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I was sketched crocheting!

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I was riding the subway on my way home Saturday. The train was fairly empty, with nothing unusual going on. There was a couple sitting close by that were obviusly tourists...they were snapping pictures of the advertisements. There was a man skecthing in a book and a girl listening to an MP3 player. I pulled out my crochet and quit paying attention to anything else.


About halfway home the man with the sketchbook got up, slid a piece of paper onto the emtpy seat next to me and ran off the train to catch a connecting train.


I was pretty surprised when I looked at the paper and the man had sketched me crocheting! I looked out the window and was able to manage a wave of thanks before my train took off again.


The pic of the skecth is on my blog:


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That is so cool! You definitely need to frame it.


One day about 4 years ago a stranger sketched my children in the grocery store - I framed them both to remember the moment & to show them when they were older. They love looking at them now.

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That is fantastic.. I agree with everyone else who suggested framing it and hanging it in your house.


Sometimes, little works of art like this look amazing hung. I have a sketch of my now (17 year old) hanging in the lounge room, that he sketched for an art project in year 4 where they had to do a self portrait. Everyone comments on it and thinks that it is fabulous that I kept it.


Obviously something about you sitting there quietly and calmly crocheting, struck a nerve with him and moved him to sketch you.

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Everybody hears about the awful things that happen on the Subway, but very rarely do you hear about the cool things like this. I agree, it's one of the benefits of living in the City and one of the things I miss the most. Congrats on your beautiful sketch - you make a lovely muse.

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