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crochet tote addicts CAL


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Well, it has been a really sad day around here. I don't know if any of you heard about the stage collapse at the Indiana Star Fair last night. Five people died and about 45 others were injured. I don't know any of the people who died, but a co-worker was hurt. She's stable, but still in the hospital. So, I've been a little down today. I feel so bad for those people's families.


On good news, I finished the SBT I've been working on. I like how this one turned out.


I'll chat with you all later. :hug


Sad day. The video was unreal that I saw online.


Nice tote!!!


The Kestrel is lucky to weigh a pound. She's just evil, but I love the little stinker!


kestrel's are more than welcome around here!! They keep the tweety birds away from the berries! We have a couple of kestrel houses to encourage them to stick around

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Ann - Love that tote!!


Mary - what a beautiful afghan! The colors are so beautiful!


Sue - Forget the leather body suit, you need body armour made of steel!! :rofl:rofl Congrats on the patterns. If the pattern editor needs confirmation of the SBT and how easy and beautiful it is, just tell 'em to look on this thread!


Sorry to hear of the deaths and injuries at the fair, prayers said for them.


Haven't been able to get online today, either DD or DH was on the computer. But I did start on the granny ripple tote--testing it out to see how I like it.


Not looking forward to this week at work, we have 2 weeks to get ready for this inspection. Plus it's time to start on the newsletter for next month (which reminds me, I didn't send out reminders for people to send in articles :eek:eek). Where has this month gone??????


Well, I'd better check on a couple of other things while I wait on DD to send me a text she made it home ok.


Have a great evening and rest well my friends! See you tomorrow!!!

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Love the totes everyone

Sue I love birds (I have 3 of my own) I really should come work down there :D

I went to see The Help tonight...great movie I highly recommend it.

Busy day tomorrow, interview, city hall to see if permits were pulled for updates on the house, and taking kendra to the airport :(. then off to work. I probably wont be on much the next few days since i work the next 2 nights and then have an interview on wednesday.

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Oops overslept this morning! Just popped in to check in with everyone. Congrats to Tonya & Patrick. :hugs to those in need or just want one. My youngest dd has practice for cheerleadering on Saturday. Monday is the tryout. She hasn't cheered in a year, because last year at cheer camp she dislocated her shoulder. She ended having to have surgery to repair the tissue that tore. (she is a base, and the flyer came down too soon and her foot hit just the right spot -- and this flyer was the lightest one my dd ever ). A few prayers or crossed fingers that she does well would be appreciated. Thanks


So how'd she do? I did send up a few positive thoughts & prayers, just haven't taken the time to reply to all the chit chat on here!! :hug


And here's my hobo hearts tote :yay I did it in cotton to use as a market bag :D




Good Morning ……….


Thanks everyone for all the congrats to Patrick! He worked 5 hours yesterday doing lawn care. He will work a few hours today helping clean up the mess the storm made last night. Then Sunday he will work bussing tables! He’s really excited about this job! I’m super proud of him!

This job is really flexible.. and his boss is super sweet!

So quick funny story about the cake Ken brought home for Patrick.

When he sat it on the counter … I looked at it and this is what I saw……


So………..you’ll see …. .the precious elderly lady that wrote on it… seems to forgotten how to spell. So… before Patrick saw the cake…. I fixed it. :D


Whats really funny… is Ken picked up the cake.. .never noticed and brought it home. LOL… but you know… the love of the act… was more than the misspelled word!


Sorry for not catching up better.

I will try later. Its County Fair time here and I forgot I promised the boys I’d take them to ‘kids night’ yesterday. And tonight its shows and exhibits. I had thought of putting something of mine in at the fair… maybe next year.

Anyway… need more coffee……….. :D





:rofl too funny!! But you know, she might have thought she spelled it right! Lots of people spell it that way... kind of like potato (I've seen it spelled potatoe which just cracks me up!!)


Just got back from my daughter's ROTC FLOW graduation. I thought I might share some pictures in case anyone was interested. I am so proud of my girl!!!




:cheer Way to go!! My step daughter was in ROTC where she lives, and she really enjoyed it (from what I have heard). Congratulations!! :h5


Here I am world. Not in the best of moods. A little down in the dumps, scared, worried, hopeful, teary eyed. There has been a reason that I've been funktified (thanks for validating my word).


This story is the story of my oldest son's girlfriend - THE ONE.

My son's gf is fighting cervical cancer for the 2nd time. Today, a few of us are meeting to organize a fund raiser to help alleviate some of the costs. They live in FL but her drs are at MD Anderson in TX. She goes for a biopsy this week and depending on the outcome, it will determine which way the the treatment will go. If the biopsy shows the cancer has not spread to the kidney, then a surgery will be scheduled to remove all organs in the pelvic area - not just the femal parts but also the bladder and her rectum. She will end up with two bags instead of these organs. If the cancer has spread, all they can do is chemo. Please pray for her, her two little kids, her family and my son. I am so proud of him. Not once has he said "this is too much, I can't do it." Instead he has said " I love you and will stand beside you."

Thanks all for being such good friends for letting me run away and hide, then pop back in to cry on your shoulders. I don't know what I would do with out my yarnie buddies. :hug


:hug Prayers going up!! Hang in there... We'll be here for you however and whenever you need us...


So, here is what I have been up to lately. Three completed SBTs this week and a cool little burp cloth for the new baby.






Love these!! Great job! :yay


haven't checked the thread in a few days. let's just say if I were a horse, I'd have them put me outta my misery. I can't seem to breath through all this yuck.


Just caught a glance at the posts above. Jana, prayers and more prayers and :hugs to your family and this girl.


:hugs to all the rest of you as well. Hoping I can kick this and feel human again soon. Miss you all.


:hug sending positive healing thoughts, energy and prayers your way!!!


I was so excited to be going to meet up with my fellow 'hookers' and went to start my car and nothing- click, click, kaput! Of course, DH wasn't home. I figured it was the battery. He said he'd come home and check it out. Well, about an hour later, he comes home- and he put a battery charger on the battery- He was able to start the car and we took it to the mechanic . They ran some diagnostics and sure enough- battery had died. Thankfully, that was all and alternator etc seem fine! So I missed the meet up which kind of bummed me out since I was looking forward to all week --and it was a rough week at work! But in the big scheme of things, I guess it could have been worse- I could have been out and about when the car died- at least it was home in my garage.


Steph- Feel better soon!!!


Christie- Love the SBT's and the burp cloth!!! Good luck to DD tomorrow!!!


At least it was "just" the battery... and yes, it's also a good thing it was while you were home!! It's also a good thing it wasn't on a work day... :hug


I got the afghans done!!!

Finished granny round ripple http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=131194

Finished Wool eater http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=131069


Beautiful!!! :clap


Oh! I almost forgot! I finished the Gathered Tortoise Shells Bag early 2:30is this morning! :cheer The color is a little off in the pic. It is soft sage, kind of a mint green, very pretty!:yes It's not the best picture. It took me forever today to get one that wasn't out of focus! :P Anyway, here it is!


I love that! I'll have to get that pattern... :yes:tup great job!!


Hi, everyone! I've read all of posts to catch up with you all. Let's see what I can remember without quoting or writing anything down! :eek


Ann - The tote is great!


Tam - I didn't realize you had a new tote pattern for "sale". :P Now I have another tote pattern to buy and try. :cheer


Sue - Thank goodness you weren't hurt too badly by the Kestrel. :hug


kuddles - I'm glad you had a good time at the zoo.


Joanne - Howdy! :hi


Sorry if I missed anyone. :hug



Well, it has been a really sad day around here. I don't know if any of you heard about the stage collapse at the Indiana Star Fair last night. Five people died and about 45 others were injured. I don't know any of the people who died, but a co-worker was hurt. She's stable, but still in the hospital. So, I've been a little down today. I feel so bad for those people's families.


On good news, I finished the SBT I've been working on. I like how this one turned out.


I'll chat with you all later. :hug


Yes, I did hear about that - kind of freaked me out, because I was just telling my hubby the other day that the Indiana state fair was going on, and wouldn't it be nice to get down there to see it? We won't be able to fit that in to our schedule... but the idea that I was JUST thinking about how neat it would be to go, and then hearing that tragic news... :eek


I can't wait till Ryan starts talking! He is just so cute now- but you know how it is- newborns are kind of boring,despite how sweet and cute they are!:lol Sounds like you had a nice conversation with Jillybean (what a cute nickname)


:lol Yeah, we spend the first 2 years waiting for them to walk and talk, then the next 16 years trying to get them to sit down and be quiet!!! :rofl


Finished this larger baby blanket today that had been put on hold for the other afghans to get done. One of my favorites!


thread here http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=131222


Oh, that is so pretty!! Love it! :yay


I think I'm caught up again... :) You all have a wonderful week!!! :hug

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Morning Everyone! How is everyone this fine morning? I slept in today. Yup, got up at 3:15am! :rofl Haven't picked up my hooks yet. I can't decide what I want to start next. :think I'm sure something will come to me soon! My yarn just needs to wake up and start talking to me! :lol Have a great day all! :hug


Stephanie............thank you sweetie for these adorable cell phone cozies for my fundraiser! :hug I do hope you know I really appreciate this!










Those are adorable!!!


Finished this larger baby blanket today that had been put on hold for the other afghans to get done. One of my favorites!


thread here http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=131222

Love that blanket!!!


Ann - Love that tote!!


Haven't been able to get online today, either DD or DH was on the computer. But I did start on the granny ripple tote--testing it out to see how I like it.


Not looking forward to this week at work, we have 2 weeks to get ready for this inspection. Plus it's time to start on the newsletter for next month (which reminds me, I didn't send out reminders for people to send in articles :eek:eek). Where has this month gone??????


Well, I'd better check on a couple of other things while I wait on DD to send me a text she made it home ok.


Have a great evening and rest well my friends! See you tomorrow!!!

Thank you! Tell DD and DH you need more computer time! :lol Hope your work week goes easier than you expect! :hug


Love the totes everyone

Sue I love birds (I have 3 of my own) I really should come work down there :D

I went to see The Help tonight...great movie I highly recommend it.

Busy day tomorrow, interview, city hall to see if permits were pulled for updates on the house, and taking kendra to the airport :(. then off to work. I probably wont be on much the next few days since i work the next 2 nights and then have an interview on wednesday.

Good luck on the interviews!!! :hug


I finished this tote recently, and love how it came out.

Very nice!!!:clap

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I finished this tote recently, and love how it came out.


Love this, Aurora!! :) Gorgeous... :tup


Morning Everyone! How is everyone this fine morning? I slept in today. Yup, got up at 3:15am! :rofl Haven't picked up my hooks yet. I can't decide what I want to start next. :think I'm sure something will come to me soon! My yarn just needs to wake up and start talking to me! :lol Have a great day all! :hug



Those are adorable!!!



Love that blanket!!!



Thank you! Tell DD and DH you need more computer time! :lol Hope your work week goes easier than you expect! :hug



Good luck on the interviews!!! :hug



Very nice!!!:clap


Mornin' Ann!! I haven't gone to bed yet... LOL Not an early riser like you, just a late sleeper, I guess... :rofl Have a fabulous day!!! :hug

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Good morning!!!

Melani- you posted at 4:55 EST and you still hadn't gone to bed?:eek Guess you ARE a late sleeper!!!:lol--oh, and as far as the battery in my car---part of me wishes it did happen on a work day-:devil


Aurora- Love the pockets of plenty tote that you finished!! Beautiful!!!


Mary- The afghan is gorgeous- love the colors!!! Wow- you have finished 3 afghans and I'm plugging away on one:eek


Tonya- Good luck on the interviews this week!!!:hug


Sue- Enjoy your day off!!


Mama K- Behave at work today- :yes


See you all on the flip side!

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Hi all! Sorry wasn't chatty this weekend as usual, was busy with DD....how DARE she barge into my Ville time! The nerve!


Just wanted to say I was so sorry to hear about the Indiana tragedy, as you know it is next door to me. Horrible! I feel so bad for the families!


Tonyal - good luck!


Sue - you are off today, yes? I hope?! Enjoy!!


Joanne - back to work. Running to the state office first thing then back to my usual locale. The teachers are back today for orientation, the kids back tomorrow so gone are my quiet days of getting work done! LOL Oh well, the kids make it interesting!


Ann/Sherri/Melani/Tam and to all my peeps - have a great day loves!


Mama K

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kestrel's are more than welcome around here!! They keep the tweety birds away from the berries! We have a couple of kestrel houses to encourage them to stick around


One of these days I'll remember to take the camera to get some pictures over at birds. Priscilla (Kestrel) is gorgeous!!


Finished this larger baby blanket today that had been put on hold for the other afghans to get done. One of my favorites!


thread here http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=131222


Very pretty!!


Sue - Forget the leather body suit, you need body armour made of steel!! :rofl:rofl Congrats on the patterns. If the pattern editor needs confirmation of the SBT and how easy and beautiful it is, just tell 'em to look on this thread!


Not looking forward to this week at work, we have 2 weeks to get ready for this inspection. Plus it's time to start on the newsletter for next month (which reminds me, I didn't send out reminders for people to send in articles :eek:eek). Where has this month gone??????


Just what I need a steel suit of armour! :rofl


Try and have a good week. :hug


Love the totes everyone

Sue I love birds (I have 3 of my own) I really should come work down there :D

I went to see The Help tonight...great movie I highly recommend it.

Busy day tomorrow, interview, city hall to see if permits were pulled for updates on the house, and taking kendra to the airport :(. then off to work. I probably wont be on much the next few days since i work the next 2 nights and then have an interview on wednesday.


See? I was attacked yesterday and needed a nurse. :rofl


Good luck this week! And just think soon Kendra will be back home! :hug


I finished this tote recently, and love how it came out.


Love it Aurora!! How'd the CAL go?


Sue- Enjoy your day off!!


Going to school to get a book I need (ordered the rest on Amazon, but one was out of stock and the same price at the school bookstore so I'll get it there), then Joann's (the craft store, not NJ :lol ), WalMart and Publix. Sometime in there we'll get lunch.


Sue - you are off today, yes? I hope?! Enjoy!!


YES! Going to find some goodies for my kit swap partner. ;):hug



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I finished this tote recently, and love how it came out.


beautiful tote!!


Heading to get my nails done (I like it when they look pretty covered with dirt :lol) Picking up bedding for when we clean cages this week. Might consider Michaels, but really don't need anything :shrug but you know how us yarnies are!

Ship boxes this afternoon..that pretty much covers it

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Mornin' Ann!! I haven't gone to bed yet... LOL Not an early riser like you, just a late sleeper, I guess... :rofl Have a fabulous day!!! :hug

I guess you are a late sleeper! :lol I've had my nap, now I'm ready for the day! :hook


Good morning!!!

See you all on the flip side!

Have a great day!:hug


Hi all! Sorry wasn't chatty this weekend as usual, was busy with DD....how DARE she barge into my Ville time! The nerve!


Joanne - back to work. Running to the state office first thing then back to my usual locale. The teachers are back today for orientation, the kids back tomorrow so gone are my quiet days of getting work done! LOL Oh well, the kids make it interesting!


Ann/Sherri/Melani/Tam and to all my peeps - have a great day loves!


Mama K

It's wonderful that you spent the weekend with DD! She just needs to learn to share her mama with her friends a little more! :lol Seriously, she'll be all grown up and we'll still be here, so enjoy your time with her! Missed you Mama K! :hug


One of these days I'll remember to take the camera to get some pictures over at birds. Priscilla (Kestrel) is gorgeous!!


Going to school to get a book I need (ordered the rest on Amazon, but one was out of stock and the same price at the school bookstore so I'll get it there), then Joann's (the craft store, not NJ :lol ), WalMart and Publix. Sometime in there we'll get lunch.




YES! Going to find some goodies for my kit swap partner. ;):hug



Would love to see a pic of the the birds! Sounds like you have a nice day off planned! :) Hope your back is feeling better today!


Good morning ladies! Just a quick post from me. Have a great day! :hug

Howdy! Have a good day yourself! :hug


Heading to get my nails done (I like it when they look pretty covered with dirt :lol) Picking up bedding for when we clean cages this week. Might consider Michaels, but really don't need anything :shrug but you know how us yarnies are!

Ship boxes this afternoon..that pretty much covers it

Enjoy getting your nails done! Definitely go to Michaels! :yes I'm sure you'll find something! :devil


Good morning everyone. This is a test message to see if the hospital's internet will let me post from my laptop today. :)

Yup, it works!!!! :yay

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:sun .:: Good Morning Kids ::.

so sorry for being so absent again. Hope all is well with everyone! I have a busy day of crocheting ahead of me! I have a few envelopes I need to mail out too! Right now I'm working on a baby blanket to use for the fundraiser for hubby! I'm testing Carlinda's corner to corner entrelac. In the midst of doing this ... I have gotten several ideas for more blankets! Love the pattern!

I've been super busy trying to get stuff made for the craft fair. Speaking of........... I want to ask you ladies a question... I wish I had thought of this before I asked for help. If whatever you all are sending to donate for hubby's fundraiser doesnt auction off... would you be upset if I put it on my table at the craft fair? The fair is the weekend after the auction. I'm nervous and excited about both.... I know by no means am I going to make tons of money... but I sure hope its enough to bring a smile to hubby's face!

okay... I need more coffee.

love you guys! Thank you for everything you have done for me and my family!




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Would love to see a pic of the the birds! Sounds like you have a nice day off planned! :) Hope your back is feeling better today!


I'll get some Sunday then. :) Back is feeling good, wallet not so much. Bought 15 skeins of yarn and some other stuff. :lol


:sun .:: Good Morning Kids ::.


so sorry for being so absent again. Hope all is well with everyone! I have a busy day of crocheting ahead of me! I have a few envelopes I need to mail out too! Right now I'm working on a baby blanket to use for the fundraiser for hubby! I'm testing Carlinda's corner to corner entrelac. In the midst of doing this ... I have gotten several ideas for more blankets! Love the pattern!


I've been super busy trying to get stuff made for the craft fair. Speaking of........... I want to ask you ladies a question... I wish I had thought of this before I asked for help. If whatever you all are sending to donate for hubby's fundraiser doesnt auction off... would you be upset if I put it on my table at the craft fair? The fair is the weekend after the auction. I'm nervous and excited about both.... I know by no means am I going to make tons of money... but I sure hope its enough to bring a smile to hubby's face!


okay... I need more coffee.

love you guys! Thank you for everything you have done for me and my family!





OMGosh! I forgot all about the auction! I need to get on that. :hug



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Tammy, you can use my stuff for whatever you need to. I hope to get something mailed this week for you. Just finished another SBT that will be coming to you (hopefully this time the package won't take the scenic tour :lol


Sue, have a great week!


Can't be on for very long today, so ya'll have a great day!!! Will check in later tonight.

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Hi all! Sorry to be MIA, again. Chemo knocked me off my feet. But, have finally figured out this new computer and think things have calmed down a bit for me. Trying to catch up here and a couple of other threads.


Weather here is cooler and I can feel FALL just around the corner!! YIPPEE!!! :cheer:clap:yay My favorite time of the year.


Joanne, Muscadines (Muscadinia rotundifolia) are a grapevine species native to the present-day southeastern United States that has been extensively cultivated since the 16th Century. They have a different flavor and texture than regular grapes and I LOVE them! They make great wine and jelly as well as eaten fresh from the vine.


Tam, I am sooooo happy he got the job! WOOT! As for the items I am getting ready to send to you, however you can use them to create funds is fine with me!


Tonya, TWO interviews WOOT! WOOT!!



Last night ds and his fiancee moved back home. Now I have all five of my kids plus my granddaughter, "almost" my grandson, and my son's pregnant girlfriend living here. FULL HOUSE! Oh well, it is awesome having them all so close to me. I love them so much!!!


That IS a full house! Oh, My!


Anyway, we are home from dd's dr appointment and WE HAVE AN INDUCTION SCHEDULED!!! :yay :yay :yay


YEEHAW!!!! That's great



In other news, my fifteen-year-old has spent all week in her ROTC orientation (she is starting high school this year and doing ROTC and Power Lifting... more energy than I will ever have) and tomorrow is her "graduation" from this orientation week. She will wear her dress uniform for the first time. I have to figure out how to clone myself to be in two places at once.


You must be so proud! I loved the photos of her. TYFS




And here's my hobo hearts tote :yay I did it in cotton to use as a market bag :D


GORGEOUS! I love that and the heart strings pattern. Heck, I :manyheart all Sue's patterns :lol



Jana, I understand your being in the dumps, scared, and all the rest. I am very proud, as you are, of your son for being there for his GF. It is what she needs so much right now. Prayers for her and everyone concerned that they will be able to do surgery. :hug:hug:hug



So, here is what I have been up to lately. Three completed SBTs this week and a cool little burp cloth for the new baby.


Love them! I have some things to share, but have to wait until I send them out and they are received :hook




Hi all,

Finished the SBT in pink camo- and now I'm back to the RR--it was nice getting the tote fix!!!




good afternoon everyone

I have been having a blast with kendra she thinks she may have found a house.

it is a fixer upper, but nothing she cant do with a little help. so,my dh is going now with her to look at it and say if it is worth it.


Sure hope it's "the one" I know how much you're looking forward to her moving close to you.


she also just told me they will be in town in 2 weeks...which means I GET THE PUPPIES again :D:D:D I can not wait. i miss them.


ah, yes, the :dog :dog :dog another reason for her to move closer


Oh! I almost forgot! I finished the Gathered Tortoise Shells Bag early 2:30is this morning! :cheer The color is a little off in the pic. It is soft sage, kind of a mint green, very pretty!:yes It's not the best picture. It took me forever today to get one that wasn't out of focus! :P Anyway, here it is!


It's beautiful! I love that pattern and how well it works up. So pretty.:yes


Well, it has been a really sad day around here. I don't know if any of you heard about the stage collapse at the Indiana Star Fair last night. Five people died and about 45 others were injured. I don't know any of the people who died, but a co-worker was hurt. She's stable, but still in the hospital. So, I've been a little down today. I feel so bad for those people's families.


When I saw and heard about that yesterday, I immediately sent up prayers for everyone involved and their families.:hug:hug


On good news, I finished the SBT I've been working on. I like how this one turned out.


I love the colors! Good job.


I'll chat with you all later. :hug


I finished this tote recently, and love how it came out.

AWESOME! Good job and great color choice.



I'll get some Sunday then. :) Back is feeling good, wallet not so much. Bought 15 skeins of yarn and some other stuff. :lol


15 skeins of yarn would make my back feel better too :rofl :rofl


OMGosh! I forgot all about the auction! I need to get on that. :hug




That's it for now. Love, hugs and prayers to all!

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I havent posted for awile,but I do try to read all the posts, guess thats why I cant post Im a slow reader!

I had to get my eyes checked, and need new glass's, then I started sinus problems again and had to go to the dr. Im glad I went when I did because, it was starting to go to my chest, sure dont want that again. Ive not been anywhere for three days, not even the po. Im feeling better today.

I love all the totes, they are so pretty, and such neat work, and the afghans pretty too.

My friend is making some of the stash buster totes, and wants to line them, can anyone remember how they cut the material for the lining?

:hug to all who need them

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sorry i went MIA yesterday...was here just didnt post...working on a few totes for the bipolar benefit then have a few gifty totes to try and get done....while sitting here reading about the upcoming fall season a few color combinations popped in my head

still havent gotten round to getting yarn for the baby ghan

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Good morning!!!

Melani- you posted at 4:55 EST and you still hadn't gone to bed?:eek Guess you ARE a late sleeper!!!:lol--oh, and as far as the battery in my car---part of me wishes it did happen on a work day-:devil


See you all on the flip side!


:rofl I hear ya! When I woke up around 10-ish, my stomach felt queasy, so hubby let me sleep in. :D I "plan" to be in bed much earlier tonight... we'll see how that goes! :devil I know what you mean about having car issues on a work day - I haven't been a SAHM all my life; getting to call in for reasons other than being sick can be AWESOME! :hug


Hi all! Sorry wasn't chatty this weekend as usual, was busy with DD....how DARE she barge into my Ville time! The nerve!


Just wanted to say I was so sorry to hear about the Indiana tragedy, as you know it is next door to me. Horrible! I feel so bad for the families!


Tonyal - good luck!


Sue - you are off today, yes? I hope?! Enjoy!!


Joanne - back to work. Running to the state office first thing then back to my usual locale. The teachers are back today for orientation, the kids back tomorrow so gone are my quiet days of getting work done! LOL Oh well, the kids make it interesting!


Ann/Sherri/Melani/Tam and to all my peeps - have a great day loves!


Mama K


Thank you Mama K! I hope your day was wonderful, too!! :hug Trust me when I say your DD will be grown before you know it; go ahead and spend time with her now while she wants to hang out with you! It won't stay like that forever... :rofl:manyheart


Just what I need a steel suit of armour! :rofl



:yes Oh, yeah - that will be WONDERFUL for your back, won't it?? :rofl


Good morning ladies! Just a quick post from me. Have a great day! :hug


Thank you! I hope your day was great, too!! :hug


I guess you are a late sleeper! :lol I've had my nap, now I'm ready for the day! :hook


Heh, yeah sometimes... then again, sometimes I'm an early-to-bed-so-I-can-function-in-the-morning type!! :rofl How was the rest of your day?? :hug


:sun .:: Good Morning Kids ::.

so sorry for being so absent again. Hope all is well with everyone! I have a busy day of crocheting ahead of me! I have a few envelopes I need to mail out too! Right now I'm working on a baby blanket to use for the fundraiser for hubby! I'm testing Carlinda's corner to corner entrelac. In the midst of doing this ... I have gotten several ideas for more blankets! Love the pattern!

I've been super busy trying to get stuff made for the craft fair. Speaking of........... I want to ask you ladies a question... I wish I had thought of this before I asked for help. If whatever you all are sending to donate for hubby's fundraiser doesnt auction off... would you be upset if I put it on my table at the craft fair? The fair is the weekend after the auction. I'm nervous and excited about both.... I know by no means am I going to make tons of money... but I sure hope its enough to bring a smile to hubby's face!

okay... I need more coffee.

love you guys! Thank you for everything you have done for me and my family!





You can use what I send you for whatever you want! :hug I'm just thrilled to be able to help out...


Hi all! Sorry to be MIA, again. Chemo knocked me off my feet. But, have finally figured out this new computer and think things have calmed down a bit for me. Trying to catch up here and a couple of other threads.


Weather here is cooler and I can feel FALL just around the corner!! YIPPEE!!! :cheer:clap:yay My favorite time of the year.



I love fall, too; it just never lasts long enough! I'd love a nice long Spring and a nice long Fall, and very brief Winter and a medium-sized Summer!! :yay:yes


Sorry to hear the chemo monster is keeping you down; prayers continue!! :hug


I havent posted for awile,but I do try to read all the posts, guess thats why I cant post Im a slow reader!

I had to get my eyes checked, and need new glass's, then I started sinus problems again and had to go to the dr. Im glad I went when I did because, it was starting to go to my chest, sure dont want that again. Ive not been anywhere for three days, not even the po. Im feeling better today.

I love all the totes, they are so pretty, and such neat work, and the afghans pretty too.

My friend is making some of the stash buster totes, and wants to line them, can anyone remember how they cut the material for the lining?

:hug to all who need them


:hug Good to hear from you!! :) I know what you mean about posting, sometimes it's all I can do to make it through all the messages! :lol



:manyheart Have a wonderful evening, everyone!! :hug

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For those who were wondering, my youngest DD made the cheerleading squad at her high school!! :cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer She did play a joke on her boyfriend and told him she didn't make it! He was so upset! Then she couldn't stop laughing at his reaction she had to tell him the truth! :devil

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One of these days I'll remember to take the camera to get some pictures over at birds. Priscilla (Kestrel) is gorgeous!!


Going to school to get a book I need (ordered the rest on Amazon, but one was out of stock and the same price at the school bookstore so I'll get it there), then Joann's (the craft store, not NJ :lol ), WalMart and Publix. Sometime in there we'll get lunch.



oh, for a minute there I thought you were taking at trip to NJ!!!:lol:lol Read your later post- and see you picked up 15 more skeins of yarn!! :clap:clap


Good morning everyone. This is a test message to see if the hospital's internet will let me post from my laptop today. :)
:clap Lucky you--it works!!!!


:sun I've been super busy trying to get stuff made for the craft fair. Speaking of........... I want to ask you ladies a question... I wish I had thought of this before I asked for help. If whatever you all are sending to donate for hubby's fundraiser doesnt auction off... would you be upset if I put it on my table at the craft fair? The fair is the weekend after the auction. I'm nervous and excited about both.... I know by no means am I going to make tons of money... but I sure hope its enough to bring a smile to hubby's face!





As for me, you can use what I send however you'd like!!!:hug


Kuddles- Hope your day went by smoothly---as far as DD---give it a few more years and she will want NOTHING to do with you for a while--trust me- I had 3 DD's--they are fun when they are young- and then pre-teen till about 18 or so---they are not so much fun---and mother doesn't know anything!:lol:lol I'm blessed in that now all 3 of my DD's and I are good friends as well as being mother/daughters!!


Melani-Hope you get to bed at a reasonable hour tonight!!


Toni- Thanks for explaining the muskadines to me. They do sound good since I love grapes! Sorry that the chemo is kicking your behind---:hug Can't wait to see what has come off your hook!! How is your great grandson doing?


Nicole- How's your co-worker doing?


Evelyn- I did line some of the SBT's- with my DD's help, that is I think we followed these instructions: http://www.futuregirl.com/craft_blog/2008/1/tutorial-sew-lining-for-crocheted-bag.aspx


Or maybe it was these: http://laughingpurplegoldfish.blogspot.com/2008/08/simple-lining-tutorial.html:think



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