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Oh boy what fun this was. First, my ex dropped by to discuss something or other about the kids and saw this being blocked. He said, "Did you make that?" in disbelief. I said, "Yes." He said no more but throughout the 5 minutes he was here he kept looking over at it, clearly impressed.




Then after church my 17 year old daughter happened to notice it where I had it placed until I could get it on the table ... and she exclaimed, "My G-d, Mom, don't tell me you made this?" She kept looking at it and I could tell she really liked it. She kept saying, "I can't believe you made this ... is this what you were making in front of the TV last week?"




For different reasons I treasure these two moments, one for the gotcha of an ex who never placed any value on my hand work and the other on the wow-maybe-you ARE-cool-after-all of my teenager!



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I'm going to second that WOW that your daughter said! That is a beautiful piece of work! It's about time that your talents get recognized!

Cheers to you for a job well done! :cheer :cheer :cheer

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OH NANA! That is so beautiful! Your ex and daughter SHOULD be impressed.


I can't work with thread. It would take me from now to the end of eternity to make a snowflake.


I just love that response from your ex. My estranged husband (or as my sister calls him, my wasband) did that same thing a couple weeks ago over a birthday gift I was making. That dumbfounded look, like he had no idea I could do this. It was precious. I wish I could have seen your ex.


And your daughter too. That is terrific. Ha, ha ~ no, Mom wasn't making a rag, or something goofy. It's gorgeous! I remember my teens and not wanting to be embarrassed by Mom, and if I was a teen now, I'd be proud to tell my friends my Mom made this.


Bask in the happiness of it all.

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It does make you feel good when people are impressed with something you do, doesn't it? :)


They were clearly right to be impressed, as well, the doily is GORGEOUS! Great job! :cheer



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That is just one stunning piece of work...bravo! And yeah, gotta love it when people are impressed with your work...and I can totally relate to the gotcha. And bonus points for your daughter's comments too.


Now...what pattern did you use?

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