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What do you do with everything you make?

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Do you only crochet things to give to someone for a certain event or do you just randomly crochet just because you like to and just store what you make?


I tend to do both. I make make things to give for something special and for my exchange groups but I also make things just to try out a new pattern but I don't have anyone to give it to so I just store it in a tote.

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A mix of both.


I make afghans with someone in mind usually. The one i'm making right now is for myself though.


I made a scarf for myself, and i made two scarves for a co-worker a couple of months ago. One of those scarves i had originally been making for myself, but this woman wasn't having the best day, so i decided to give her that scarf, and i'd just make myself another one.

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A lot of times I see a pattern and just start making it. I usually start it before I think about where it's going. Yesterday I started making a purse out of Lion Brand Homespun. I decided to give it to my sister half way through it. I just have to line it tonight. I also decided to make a little cell phone holder to go with it since she can never find hers.


I did the same thing when I got the Care Bears pattern. I liked it so much that I just had to try it out. Then I decided to give it to my son. So my other son wanted one and I made it for him. Then I decided to make one for my niece. Then I used the pattern for making my step kids bears.


I made up a hat once. I decided to give it to my cousin's little girl two days after I made it. Then they requested another. Then I made one for my mom too. Then my sister wanted one for her daughter.


I made a baby elephant one time just to have on hand for any babies that may be born. I gave it to someone that I had recently met. She had her baby the next day.


That is how most of my projects are done. I see something I like and I start making it. Sometimes I have someone in mind before hand and sometimes I think of it after.


Although right now I have a long list of items that someone has requested (she is paying me for them). So I am making specific items for specific people. I just don't enjoy making them as much.


And one time I decided to make a Game Boy case for my son. So I got some left over yarn, and stash busted! That's what I like doing.

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I do both, but most of the things I make, I make for a specific charity or person. The things I make "just because" I store in a plastic storage unit until I find it a happy home.

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I do a mix of both too, but I never end up just storing any until a recipient appears. I generally find a home for something long before it's finished. When I do a bunch of items for Christmas gifts, (like doilies or pot holders) I'll make a bunch and then decide while wrapping who gets which. Birthday gifts are selected and made with a specific recipient in mind.

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i make some things to give away - mostly baby stuff. i have people in mind for some and make some for charity. i need to mail a bunch off, too.

i also make some things because i like them - like the snowflake afghan, the BICO sweaters. i, too, save some things to find just the right person to give them to. (those BICO sweaters are addicting. i've made two and will probably start another as soon as i finish the baby afghan i'm making now).

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I love to give things away.:manyheart Between my family and some friends I have made on here.....it keeps me busy. :hook

We try to entertain at least 2 times a year for my husband's railroad friends, so on those occassions everybody leaves here with a goodie bag for husband and wife. At Christmas this past year, the bags contained shawls for the wifes, scarves for the husbands, dishcloths for whoever, and a special PK doily for the home.:santa

I also try my best to monthly have a bag for the local hospital newborns. Mostly baby blankets and bibs. :c9 I am also, a little at a time, building up a stash of lapghans and prayer shawls for the local nursing home.:hug :hug

Can you tell I don't work outside of the home? LOL:devil

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i crochet just because or to give away or to charity i have never sold any of my work that would be to much like a job and i have one of those i love the look on someones face when you give them something homemade its priceless and makes it all worth while

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I usually make things for people in mind. I am making blankets for everyone in my imediate family at the moment but then I make things to sell. I am working on ferrets at the moment but they are k**tted, but in the car I am making a blanket for the little boy I look after while waiting for him to come out of school or for my mate who is coming out of work. If i make something for myself someone usually says something like oooh thats gorgeous and I end up giving it to that person. I dont think i have made myself anything in over 5 years that i have kept.

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I just started crocheting this past december and the only things so far that I've made have been for others: pants for my baby, hat/scarf for my son, and 3 stroller blankets (2 as gifts and 1 for my baby). I am finally working on an afghan for myself but already have big plans for others again. I want to make xmas gifts for everyone this year but don't want to forget myself either! I would also love to make things for charity too! As a busy mom, it's so hard to find the time to crochet everything I want to!!

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I do both. I like to have an extra baby blanket or two on hand just in case! Right now I'm making a dragonfly afghan with absolutly no idea who will receive it! I just started it because I loved the pattern! I also do a lot of lapghans ahead of time just to use up scraps. Those I save for Christmas time when the school I work for donates to the local nursing home.

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When I first started crocheting, I'd do things "just because", which helped me learn, but now that I have some experience under my belt, I tend to make things with someone in mind. It could be myself, someone I know, or a charity. I tried having an Etsy shop with items I made, but I've found it's more fun to make things to "gift" than to make a buck.

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I usually make things with myself or others in mind. Then there are the things I made that turned out badly, so no one can use them! I usually frog these or chunk them, then chalk it up to a learning experience. I'm a working mom and so am busy, but would like to crochet some things for charity.

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I usually crochet for one of 3 reasons,

1. I need something for a class to teach,

2. I need something for a gift, or

3. I'm just dying to try to create something new... I'm an artist

and I draw up something and think, wow that'd be great crocheted

and so I begin. I just need to totally FINISH a pattern after I write

it down; type it up!

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I make a lot of stuff just to have something to do. Then the finished projects end up getting folded and laid on a chair till I want to use them or give them away. I made a dent in my stash of finished projects in March. I had two pineapple shawls I made. One was specifically made for my former neighbor (she LOVED it!) and the other one was made "just for the heck of it..." that I gave away about two weeks ago to one of my aunts that I hadnt seen for awhile who dropped by unannounced to visit my dad. She's been getting back into crochet lately, and I was showing the shawl to her, and decided right then to give it to her.


And last week, when my sister and her family were visiting, my niece kept looking at some of my crocheted afghans that I've given my parents, and I decided to take a rectangle afghan that I'd had almost finished for over a year (all it needed was yarn ends woven in) and give it to her. When I gave it to her, she grabbed it and ran downstairs to go to bed....no "thank you's" (she's a little autistic) When they left, she had it on her lap and was just looking at all the stitches.


Today I'm starting on a scrap afghan to work on while in the car when me and my boyfriend go on vacation at the end of the month. No idea if I'll be giving that afghan away or not.

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Most of the time i make gifts to give away. Sometimes I will try to make something just because, but I have a hard time finishing them. I love the responses of gifting items. I always tell myself I should make and keep a couple xtra baby blankets on hand, so I don't have to rush if I justfind out someone is having a baby.

If I try something and don't like it, I give it to kiddies. They love anything I make, and of course them being little (4 and 2) they have the imaginations to do whatever with it.


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Of all the things I've crocheted, most of it hasn't been anything that I've kept for myself, or had any personal use for. Last fall we moved to somewhere that didn't have central heating (and we didn't have much in the way of space heaters, either), so I worked through my stash to make some afghans to keep warm in before the cold set it. And I had done a few throws before then, but nothing major.


Lately, all my crochet work seems to be either done as gifts for friends and family, or for selling. I haven't done anything for myself in ages now! That's okay, though, 'cause crochet is a ton of fun no matter WHAT I do with the finished projects! :hook

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I'm a combo gal, too. Lots of gifts, things for me and I keep a "Present Cupboard" and stash goodies in there all year. Come the holidays or birthdays I'm all set :hook

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I make mostly afghans. Been shower gifts, birthdays, Christmas presents. Of all I've kept one. Entered some into contest only to give away after. I've made 4 that I've donated for raffles. I've been crocheting since 1975 - adds up to a lot. I've made a couple of vests for my mom and one for my MIL. Some stuffed toys upon request. Nothing that's been kept.

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Come to think about it. I don't think I've made anything for myself. Ever! Anything that I try to make, weather it's something I've never done or that I have done(like crocheting) I have always either given away, or kept it to give away. Most of the stuff I make now goes to my kids.

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Sometimes I just crochet because I like the pattern, eventually I'll do something with it. But I make my Xmas gifts for quite a few people so those patterns I pick with the people in mind.

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I mainly crochet baby afghans for presents. Just finished a wedding afghan for my friend who is getting married next week, a comfortghan for my friend's sister who lives in Australia and is undergoing treatment for cancer and a birthday afghan for my DSIL.

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I do a mix. I mostly make baby blankets for people. I crochet afghans for a couple of charities as well.

And now that I know how to make granny squares, I can participate in those comfortghan projects!!

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