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How many WIP's do you have going right now

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I was just curious. My dh complains because I have two many projects going at one time. Right now I have the following:


Scarves for Christmas presents

Coasters for Christmas presents

RR tree skirt

Rectangle Granny afghan for DH

Sunflower afghan for me

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I have it in my signature. Heh, as a constant reminder that I need to get to work. But this is what I have so far:


Doctor Who Scarf *this has been an ongoing WIP since January*

Triangle Shawl for Mom

Lapghan for Daddy

Scarf for Northern Friend #2

Cactus for boss lady

Cactus for other boss lady

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:yarn Sunflower afghan for my grandparents for Christmas

:yarn Snuggly Stripes and Squares afghan for a CAL (really been slacking on this one)

:yarn A hat and scarf set for a friend for Christmas

:yarn A sweater for myself I started like a year ago

:yarn Not sure if they count, but small projects like snowflakes when I need some instant gratification

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I was about to say 2, and 2 UFOs, but I just finished one of my WIPs about an hour ago :cheer... so now I'm down to 1 WIP and 2 UFOs that are going to stay that way for a while I think....

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I don't think I can admit it out loud, even here lol. :eek Just to frightening to think about. What's in my siggy is just the tip of the iceburg (I haven't updated it in a while)

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Ummm, too many to keep track at this moment.

I start blankets and then when I finish them I usually leave the

border for later. So I have finished blankets minus borders.



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Okay...are you ready...it's kind of crazy...ONE project...yes, just one. I only do one project at a time. I get too stressed if I attempt to have more than one project in the works.

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Just finished a tote, planning a square design, two charity afghans, a purse (which I have frogged several times), a thread project and a sweater (needs repair). They are different items with requirements from simply simple to real complicated, different yarns, hooks and lighting needed. Also have sewing and embroidery projects, they vary in planning, preping, sewing and finishing stages. The crochet and embroidery ones are the only items that go downstairs or travel, all others keep me confined to the Den. Especially my scrapbooking. :whew, got tired just thinking about it.

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Besides the 3 listed in my signature, I have a Aggie Mae poncho, baby hat, booties, baby sweater, hat and booties, a round ripple Christmas present for my niece, and a fireman bear for my son. Ones I have to start are shawl for my sister, and a hockey helmet and pair of hockey skate booties.

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I'm just finishing a Preemie blanket for charity and heavy baby blanket for a baby shower next week.


Other on-the-hook items are a pair of garden gnome / trolls I'm designing as a gift for one of my sisters, and I found an unfinished pair of slippers (for me) while I've been rummaging.


I'm just starting a shrug for the Candy Apple Shrug CAL and a kitty bed for the Fur Baby CAL.


I don't want to list my holiday items because, well, it's a lot.


Real Deal

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If we're talking strictly crochet, I would guess that I have five or six (not including granny squares for the October Square a Day CAL--I don't weave in the ends until I've done four or five squares).


I have another three projects on knifty knitter looms. :blush

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Way to many:




Travelghan for DGS's and DGD (1 done 3 more to go)

Blue/white afghan for charity

Baby afghan out of crochet thread

Square roses (testing for Katchkan)

Snowfields tabletopper (testing for Katchkan)

Pineapple tablecloth, it is hugh

Another Painted doily out of sewing thread

Square a month (still need one sept and one oct square)


I am sure there are others that are back in the corner I can't see...LOL

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How may WIPS :rofl

:dreaming Well if my husband is looking over my shoulder I would have to say 4:scrachin But if I was honest with myself I would have to admit to a higher count :sweat:devil :reyes I know I have a large bin of 6" squares that need to be worked up into charity ghans (possibly making 3 or 4) I have enough 12" squares to make at least another 4 ghans, not to mention the 7 ghans that need to have the tails weaved. And I bet if I really dug into the back of the closet I could come up with another 10-15 WIPS


Can I say thanks for asking???????;)

I guess I am hopeless :heehee

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