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Join the Crochet Olympics

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Okay, Shaylen, here is my left hand. Right hand came out fuzzy. Luckily this week I'm out on a job site and my hands will get really dirty right away tomorrow so no one will realize that I have purple hands! :lol






What I'll do for Olympic glory!!


Purple Patty

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(P.S. I'm not sure I like the moniker Team Other. Team Miscellaneous would be just as bad, though. Team Eccentric? Team Hodge Podge?)


How about Team Eclectic?

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Okay, Shaylen, here is my left hand. Right hand came out fuzzy. Luckily this week I'm out on a job site and my hands will get really dirty right away tomorrow so no one will realize that I have purple hands! :lol






What I'll do for Olympic glory!!


Purple Patty


Very pretty color,atleast you can hide it,how did the yarn turn out??i was thinking of tring it but now maybe not :lol

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I'm new to Crochetville and I'd like to join the Crochet Olympics. I've not crocheted very many items, and most of them were rectangular, so I thought I'd try my first baby sacque for the Olympics. I really don't know if that's enough of a challenge or not, so I'll add the matching bonnet and booties and go for the gold if need be!


I'm off to send my email to sign up!



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:jumpyayVera was sweet enough to visit my blog and leave a message, thank you. She also asked if I could come up with a button for both events, so I took a stab at it. I was going to make 2 sub buttons to go with it, but you can just take the existing buttons for the events to use.


:yay I finally decided what to do for my "event" for the Crochet Olympics. I am going to make that dreaded baby ghan I've had commitment issues with. I hope to get to Hobby Lobby before the 10th to get the yarn to do it, if not I might have a late start (not unusual for me.)


Sorry, back to subject... grab the button from this url:





or here if it shows up!:think


:cheer Good luck to each of you,:cheer



ps... thank you Goldi for the help with the Seraphina pattern. It all makes sense to me now, and you can bet I'll crank out a half dozen before Christmas (or birthdays...)


Thanks for making the wonderful button!!! I'm going to add it to my site tomorrow!!!


I am so ansy to start this thing! It practically killed me today NOT to pick it up! I think tomorrow I will work out a gauge swatch but I'm afraid to start that too early or I'll be even more inclined to start early and if I do that I'll have to find something else to make...


Am I the only person who really LOVES to start new projects, especially before old ones are done? :hook

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I hit my LYS for their Superbowl Yarn Sale (40% off).




Here's the Yarn Loot. Now I can play with a gauge swatch and I want to finish my socks from my Yahoo CAL sock-a-long....


Wow - that's some yarn! I love it. And I'm sooo jealous. ;)

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How about Team Eclectic?


Hey Lisa & DesertCrocheter - Yeah, Team Other wasn't sitting too well with me, but I didn't think much on alternatives. I liked Hodge Podge, so I just changed it to Hodge Podge. But Eclectic is good too.....


How about a democratic vote? Let me know what you want and I'll change it to the most requested. :hook

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Ok, I just added another 15 yarn-letes! And MamaHooks sent me a new banner and an updated version of the old one - so I put the new one at the top and the newer version of the old one at the bottom. I :manyheart how cute the new one is!


I also made all the text bold - good suggestion. However, I was showing the site to my fiance tonight and he uses IE. Ick. The site doesn't look so good in IE. Bleh - one more reason to hate IE. So, everybody switch to Firefox! :lol (it's a really great browser!) I'll have to fiddle with the design while viewing it in IE and Firefox sometime this week. See if I can get the two to converge towards something presentable in both. :blush


As far as Olympic Training, I started winding my yarn into cakes and doing a swatch tonight. My fiance asked if swatching was like stretching - I said exactly! :devil I'm off to post a photo of the pattern and my swatch on my crochet blog.


Go Crocheteers! Less than 5 days until the Opening Ceremonies ....

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I love the new banner and i can see it really good now,i use firefox to so im not having the IE problem.


I am getting so excited about this,i get my new books from Amazon tommorw so will decide which one to make and get my yarn.


Go Team...


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I hit my LYS for their Superbowl Yarn Sale (40% off). In search of line for my Drops Design sweater, I went straight for the Brown SHeep Cotton FLeece.... I finally decided on 'Banana' a pale yellow...3 skeins of Swizzle sock yarn, 2 skeins of light purple (special request from my dd), 4 skeins of light gray, a lone cool multi (maroon, grey, black, gold) and another lone charcoal gray to mix with it. I worked my way around the store to the Cascade 220 and respectfully dug through the bins to find 8 skeins of a dark teal for a sweater for dh. Finally at the checkout I grabbed Addi turbo B and C hooks and made it out the door in just over an hour.


Here's the Yarn Loot...


Great loot.:cheer I think the sweater will look wonderful in the Cotton Fleece.

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I'm new to Crochetville and I'd like to join the Crochet Olympics. I've not crocheted very many items, and most of them were rectangular, so I thought I'd try my first baby sacque for the Olympics. I really don't know if that's enough of a challenge or not, so I'll add the matching bonnet and booties and go for the gold if need be!


I'm off to send my email to sign up!




Welcome to Crochetville & the crochet Olympics from another Ginny!!

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I was bored again...waiting is HARD :hook so I made individual team buttons (feel free to snag if you want one). R click your team button, save & upload to your blog/website. BTW I can change Team Hodge Podge to Eclectic if that changes.




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Hello Ladies and Gentlemen. I have only 3 things to do to keep myself busy until the openning ceremony..




  1. Create a banner combining the two current banners into 1
  2. Make leg warmers for my daughter :hook
  3. Take care of everyone around me, food, clothes, finding lost things, homework warden and ect...:faint

That last one is taking up most of the time of course. I hope to have the new combined banner for Jingles96 by tomorrow evening. I hope to finish the leg warmers by Thursday evening. I hope to get some sleep and be rested by Friday afternoon. That's a lot of hoping, and not much else. :yawn





MamaHooks...Amazing Super Wonder Women and Mother:ccompute


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Actually I am just like any other mother that has a special needs child. I am always on the move. :flying


I must admit I am feeling a little burnt out but I have goals and I am going to meet them. Crochet Olympics.... Here I Come! :cheer Team Hodge Podge RULES!!!!!:yay:yay:yay:cheer:cheer:cheer

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Another 7 entries added! Woohoo - 92! Come on, we can break the 100 barrier - you know you want to join! ;):clap


I added the Team Buttons. I've only heard positive votes for Team Eclectic, so I'll change the name of that team tomorrow. Kazily can you change the graphic? Thanks! :hug


MamaHooks - take your time, no rush. A BIG THANKS again for all your design efforts. :hug



Less than 4 days to go - one, two, one, two, hook, swatch, gooooo Crocheteers! :cheer

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:worried with my baby yarn... :eek I've changed my project once already, and she dutifully edited my info on the Crochet Olympics web page...


...weeeeeeeelllllllllll... I don't have until Feb 28th-ish to do the dreaded baby 'ghan that I changed to. I was talking to my sister this morning and its looking like they are going to induce her Thursday afternoon. Something about her doctor having surgery Friday.


You can breathe now, Anna. I'm not going to change catagories, I will find another baby blanket to make.


..And if y'all don't mind, send me MEGA speedy crochet vibes. I am convinced I will have this blanket ready for him when he is born and of course, I am the slowest crocheter I know.:blush



has somehow found herself in intensive training :laughroll

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Ok Team i have decided what im going to do(and im sticking to it)sending you an email jingles.




This was such a hard deciesion for me :think,ive only workied with thread once and im allmost done with that.Now to get my thread and do the swatchs :cheer:cheer.


Mamahooks-you have done a great job what with keeping up with the kids and doing all the side stuff,i have 4 kids and i know you have to be a superwoman to do it all,my hat is off to you :hug.


Cris-lots of vibes coming your way,i hope you get it done in time and good luck to your sister :hug

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