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Join the Crochet Olympics

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Good morning yarn-letes! I hope everyone has a great day with their projects...I have a few things to do before I can crochet myself to the couch and work on the cardigan...I'm going to have to make some size adjustments. Took measurements before going to bed on what I had done so far and while I'm within 4 rows of having the main piece done by the book's standards, I'm going to add 2 to 4 additional inches before doing the edging...


Silly question: Is it mandatory to take "in process" pics? I can, but that means I have to upload pics every day...I'd prefer to do what I normally do and take pics of finished project...

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I have not started yet.After being so excited for days together,I have been having dizzy spells. I was also losing balance.for the past two days and had to go see the doc

Anyway got an appointment and I have taken tests,the results will come in tomorrow.

Havn't done anything yet:(

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I have not started yet.After being so excited for days together,I have been having dizzy spells. I was also losing balance.for the past two days and had to go see the doc

Anyway got an appointment and I have taken tests,the results will come in tomorrow.

Havn't done anything yet:(


Oh no Raquel! Get that taken care of and when you're feeling better, start on your project. Hope you feel better! :hug

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They're predicting a snowstorm for late tonight, through tomorrow. So, I'm driving 75 miles down and 75 miles back in a snowstorm. :eek


Be very careful...and let us know when you are home safely. I know this is the Winter Olympics...but for crocheting you shouldn't need to get out in it.

Seriously, keep us posted. Teammates care about each other.

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Friday afternoon I had to sit through a boring meeting. I spent the time plotting how many inches of the afghan would I need to crochet each day in order to get done on time. I thought of athelets who plot the course in their head and invision success. I used the time for that.


When I got home I shocked my husband/chef by telling him I was cooking spaghetti for dinner since my crochet friends said I had to eat Italian. Don't athelets pack in the carbs before a race?


Then I packed my crochet bag and took off for my son's house to watch the Opening Ceremonies.


I got off to a good start last night...only 2.5 inches done, but I had to frog a bit initially to get the pattern right and deal with his kitten who is not trained to never touch Grandma's yarn! :lol


This morning the family has some chores, but by noon I should be on the couch with my well-trained fat cat swooshing down the rows.


Keep up your strenght everyone...this is not a sprint, but a marathon. Good luck! :cheer

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I'm on pace to finish on time, but I'm still disappointed in my progress. :(


It's a 90 row graph, 60 stitches to each row. I've done 13 rows today. Yeah, I know 13 rows doesn't seem that much, but this is an extensive graph with numerous color changes per row. One row (which I haven't done yet) has something like 23 color changes.


Anyway, I figured that ten rows a day will get me done with the graph portion by next Saturday...that would give me a week to enlarge the graph into afghan size. But, I wanted a cushion to allow for such things as family crisises. Unfortunately, we had one of those family crisises tonight which cost me valuable time. I'm on track, but I know there will be days that I'll get very little done. I just hope this is the last major crisis until after the Olympics.


Yeah, right.


Actually, that's wonderful progress! I made my DH a Miami Dolphins pillow for Christmas using a graph and it was a royal pain in the "you know what"!!!! I was happy just getting 5 rows done a day. Hang in there!!! I really want to make my brother one of those with his Denver Bronco's team on it but I need a break from "graphs" after that one!!!

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I have to change the yarn i'm using for this, i originaly got Mary Maxim Mellowspun (it's new here so i thought i'd try it) and a white i already had. Normally i use Bernat Softee Baby when i buy baby yarn but the mary maxim one was new so i thought i'd try....it seems a little thinner than the bernat and everything was looking sloppy, after 3 tries and still not liking the results i decided to make the same ripple only i'm going to use Black and Dk. Plum, 2 color requests from DH, so he'll be happy to get his blanket sooner rather than later, going to buy the yarn later this morning :) :) :)

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Kathy - the shawl is looking gorgeous!!! Keep up the good work!!

*sigh* Y'all remember my plan to be home last night by 8 pm CET to watch the Olympics after picking up my friend from the airport? Well, I meet her there, and she drops the bomb on me that she needs to go to work...okay, its kinda on the way back towards my house.....a few extra minutes, but traffic was looking good. She then twists my arm, and brow beats me until I give in and agree to go out for dinner and drinks with her.....I need to eat right? I need lots of nourishment and strength to compete in the Olympics. Well, we go out......eat :fortune :takeout and then go to have a drink where, being sensible, I decide to drink coke......being sensible or not, I ended up agreeing to go dancing.....and walked into my apartment at 5 am.....Oops! :blush So, I am now ready to start crocheting! I did some knitting work this morning on the tram as I went back to the center to pick up the car that we left in the parking garage - we were both too tired to drive, and would rather be safe than sorry!

Happy Crocheting & Knitting!

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Well, I didn't make as much progress earlier in the week as I'd hoped to. DH out of town in Germany, me sick with a cold, then PMS. Anyway, I had to finish a prayer shawl before I could start this project. I got it done at 11:40 yesterday morning. THen I had a few things to get done around the house.


So when the opening ceremonies started, I hadn't even managed to start my gauge swatch. Good thing I did one! I'm using a different yarn than the one called for in the pattern, but it's supposed to be of similar type. Not similar enough I guess.


I normally crochet tightly, and usually have to go up a hook size to maintain gauge. Not this time! I actually had to go down TWO hook sizes!!! Anyway, got the swatch done, and started the project.


Then we had to go do dd's basketball game. I got a little done there, but FIL came to watch, so I had to spend time talking with him and not having himn thing I was ignoring him by crocheting too much! (Get this: the man has just moved into a full-spectrum retirement living community. They have regular crochet meetings/classes. He's actually thinking of going, but he's a bit worried about what they'll think of him. I told him go for it: the ladies will LOVE having a single man in their midst. He'll have more personalized attention/instruction than he knows what to do with.)


Got home last night and just didn't feel like working much. I've done a little this morning. Now I have to take ds to his basketball game, then both kids to the school carnival, then I MUST clean this pit of a kitchen! I may get in an hour or two by early evening, then my parents are taking us out to dinner at a local Chinese buffet with real sushi! YUM! Can't wait.


I'm hoping I'll be in the mood to get some work done after we get back from dinner.


The jacket itself is progressing fairly well. I've got about 5.5 of the 9.5 inches I need to do before I start adjusting for sleeves.

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Well best laid plans of mice and men...I couldn't start crocheting this morning because I had to run some errands...no biggie, I had made alot of process last night. After we got back from running errands I thought I would crochet and watch the Olympics...well I watched some of the Olympics and before I knew it I was asleep...for the next 3 hours!!!!!


Now I'm awake and reving my motor...


Everyone's doing great...but Racheljacob...take care of yourself...I'll be thinking of you...and Kimberly...I'm glad you had a good time last night...too funny.


Go Teamwearables, Go everyone!

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Oh my! Talk about a set-back! I had finished 26 rows of my shrug as of yesterday. As I picked it up today I sadly realized that I somehow skipped row #4! UGH! So I have just frogged 22 rows! Maybe I'll get the bronze... :hook

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I crocheted a bit of my cardigan last night, but I had a birthday date with my girlfriend; Indian curry and a movie.


This morning I've done quite a bit. Now I'm up to about 5". I know it doesn't sound like much, but the cotton is quite fine. I've never used anything finer than ww, so its going a little slow.

But tonight we drive my kids up to visit their biological mom in Mississauga, so I should be able to get quite a bit done while my husband drives.


Keep it up, everyone!:cheer

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Guys, this is driving me nuts!! I'm participating in the knitting olympics because I signed up for it before this started but there really isn't a place like this to post on my progress. Could I post it in here with ya'll? Pleassssssssse!!!! I hate feeling left out.:blush

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I have not started yet.After being so excited for days together,I have been having dizzy spells. I was also losing balance.for the past two days and had to go see the doc

Anyway got an appointment and I have taken tests,the results will come in tomorrow.

Havn't done anything yet:(


Yikes Raqueljacob, I hope everything is ok! I hope it is not anything serious. Glad you went to the Dr.


And I thought I was crochet challenged by having to crochet with a heating pad under my left arm. TMI probably I had a nasty ingrown under my arm. It swelled about the size of a pea & yesterday I popped it (ouch!), I poured peroxide on it, slathered neosporin on & said the olympics are on lol!


Between 2 sick kids, another one needing a ride, cooking, & everyone interrupting me every 10 min, I got a slow start on my bolero yesterday but stayed up late determined to get to at least row 10 of my pattern. Once everyone was asleep with no more interuptions, I passed row 10 & started on one front side. I got 4 rows of that going & went to sleep.


I have to pick teen ds up at driving class in an hr & I will get back to my bolero when I return.


Oh Donna..I am so sorry you had to frog a lot! I had to frog my first row because of gauge ...& then frogged 2 rows later because I missed a stitch at the end of a row (one of my crochet weak points is missing stitches at the end) & my count came up wrong.

Don't worry though... the olympics just began & we have time to correct mistakes.

Sending good vibes for you that the rest of your project sails along at a great pace!


Go ALL Crocheters!


and Go Team Wearables!

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Guys, this is driving me nuts!! I'm participating in the knitting olympics because I signed up for it before this started but there really isn't a place like this to post on my progress. Could I post it in here with ya'll? Pleassssssssse!!!! I hate feeling left out.:blush


Woolandflax .... I sent you a PM.



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Everything is going surprisingly well so far, and I'm right on track. I had to frog a granny square cause I'm doing a UFO for the olympics and it's been so long since I worked on it that I crochet looser than I used to! Oh well, I can do it, but my thumb hurts. Just the pains of athleticism! Go team afghans/squares!


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Omg, you guys are freakin' me out a little with all the graphghan talk. I've not even got to a color changing row yet on mine, and I'm already wondering if I'm actually going to be able to finish it!! Thankfully, I only have three colors to work with, and not many rows have lots of color changes.


I just got off work, so I'm giving myself a few more net-surfing mintues before I go get started for today...


Any Amy - that's really cool about your FIL - I'd definitely encourage him to get involved in the group, too!

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Guys, this is driving me nuts!! I'm participating in the knitting olympics because I signed up for it before this started but there really isn't a place like this to post on my progress. Could I post it in here with ya'll? Pleassssssssse!!!! I hate feeling left out.:blush


I can't speak for jingles or the other members, but I don't mind if you post your progress here...


Good luck!


Donna...I'm so sorry that you had to frog 22 rows...I've added to my challenge...the yarn that I'm doing the romantic cardigan is okay, but not what I really want and I keep screwing up...I'm still finishing the cardigan...it actually goes fast...so, after I finish it and the cutaway jacket, if I have time, I'll get the yarn I really want for the cardigan and do it over...at least this way, I would have completely gone through the whole process and hopefully will have a better time of it...


Good luck and hang in there...

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I didnt get to work on my sq yet today so I still have only 20 sq but I am about to curl up with my yarn and lay into it. I started at 2 yesterday and got 20 done easily so I hope it goes that good today. And look out for tomorrow we are expecting snow so there will be noting else left to do but crochet!!!!

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I can't speak for jingles or the other members, but I don't mind if you post your progress here...


Good luck!


Donna...I'm so sorry that you had to frog 22 rows...I've added to my challenge...the yarn that I'm doing the romantic cardigan is okay, but not what I really want and I keep screwing up...I'm still finishing the cardigan...it actually goes fast...so, after I finish it and the cutaway jacket, if I have time, I'll get the yarn I really want for the cardigan and do it over...at least this way, I would have completely gone through the whole process and hopefully will have a better time of it...


Good luck and hang in there...


THanks for the encouragement! Well I have finally gotten back to where I ended yesterday at this time but man oh man, what a pain! I really thought I would like working a shrug out of this Sugar N Cream cotton but I'm not liking it at all! I am not happy about the way it lies and such with this pattern. Oh well, I'm not about to stop and start all over again! I'll be happy if I finish a "wearable" item that actually fits someone! :hook


Go team wearables!!!!!

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Guys, this is driving me nuts!! I'm participating in the knitting olympics because I signed up for it before this started but there really isn't a place like this to post on my progress. Could I post it in here with ya'll? Pleassssssssse!!!! I hate feeling left out.:blush


Hey Rebecca - have you seen the Team Hooker blog? It's a bunch of crocheter's that are also knitters/novice knitters that joined the KO. The link is here: http://teamhooker.blogspot.com/


I think there's a YahooGroup set up for the KO too. At least that's what the girl who set up the YahooGroup for our CO said. :hook


Edited to add: But no, I don't mind if you post your KO progress here too. :)

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I'm really enjoying reading all of the progress reports. This is fun!


Can you believe I took the afternoon off from work for the Olympic thing:devil ? Then I putzed around and didn't start until 4 pm.


I'm in both the Knitting and Crocheting Olympics. Since I knit slower, I started my knitting first, and I'm pleased with my progress so far.


I'm taking a break to read and blog, and I'll start crocheting the Romantic Cardi tomorrow. Tonight I'll continue knitting and take in some NFL Skills Challenge and Olympic Speed Skating.

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