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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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I've been working on projects for baby showers. One was yesterday. I thought I had 3 weeks before the next one, but I found out today that my dates were off and it's on the 16th.., ack! :)


So I'll be a little preoccupied for awhile...

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Woke up at 4....got up at 4:45......even started a load of laundry! Today is weigh in morning......I'll let you know how i did this last week!


Good morning to all! Hugs to all!


Yup, like Katie, snow is coming. And fast. Starts this afternoon, and by the time it ends tomorrow afternoon, my area could have up to 7 inches. Sigh..........WHERE will they put more snow!? The piles are so high now! Yikes!


Hope everyone has a good day! You know what I'll be doing......working!



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Alas, the kitty is gone. I was just admiring it a little while ago. I guess I am not one much for change. Jim never has to worry about coming home and finding the furniture rearranged just for the sake of something different. After it finds what seems to be its optimal place I would screw it to the floor if I could. On the good side you are forcing me to keep my brain active by learning to associate you with a new picture



I agree with you. I'm the same way don't like change and never rearrange anything. Lived in the old house over five years and never once changed it up. Once it is there it truly can stay. I always know where it is at and I walk a lot at night in the dark. So I know where everything is at.


Good morning everyone!

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Huge prayer request for today and tomorrow.


My husband is taking the exam at the nuclear plant today and will have an interview tomorrow. We need this job so bad! He hasn't taken this particular exam before but he said it is similar to the one he's taken there before. He failed the first time and passed the second time. Please pray he passes this one the first time. As for the interview, he doesn't interview well. Every job he's ever been hired for, he didn't have to interview for it. He was hired on credentials alone. Every job he's ever interviewed for, he's been passed up. Please pray for good impressions this time. If he doesn't get this job, I will sob huge, bitter tears. After four years, I just can't take the disappointment anymore. I really just can't take it. 


And I'm so tired today. I had less than 4 hours of sleep last night after a long day of work. I worked from 7:45-2:30 and then 5:30-8:00. I slept from about 11 something to 2 something but got up to pee 4 times between 12 and 2. I couldn't get back to sleep until nearly 6 am and my alarm went off at 7 am. Dh already left for the exam so I had to get Y to school and now I'm home alone with C. And I need to go grocery shopping. I'm so tired, I want to cry. I'm so tired.

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Cindy just take in a deep breathe and let it out slowly. Think positive and he'll do just fine. Just keep smiling. :) it's hard I know. Hubby has been out of work for 9 days and we have some setbacks ourself .. Living from paycheck to paycheck is ridiculous . Right now not even living pay check to paycheck I can not pay all the bill so they will pile up. I need to win the lottery oh but wait I need to play first.

Prayers are headed your way and I hope hubby does just fine. Sending lots of hugs your way too.

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prayers continue for you hubby,Cindy

sure wish that new kiddo wouldn't lean on your bladder,so you could get some restful sleep


Grannie Annie

thank you so much for my squares,your puffy did a lot to cheer me up yesterday

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Cindy and Owlvamp:  Prayers and virtual hugs coming your way!! :hug


Hello and :ghug to everyone else!!  I'm swamped at work, but really lovin' my new job.  The learning curve is HUGE!!  I didn't know (and still don't know) all of the forms/paperwork/protocol that I'm suppose to do.  Everyone has been super patient with me, which is a plus.  Especially since I ask for help All.The.Time.  The weather here is a bit rainy...no snow.  Boy, I could use a few more snow days.  I know I'd regret it when we would have to make them up in the summer, but still...I so love curling up with my hook, yarn, and tea.  There's always the weekend!!  But wait, my house is a disaster, and my floors need mopped...UGH!!  it's decided...whatever doesn't get done in a timely fashion on Saturday will have to wait.  I cannot stress enough how much I *need* (or at least I feel I need) to sit quietly and crochet.  Yes, I do it everyday, but it's not the same.  I just want to ssssssllllooooowwww down for a bit.  Life gets crazy, don'tcha know. Tonight is Taco Tuesday...$1 tacos at the local Mexican restaurant and all the FREE chips and salsa you can eat ...Whoot!!!   I can't even make that meal at home for that price!!! And no clean up :cheer

Sending some puffies out soon!!  Take care, all!!! :manyheart  

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Huge prayer request for today and tomorrow.


My husband is taking the exam at the nuclear plant today and will have an interview tomorrow. We need this job so bad! He hasn't taken this particular exam before but he said it is similar to the one he's taken there before. He failed the first time and passed the second time. Please pray he passes this one the first time. As for the interview, he doesn't interview well. Every job he's ever been hired for, he didn't have to interview for it. He was hired on credentials alone. Every job he's ever interviewed for, he's been passed up. Please pray for good impressions this time. If he doesn't get this job, I will sob huge, bitter tears. After four years, I just can't take the disappointment anymore. I really just can't take it. 


And I'm so tired today. I had less than 4 hours of sleep last night after a long day of work. I worked from 7:45-2:30 and then 5:30-8:00. I slept from about 11 something to 2 something but got up to pee 4 times between 12 and 2. I couldn't get back to sleep until nearly 6 am and my alarm went off at 7 am. Dh already left for the exam so I had to get Y to school and now I'm home alone with C. And I need to go grocery shopping. I'm so tired, I want to cry. I'm so tired.

Hugs and prayers my friend! Stay strong!


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Sending lots of positive vibes your way Cindy :hug


Hi all! I hope you are all ok.

I'm going to be a bit quiet on her until about thursday. Busily trying to finish another assignment for my degree module. After this assignment comes the end dissertation for module no.1 and then that means that I have finished the first part of my degree! Yipee! Only another 6 or 7 modules to go (depending on which ones I take) and, before you know it I will be a business guru. :lol:D

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Cindy, I'm praying for you and your husband.  


Nothing new to report here.  It's been overcast, a little cool, and a long day.  I'm sick and tired of being sick.  I just need to work.  That will take my mind off things.  


Everyone have a good day, and be safe with all that snow out there.

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hello you squares out there!


Can you see me waving, through all the snow falling???? :waving


staying in, staying warm around here, snow is so pretty when it falls, and everything gets sooo quiet.....No traffic, no voices, no dogs barking, just hushed up with a new snowy coat of white! 


Made a big pot of ham and bean soup today, and will be feasting off that off and on for a few days at least. Got some blueberry muffins to put in later on too, will be good...


Doggie has a ham bone, but it's snowing out, and I can't let her have it, till it's nice outside, it's too cold and wet out there for her to want to stay out and gnaw on a bone, but it will keep for a better day, we will have them again,  I am sure, well, ok, almost sure, won't we????


Poor cindy, and angel, and viking, hugs to you all, and whom ever else needs them.. Jillipop, sounds like y ou are keeping busy!'


I am making some headway on sorting my pattern stuff, but not ready to type them up yet, lol we'll see how the first one goes....

Cindy, and dragnlady, I will email pattern tomorrow, so look for it then. Cindy if you aren't up to it, don't worry about it ok....


take care all, have a good evening kuddles and kiddles, stay safe too!

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Cindy praying for your husband and also for your family...I pray you get the much needed breakthrough soon...HUGS HUGS HUGS HUGS HUGS


I haven't been doing too awful much today...Mailed a swap,got fuel,picked up the teens and came home...Checking on here before I snuggle in my room and work on the Minnie Mouse and watch Providence...I ordered the dvd from Netfix...It's been raining off and on...I did our taxes and the IRS recieved them and as soon as they come in, I'm going home to visit my mom for 15 days...I told her I needed some pampering...So she's getting the mixings for pink squirrels,some popcorn ready..And we'll eat popcorn,watch tv and drink....I haven't spent time like this with her since I was a teen...So looking forward to it....Hope everyone stays warm and is happily crocheting....


Katy-Your dinner sounds WONDERFUL....I can almost smell it myself....YUMMMMM


Skoggy- You go girl....It'll be wonderful to have your degree....


Jillypop- $1 tacos...YUMMMM....I agree you can't beat that.... 

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Just popping in real quick to say thank you and let you know that we will know the results of the test sometime tomorrow. I don't know yet when we will find out if he got the job. There is still the interview tomorrow.


Aaaannnddd....I'm anxiously waiting for the girls to go to bed so I can too. I'm beyond pooped.

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Fingers crossed, Cindy! I hate interviewing, too. Scariest part of job hunting for me, definitely. I hope you get some sleep tonight! I know that feeling a little bit; DH made noises about keeping Little Viking home sick from school today (he was coughing pretty loud) and I nearly fell apart because I knew there was no way I'd be able to handle him feeling like I did.


Went into the doctor to be sure it wasn't strep, given how bad my throat hurt this morning. It's not strep. It's tonsillitis. >_< But I've had the first day's worth of antibiotics and I feel much, much better at this point! Shouldn't have any problem with going to work tomorrow, assuming the weather and roads cooperate!


Yeah puffys....  woot woot.  Been busy today. I went to Zumba. had a blast.  cant wait till thursday to go again

Zumba is hard work! Fun, but hard work. Our local library's annual book fair is held at the middle school, and the school always does their wellness festival at the same time. Last year - no, two years ago, when we went there were free Zumba sessions going on, and we stopped in for a bit to hear the music - little guy pulled us in, actually. I've got an adorable video of him Zumba-ing to Lady Gaga on my phone, still. :) He was only about a year and a half then, but he did start trying to mimic the moves the women were doing!


I haven't been doing too awful much today...Mailed a swap,got fuel,picked up the teens and came home...Checking on here before I snuggle in my room and work on the Minnie Mouse and watch Providence...I ordered the dvd from Netfix...It's been raining off and on...I did our taxes and the IRS recieved them and as soon as they come in, I'm going home to visit my mom for 15 days...I told her I needed some pampering...So she's getting the mixings for pink squirrels,some popcorn ready..And we'll eat popcorn,watch tv and drink....I haven't spent time like this with her since I was a teen...So looking forward to it....Hope everyone stays warm and is happily crocheting....

Pink squirrels? What are pink squirrels? I have to finish our taxes, too. I got started in January because my W2s came in, like, right away. But then I realised I didn't have quite a few things that I needed to finish, so I stopped. Now I've got both W2s so I can do state and local taxes, at least, and then I might have everything I need. But I need to get it together and do them! I was so eager to before, and now I've had those papers for at least a week and I've been all "eh"....

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Hello all. Hope everyone had a decent day today. Been upset all night and not been in the right state of mind.

Just wanted to check in on everyone.


Good night !

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Hello all. Hope everyone had a decent day today. Been upset all night and not been in the right state of mind.

Just wanted to check in on everyone.


Good night !

Oh, owl. :(  :hug



Heh. No kidding. ;P End of last year my company opened a small production branch in Elk Grove Village out your way; I wonder how they've been doing this week...!


I'm feeling much better today, yay! But Little Viking's daycare is closed today and we can't actually get out of our driveway anyway, so for now, at least, not going anywhere....

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Good morning everyone!


Hope today goes better for me. Need to do some sewing but I broke a needle in my sewing machine and can not find it for the life of me but can hear it rub after so many stitches. I can't afford to take it in for service plus don't know where I would take it to. Don't have any quilting shops around me. I really tended to make some receiving blankets and burp clothes for daughter maybe having baby by next Tuesday. Baby has dropped lower and doctor said she would be lucky to carry till next Tuesday so we will see. But of course my machine is acting up. Thanks for letting me unload. It's always something here .


Hope you all have a wonderful day. Stay warm and safe and stay inside if you don't have to go out. Better safe than sorry.

Hugs to all.

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Ineed some sunshine,I'm feeling so blahhhhhhhhhhh today, my left eye is burning and tearing,doesn't help me, in my quest to get some more books read.

last evening was a total trip with mil,she looked at me,and said when did you come in from NY?and who was the other lady that was here,she didn't mean Rene',she said it was an older woman,she must see me and thinks I'm two separate people,not to confuse her more, but I refer to the other me as Lola, Bill cracks up when I say that,lol

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Pink squirrels? What are pink squirrels? 

It's a drink with creme de almond,creme de cocoa,ice cubes and strawberry ice cream..With a hazelnut (I think) My mom made them while I was growing up and would let me have a tiny sip..And most of my adult life I've lived soo far away, then when I'd go home to visit I'd be pregnant...Soo really looking forward to this time with my mommy and my sissy...Hard to believe my mom is 79 years old now.... 

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Today is a crazy day! I spent the morning doing my billing for work, Hubs spent the morning running round doing in errands in the car (because the truck was dead), I couldn't go grocery shopping without said car so we went together after his errands while the shop down the street charged the battery. We rushed home, he showered and dressed for the interview while I installed the truck battery (uh, first time ever, but successful!). He did end up leaving a little late. Hopefully they will be forgiving since the roads are so bad today. Now I've got 20 min to feed the girl and I, then we have to go pick up Y from school, early, for a 2:30 dr appt. Then I need to rush home, clean up a little, cook dinner....all before leaving for work at 5. I'll be there from 5:30-8:00, then I need to stop by the office to drop off my timesheets and pick up my check and 1099, but only if the building is still open. Sigh. I'm exhausted just thinking about it. I did get awesome sleep last night though, so I should be able to do it all without falling apart.



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humm sounds like you need a hug sandra!!!! :hug

Hello all. Hope everyone had a decent day today. Been upset all night and not been in the right state of mind.
Just wanted to check in on everyone.

Good night !

ha, here too kuddles, here too, about 5 inches, not bad compared to you all east of here!!



Good luck to hubby Viking, and Cindy, you are a genius,  putting in a new battery by yourself, you are a genius....My low tire light was on the other day, and I made handydan come with me and fill it up, he says,,,,,and how dare he, he says, why cna't y ou do this yourself, and I said, why would you even ask me to??? ha ha. he shut up, jumped out, and did it, and was very apologetic I might add, lol Just gotta know what to say to um, huh!!!


I mailed cindy, and kristy the pattern for testing, please let me know, if you DIDN"T get it email, as I had a bit of trouble with the attachment, called Daugter, and she helped me out. lol

ok, all for now, you all stay safe and warm, and I hope there is none of US here, in the east, without POWER in this latest storm damage!!!!!!!!!      

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