucks for pizza/Chinese/whatever if they get hungry :lol. It's ladies (with 1 guy :lol) night out.

Ellie 13

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pitching in for pizza or whatever is perfectly fine for me. but what i don't understand is stores that sell yarn (LYS, Joanns, Michaels, etc) charging. I think that we spend enough in their stores. And I tell you what...if I went to my Joanns every week for a crochet group, I'd be spending more money in there than I already do. Only because I'd be IN the store. Think of it as a marketing tactic.

I don't get the "rent" thing. The store is already open.

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