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My father made me a crochet hook!!!

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My father started woodturning recently and he's made me a gorgeous satin-ruban wooden hook. It's his first hook (he normally makes other things but finally caved to my harassment!) and I'm to test it and comment on it and he'll see if there is demand for them (other than from me).


Check it out in the (bad) picture!!


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Great hook! My dad did woodworking also, but unfortunately, I didn't crochet when he did woodworking or I am sure I would have had some wooden hooks made by him.


Tell dad there is a demand and to keep them coming.

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Gorgeous hook! My husband is talking about trying his had at making one. I saw a woodworking pattern for them somewhere. I need to look for it again.


Tell him he does Excellent work!


awnm :hook

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I love the hand turned hook! I have one here, it's a size G I think.. I would love a rosewood (or any wood) hook in maybe a size bigger.. bet it is nice to hold. Are the beadings comfortable in your hand, iin other words is it a nice grip while crocheting? It sure is pretty!


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I told my father about the beautiful comments received in this thread. He's excited about it.


He's on vacation in Boston for a couple of weeks with my mom, and while he's away I'll be looking at setting up a website for him to list his products on (his other woodturning items since this is the one and only hook right now).


For those who asked : he's self-taught, and works with the wood rather than patterns.


The hook is wonderful; I was toying with it and the grasp is just great, as is the groove. The weight too, unlike the one bamboo hook I have it's just the right heavy (I find bamboo to be uncomfortably light, and some metal to be uncomfortably heavy).

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