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WHERE have you crocheted today?

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I know for some people, this question might seem odd or strange - but I crochet in multiple locations, as I often carry a project/ portion of a project around with me almost constantly. I take the bus to and from work and sometimes I go with a friend while she runs errands, so I end up waiting around or find myself with lots of extra time during the day to crochet. I also like to take a project and crochet at the park.


Today, I've crocheted in the following locations:

- work, on break

- at my friend's doctor's office


I haven't crocheted any at home yet and I'm not sure if I'll grab my bag tonight, as I'm exhausted.


So... What about everyone else? WHERE have you crocheted today? :crocheting

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At work, before I started. On the bus to work, at the senior center where I met the bus. I had a guy at Dunkin Donuts ask about an afghan I'm making. It's in Bernat Mosiac the color is psychedelic. He asked me if I could make one for him when I had a chance.

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I actually crochet EVERYWHERE. I crochet at work on my lunch hour, when I'm waiting for my martial arts class to start, while I'm waiting for doctor's appointments, when I'm over at someone's house visiting, and always on my off time. Matter of fact, I always take a little project with me when I leave the house JUST IN CASE I have some time to spare.


Today, I crocheted on my lunch hour at work, while waiting for my martial arts class to start, and when I got home while watching TV.

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I didn't crochet today but I did sit in the car in a restaurant parking lot making a Dorset button, which is still working with yarn/thread but more weaving than hooking. :)

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I visited a friend for tea and crochet. I love doing that.


I do keep some fine yarn and a fine hook in a compartment of my purse so that I can crochet anywhere if the option arises.

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At home with the air conditioner at full blast! :rock

I am almost finished with a afghan that is turning into a blanket, it is over 100 degrees outside, so I gotta finish this quick!

24 more rows to go :hook


I printed out some dish towel patterns to work on when we go on vacation.

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I crocheted in the truck to and from town (40 miles round trip), at the dr's office and in the book/movie store in the lounge area while DH looked for a few movies to rent. I carry a take-along project all the time. This one is 8" squares in Aran RHSS for the 63 square afghan by leisure arts.

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I also crochet just about anywhere. At home of course, that's a given. When I visit friends and family I take my crochet because they do their crafts too while we talk, mostly crochet, knit, and tatting. When I have a doctor or dental appt, I always take something to crochet ~ otherwise I KNOW they'll be running behind and I'll have to wait an hour. When I am a passenger in someone else's car, I still take a small crochet project, like a bath cloth. It doesn't take up much room, and gives me something to do.

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Today, I was at the new beach in town, with a cup of coffee and a project! I go right after my workout and it's so nice. Not crowded, and very pleasant conditions early in the morning. I love it! I try to do this at least a couple of times a week.



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Today I am at my sister's all day watching my niece (I am her nanny), so I have only crocheted on my sister's couch lol. But I often crochet in cars, on the lightrail, in doctors offices... pretty much anywhere.

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Girls! This pretty much proves it--we truly LOVE to crochet!! :cheer:clap I, too, never leave home without something to crochet! ;) Today, I crocheted at the Senior Center, while lunch was being served, and after lunch, during cleanup! Then I came home and crocheted for a little while, then came here! I'll crochet this evening, as well--I'm crocheting some Prayer Shawls for our local Prayer Shawl Ministry, and will probably also work on a jar carrier for a quart jar to carry fricassee home from our church picnics this year. I'll donate it to the "Country Store" booth at the next picnic. I'm always thinking of something else to make--I need at least 36 hours a day to crochet!! :P

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I hardly go anywhere anymore, so most of my crocheting is done at home in my lounge chair in the living room. But when I do travel and know I am going to be sitting for any length of time, my work goes with me. Used to crochet in the car, but since hands are shakier, together with our old car and even older driver (dear H), I find it more beneficial to keep my eyes on the road, :lol.

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I hardly go anywhere anymore, so most of my crocheting is done at home in my lounge chair in the living room.


You sound just like me! I am such a homebody. I have my chair with my laptop in front of me and this is where I crochet. I do get out of the house and go to my daughter's house most days, and I do crochet while I'm there, but her house is so much like home to me I consider that crocheting at home. :lol


When I do happen to go out I don't even bother carrying anything with me because by the time I get it out of the bag I will need to pack it back up again. I mostly only go out to run quick errands. On the RARE occasion that we go to Erie, I will carry a project with me, but that is a half hour drive so I feel like I can actually be productive.


Another thing too, unlike many of you, I don't work outside of the home. My crochet IS my work. So a nice car ride, however short it may be, is the equivalent of my "15-minute break" if that makes any sense...

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I take my project bag with me everywhere these days. Whether or not I get to it is another matter. This is my favorite time of year because we have an outdoor Jazz concert every Tuesday evening in June (called Jazz in June). Its been fun to bring my projects to that! Otherwise I just crochet at home.

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I didn't manage to get on my computer after work yesterday, so I'll share my random crochet spots of yesterday:

- sitting on the curb, waiting for my bus

- on the bus

- at work, before starting my shift


Someone told me he was so happy to see someone crocheting, as he was/ used to be a teacher and he liked to see younger people crocheting. He said he learned as a kid and wished it would have kept up with it!


Today, I know I'll crochet at work before my shift --- not completely sure where else... Probably at home though, as I'm determined NOT to lose my keys this morning so I can have time before going to work :)

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I'll :crocheting on the bus/subway/train ride to/from a concert in Boston tonight. Was too busy this morning to :crocheting. I take my "knitty-Ditty" bag everywhere. My family thinks I :crocheting 24/7. Instead of "Hello", it's "What are you making now?" :lol.

Ellie 13

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I crochet in the crew room at work (all the guys are always asking me what I am doing or making) watching my closely was I crochet away. I also crochet in a van at work since I drive crews around so my crochet bag goes too :O) sometimes I have to sit and wait long periods of times so it's nice to work on things :O) and get them done

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In my recliner with my morning pot of tea, and I've brought a project to work on tonight at break and after I've finished up assigned tasks.

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On the bus and at work before starting my shift. I'm home now and off until Monday, so if I can't sleep - I'll get up and crochet in the middle of the night. I know for a fact that I'll get up and crochet at home before church in the morning - I love to turn on the radio and crochet, helping myself get in the right mindset of worship.

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I haven't crocheted at all today, but I have knitted.... working on my first knit baby blanket (planning on it being an entry for the local fair in August). I have knit in the living room, in the car, at an open house, at logans(restaurant) while for our dinner took dh out for father's day. Getting ready to crochet here at the computer desk, starting another afghan.

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