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Our House Part Two


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Good afternoon everyone.  It is chilly and overcast again today with occasional spits of snow.  It's not much, just little snow pellets so far.  I like a white Christmas, but it can wait until then and just give us a light amount.  


The green shawl is done in the Eva's Shawl pattern by Red Heart yarns.  It is very elegant when done in the lace weight yarns.  I use two strands together with an F hook.  I do the same pattern with Red Heart Boutique yarn and a K hook.  It goes a lot faster since I don't have to do so many pattern repeats and just one strand to deal with.  There are 77 rows using the lace weight yarns and just 47 rows when using the Boutique yarn.  Both turn out ever so pretty.  The larger hooks ensure that the shawls are really lacy and drape nicely.


Cindy, I hope your cold isn't too bad and that it goes away quickly.


Mary, 9" of rain is a lot.  Hope you stay safe.


GS is still home from school.  He had a bad panic attack yesterday morning and they seem to take two days to fully recover from before he can handle the stresses at school.  Sigh!  The poor little guy.  His seem to be much worse than the ones I've had in the past.  Mine weren't any fun either.


Snicklefritz is so funny.  Last night he was leaping up in the air from my bed trying to catch the dangling cords on the ceiling fan.  He would gather himself, look all around, and then leap straight up  and bat at them.  They'd swing like mad and he would land in whump back on the bed.  After several tries he would sit below them and groom himself for a while, look around, and try again with the same results.  If I laughed at him he would stalk off as if he really didn't care.  So funny.  He tries for them several times a day.


Wishing you all a good evening.

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Hi Cindy!  I think we've caught the same cold...keeping my fingers crossed that we don't get any worse. ;)   The hand lotion sounds really nice and your gift bags do, too!  Luke rattled off his whole wish list while they were here.Lol  DD is always good about giving me ideas and I love that.


Hi Linda!  I love reading about kitty's adventures. :D   He sounds like such a cutie... and so entertaining!  I'm so sorry that dgs has had some problems, but I know that autism has its ups and downs. :hug


Hi to the rest of the house, too. :manyheart


Early to bed for me...darn cold!  I have an order for children's scarves and thankfully they are super easy!


See you all tomorrow!

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Hi ladies. I woke up feeling a bit better. I got at least 9 hours of sleep last night! I went out and ran a few errands, but didn't accomplish all that I wanted to. After a while I felt like I needed a long nap, so I went home. I did manage to buy a few more Christmas gifts, plus I got ingredients for more hand lotion. Hopefully I will feel up to working tomorrow.


I've been reading, napping and crocheting off and on for the past two days. Funny how a mild cold can make me feel totally wiped out. I don't remember the colds that I had when I was younger doing this to me. I don't even feel all that bad, and didn't even at its worst. I only have a very mild cough, a mild headache and fatigue. I must be getting old and worn out.......

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Hi, peeps.


I love reading abut what you guys are making! Sorry about the colds, though. They are so debillitating as we get older.

And Linda, I'm sorry about about what dgs has to go through. It's good you're there to give grandma hugs. I lovehearing how your kitty is trying to figure out his world...lol.


I'm finishing up making squares with my donated yarn then will lay out a pattern. I have 4 different colors.


Have a good night, my friends.

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Good evening to you all.  


I'm so sorry about the colds some of you are battling.  Getting older definitely makes thing harder when battling the colds and flu bugs.  Add to that the bugs are getting more and more aggressive since we keep wiping out the gentler ones and leaving only the ones that resistant to the antibiotics and such.  Hope you are better very soon.   :hug

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Good morning ladies. I got to be on call for work. I'm up and pretty much ready, but hoping they don't call. I'm still not feeling 100%. I didn't sleep well, which doesn't help.


Linda, I think you are right about stronger bacteria and viruses. I rarely get sick, but when I do, I am really knocked down. I notice that patients are sicker than they used to be too.


So, being on call is my excuse for reading and crafting the day away today. I might wrap the gifts I bought yesterday too. Wrapping is one of those tasks that I really don't like. Most years I leave everything to the last minute, but this year I've been trying to wrap as I buy.


Have a great day, ladies.

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'Morning, all. :)


Judy ~ You know we want a picture of your afghan!  You've been busy making squares again and I'm almost in the mood to make another hexie or squares 'ghan. ;)  


Linda ~ I hope dgs is doing much better. :hug   Yep, it's a cold.  I think it's been about 3 years, so I guess it's my turn. 


Cindy ~ Oh, you're so ahead of me!  I haven't even made a list yet, let alone do any shopping.  If I get busy, I think I'll order everything online. Lol  I hope you get to stay home today!


Hi to everyone at the House. :manyheart


DH has an appointment this morning and we'll run a couple of errands.  I need to get back and get busy!  (Or take a nap, depending on this cold. :D )

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Good morning ladies. I got to be on call for work. I'm up and pretty much ready, but hoping they don't call. I'm still not feeling 100%. I didn't sleep well, which doesn't help.


Linda, I think you are right about stronger bacteria and viruses. I rarely get sick, but when I do, I am really knocked down. I notice that patients are sicker than they used to be too.

So, being on call is my excuse for reading and crafting the day away today. I might wrap the gifts I bought yesterday too. Wrapping is one of those tasks that I really don't like. Most years I leave everything to the last minute, but this year I've been trying to wrap as I buy.

Have a great day, ladies.



'Morning, all. :)


Judy ~ You know we want a picture of your afghan!  You've been busy making squares again and I'm almost in the mood to make another hexie or squares 'ghan. ;)  


Linda ~ I hope dgs is doing much better. :hug   Yep, it's a cold.  I think it's been about 3 years, so I guess it's my turn. 


Cindy ~ Oh, you're so ahead of me!  I haven't even made a list yet, let alone do any shopping.  If I get busy, I think I'll order everything online. Lol  I hope you get to stay home today!


Hi to everyone at the House. :manyheart


DH has an appointment this morning and we'll run a couple of errands.  I need to get back and get busy!  (Or take a nap, depending on this cold. :D )

Hi to all my friends...stay rested so you can enjoy this festive month!

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Hi Ladies,


Linda, Sorry to hear about DGS and hope he is feeling better now. Your shawl sounds pretty. I am not surprised the teacher was making a fuss over your shawl. Your work is beautiful!


Cindy and Mary, Hope your colds are getting better. I get one every year in Texas from allergies/sinus and they are bad. If I get one here not usually to bad. 


Cindy, We have a lady in the park that makes a hand lotion to, and it is really nice on the hands. Your little bags will be really cute.


I have been watching the baby the last few days. Hubby went home saturday and came back tuesday. DD and Maya's dad and him went car shopping. I had to take the baby with me to get pick Maya up from school. He didn't enjoy his ride in the car either. But today he fell asleep just before we left so he slept the whole trip. I gave him a bath today and he tried peeing on me. lol  Yesterday I kept him awake for 2 1/2 hours and his mom said he slept really well last night and only woke up twice verus every two hours. I've been working on a baby sweater for him. 

It's suppose to be 50 here saturday. Hope so, then we will get DD's lights up outside.

Hope everyone has a nice rest of the week.

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Good morning ladies. I ended up getting called in right after I posted. It turned out that the patient they called me for didn't come, but it was busy enough for me to stay, although they offered to let me go back home. So I guess today might be present wrapping day. Judy, I wish you lived next door!


It's been very odd weather for December here, we've only had frost a few times, our lawn is still green and the temperatures have been in the high 40s, even the low 50s at times.


I'm still not feeling quite right, but it's better every day. It's really more fatigue than anything else.


Marlene, enjoy your time with that baby. It won't be long before you are in Texas for a few months.


Mary, I do most of my Christmas shopping online too.


Coffee is ready...time to start my day. Hope you all have a great one.

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Good morning House!


Remember me?  I am so sorry, I have been wanting to pop in here all week but it has been a doozy of a week.  With me being gone from the shop for 4 days, I have had a lot of work to catch up on, the store has been super duper busy and I have booked my very first Pamper Me Party for this Saturday.  My very first paid party..woohoo!


Sorry to hear that some of you are not feeling well.  It is tough to shake these colds some days.  Happy Late Thanksgiving to you all as well!  


Today is my Free Day..that's what I am telling myself...we shall see if that happens.  I am planning to finish the second baby sweater. just have one sleeve and then the border.


Hugs to each and every one of you!

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Hi, everyone!

Cindy I wish I lived next door to you, too!


LeeAnn...life happens. Take some time for yourself. It is so important....


Been making strips of the little squares I was working on. Three strips left to make.


Have a good night my friends.

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Hi to everyone.  I spent the day at DD's Thursday as GS was still home from school.  Left Snicklefritz at home by himself, but he didn't get into any mischief which was nice.  Sweet Pea went with me.  I'm back here today for a while today playing games and spending time with them.  It's been a hard week for them. 


On the crafting front, I decided to make a bunch of cowls for extended family for Christmas gifts.  I found a pattern that's simple so went for it.  I bought 8 skeins of yarn which should be enough for the eight people I'm making them for.  Then I found some yarn for a stuffed rabbit for another friend.  I have a feeling I might be late with some of them, but hopefully they'll be worth it.  Started the bunny pattern today.  Started the first cowl last night.  If I really put my mind to it I can probably get them all done before Christmas, but time will tell.  I'm not going to beat myself up if some of them are late.  It's been a while since I made things for Christmas and didn't find the pattern until yesterday, so whatever gets done is fine by me.


Glad to hear that your cold is improving, Cindy.


Hope that yours improves soon, Mary.


The other day I went to the bathroom in the morning and spotted one of Snicklefriz's mice toys in his litter box.  I wondered what happened.  When it stayed there all day, I decided that he must not like that one any more.  The next day the mousy was almost totally buried in the litter.  Talk about rejection.  That takes the cake.  Than on the third day he had removed it from the litter and was playing with it again.  Go figure. 


Wishing you all a very nice weekend.

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:waving to everyone!!

  My has it really been THAT long since I last posted?!? I'm sorry just been so busy since Thanksgiving.

  DH's eye healed right nicely..

  Today all my DIL's were here for our annual getting together to make Christmas candy.. and because the SEC games were on, DH grilled hamburgers and chicken strips and my son's came also, as well as the 3 little GS's... I really enjoyed the day, but I am tired tonight and knee is killing me.. I think I overdone a tad.. Not to mention there is a half bath that we really don't use.. and well today it reminded us it was still there... :ohdear 

I say it "burped" really bad and there was an inch of sewage smelling water (even though it was clear) covering the bathroom floor. The water had been cut off to the toilet because we never use that one.. so I have no idea what the heck is going on.. but we gotta get that fixed!


  Linda- I love hearing about SnickleFritz and his antics!! And I sure hope your DGS is much better and back to himself.. I sure hate to hear he has to go through these type of things...


Judy-- what are you making with the squares you were talking about? I can't wait to see!!


Cindy-- I sure hope you are much better! and your hand lotions sound wonderful for lucky friends to receive!! Wrapping presents sounds fun.. I've been so busy we look like Scrooge.. no trees, no tinsels, no lights, and no presents yet!! :2eek  Where is time going??


Mary -- hoping you're over your cold too!!


Well it's getting really late and I am sooo tired! Hope everyone has a great Sunday!!


Marlene-- Glad to hear your DGS is doing so well!! He sounds so precious and I'm sure you're not spoiling him one little bit!! ;) 


LeeAnn -- so glad to see you are doing well!! and that your shop is really going!!! :)   I really do think I am going to at least try Etsy or something after the first... I know Christmas is the retail season, but I need time to get prepared..



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Good morning. I'm on call for work again. I'm still not feeling quite well, but it's better every day. Mostly, I'm just really tired still. I was on call yesterday, and for a change, I didn't get called in. Today someone is going home at 11, so I will probably have to go in then.


I finally got a few things done yesterday. I sewed 14 little gift bags for the hand lotion, plus wrapped a mountain of presents. I know it's not much, but it's more than I did most of the rest of the week!


Michelle, no tree up here yet either. I was hoping to get it up last week because the grandkids are coming over this evening, and they like seeing it all lit up, but I guess they will have to wait until next time. Hope life slows down a bit for you. (The half bath mess sounds awful!)


Have a great day ladies.

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Hi Ladies.  So sorry to have been mia lately.  This cold has really been bad and I haven't been able to keep up with everything.  DH is no help, as usual. ;)   Hopefully, we can at least get some decorations down out of the attic today. :yes


I'm reading posts and hope to post more later. :manyheart

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Hi Ladies,


Mary, Hope your much better soon. 


Cindy, Hope it won't be much longer and your all better soon.


Judy, I use to do all the wrapping for my mom when I got older to.


Linda, Your kitty must not of liked the smell of her or his new toy. I forgot which it was. 


Michelle, Glad hubby's eye healed well. Bummer on the other bathroom. Maybe it was caused from being shut down and there was a lot of air bubbles in the line. I hope it's an easy fix. It's nice that you have dil's that share in candy making. 


LeeAnn, Have fun at your party! 


I came home today. It feels good to be home and can't wait to sleep in my own bed. Although Maya has a comfortable bed. Yesterday DD, Maya and I to a craft show at Wings stadium. It was huge! There was an older lady there selling doilies. I bought two. She was way under priced almost giving them away. I also bought a crocheted necklace made from ribbon yarn. I forgot what the other thing was I bought. DD got wall hanging that spells out Maya's last name. This lady goes around and takes pictures of things that look like the letters of the alphabet. She then puts the pictures in clear plastic frames and these are attached to a piece of wood that measures 2" x 1" x ? length depends on how many letters in your name. I personally felt she was over priced, but DD has been wanting one and hobby lobby didn't have all the letters she needed when she went there looking. I told her if your going to leave and wish you would of bought it then buy it. She did. She also picked up a Christmas ornament with Gerimiah's name on it. 

Hubby went up to how Mary is doing and found out she buried Gordy friday. He was cremated. No phone call to us at all. I can't tell you how hurt and mad I am. There is only her one granddaughter, one grandson and his niece that would be attending. The other granddaughter is overseas and just went there in october. She's in the service. 

Today I got my sewing machine out to do some sewing at DD's and it isn't sewing right. I cleaned it and apparently I don't have the rack that holds the bobbin in right and I can only get it in one way. It clunks, skips stitches on the top material and makes a big mess on the bottom material. The book isn't any help. I called my sister and even though we both have brothers are setups are different. So tomorrow I will get on the internet and see what I can find to fix it. I'm also going to get out the machine my ex bought me and see how it is running. If worse comes to worse I will get a new machine.

Hope everyone has a good week!

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Marlene, my machine clunks,mskips and makes a mess if it isn't threaded exactly right. The mess on the bottom could be that or it might be the tension, either the top tension or the bobbin tension, but the bobbin tension is unlikely. My manual says to leave the bobbin tension alone, but the repair shop can fix that if that's what it is.

For what it's worth, loose stitches on the bottom, mean your top tension is too tight. Dull needles will also cause you to skip stitches, and cause a mess on the bottom.

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Good morning to all of you.  Hope your day is going well and that the weather is cooperating.  It's gray and gloomy but the temps are in the low 40s so not bad at all.  


I've already been to the bank and Walmart.  I had to get more diabetic supplies.  My sugars are running a lot better since I've been taking the insulin twice a day.  Not quite right yet but a whole lot closer.  I'm going to up the dose (per doctor's approval) and with a little luck the sugars will be where they should be.    :P


GS spent the night with me as he doesn't have school today.  We have a number of things planned to do around the apartment in the cleaning, unpacking, and straightening front.


GS is used to being really rambunctious with their cats and he was doing the same with Snicklefritz which just made him super wound up.  I told him to be calmer and gentler with the kitty and he's having better luck with him now.  At some point last night he discovered some of my spinning fiber.  The expensive stuff naturally.  I found one bat had moved away from the rest and was down beside my chair.  Sigh!  Still, for the most part, he is leaving the yarn and fiber alone.   :cat


On the crocheting front, I have finished the first of the eight cowls.  I'm trying a lighter weight hook on the next one and we will see how that works.  The aluminum one was heavy enough that I was fighting with it to crochet smoothly.  


Michelle, it sounds like you and your family had a lot of fun with the candy making.  I'm so sorry about the bathroom "burp."  I hope it wasn't too much of a pain to clean up from.  Those are one of the nastier messes to fix.  The smell seems to linger forever.  


Mary and Cindy, I hope that you are back to feeling well soon.  It sounds like you both caught a nasty little bug.   :hug


Marlene, I'm so sorry that Mary didn't let you know about the burial.  After all you've done for her and Gordy it was kind of a slap in the face.  Maybe she just wasn't thinking clearly and forgot.  You were a true friend to Gordy these last few months.  When we care for others we are being Christ's servants and it doesn't go unnoticed.   :hug


Hope you all have a good day and a great week.  The Christmas count down is on.  Take care.

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Hi, my friends....I read all the posts, but am a bit tired, so really don't have the energy to answer everyone...



Oh, the squares are just for a small blanket I'm givi g to the NICU. They use them to cover the isolettes. I'm going to get more creative with any other ones I make, though. Maybe some graphs....


Love and hugs to everyone. I hope to be more chatty soon.

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Hi ladies. Still not back to normal. But at least I'm coughing less, so I'm getting enough sleep. Despite that, I'm really tired! I did manage to accomplish a few things today though. Sheets changed, bathrooms cleaned, vacuuming done. Tomorrow I'm going to try to finish my Christmas shopping.


Meanwhile....back to my book.

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Hi Ladies,


My other item I forgot I bought at the craft show was a knitted scrubbie. I did fix my sewing machine. The bobbin rack wasn't in right and my tension was off. The box it came in was more helpful than the book or the internet. I made the baby some burp rags and have some more to make and sew his blanket together. Hubby is going for a sleep study tonight. So I will be spending the night at my sisters. Hope to have coffee with my mil in the morning after I pick him up then off to visit with bil and sil. 

Hope everyone has a great day!



Cindy, Thanks for the tips on the sewing machine. 

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Hello everyone!!

  Wow such tiredness in everyone!! and I thought it was just me...but CINDY and MARY and JUDY...with colds that is understandable.. Be sure to take extra care of yourselves!! and CINDY with what all you accomplished while feeling so tired is aLOT to me! I long for the days I used to have before getting fibro.. I used to do 2 days worth to just 1 and sometimes 1/2 day now..but at least I don't hurt much during the day now, just still at night..but during the day I still fight the energy part...3 years of battling this mess but I am so much better than what I have been for the almost 3.. The last 2 months I have seen major improvement so I am believing that I am being healed of it!! It is SO important girls to take care of these bodies!!

  MARLENE, I am so sorry that not only did ya'll lose a good friend, but then to have the family relations acting like that..but like LINDA said maybe she just wasn't thinking right with the passing.. when my mother died 4 years ago, I severed some relationships in my family too, because I acted immaturely without even realizing what I did until a year later.. That is 1 of 2 regrets in my life that if I could do over again, I surely would do differently! But just try to remember the good and let go of the bad... :hug Glad to see you got your sewing machine troubles fixed and hope your DH has good results from the sleep study.

 LINDA, I am sure you enjoyed your GS spending the night and helping!! Our oldest GS (5) loves to spend the night with us too. and when he does he has to sleep with us.. The only thing is he is the awfullest bedfellow you could have! He kicks all night in his sleep! :(  You will have to show us a pic of the cowls you are making for Christmas!! I don't care how busy I am working on projects, I can hear or see others crocheting something else and think Boy, I want to do that! :lol

 Well, I have LOTS of work to do today.. The office work is calling my name, I still have to get ready before picking up DD from school, gotta stop by PO to mail the stocking swap we are doing, and another meeting tonight..

 My DD put up my tree while I was at a meeting of a different type last night..She put the tree together, strung the lights and added half the ornaments.. Only thing is it AIN"T Christmas here without colored lights!! :lol  Sooo.... I really really need to just pull an all nighter if  I could muster the energy and get these decorations DONE!!

 Oh well,.... hope you all have a great day and are having a great week!!

Happy Crocheting!

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.Good morning ladies!


How is everyone today?  


Cindy-you sure did get a lot done while being sick, wow!  It is difficult to kick these pesky colds.


Marlene-hoping that you feel better soon.  So sorry to hear about Gordy and the way that his family has behaved,  It's so difficult to lose a loved one that sometimes we just do not function normally.  hugs!


Judy-your new squares sound lovely!  I am good at making squares, its the putting them together that I am terrible at.   :lol   I have an entire tote full, I am going to dig them out in January and have them for Craft Night, I am positive that someone will scoop them up. 


Michelle-that is so sweet of your dd to get your tree up.  We haven't decorated at home, we have functions almost every night this week, but I am hoping that if I have dh bring in the tree and decorations that I too can stay up late and decorate.  Better to just get er done.   :yay


Linda-my kiddos are the only grands on my dh side, they are spoiled rotten. My in-laws are so good to them, how special to have a relationship with the littlies.


Joanne-how are you?  Bet you are working on Christmas gifts?


Hello to anyone else that I have forgotten. :ghug   I am keeping busy filling orders and whipping up product.  Feels like I will never be totally caught up but what a good problem to have.  I like that the orders keep coming in, the shop is stocked plum full..no room for anything else.  


back to work, hugs my friends!

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Good afternoon to you all.  A friend and I were going to Sam's Club this morning.  I was still asleep when she arrived.  Last night was interesting if nothing else.  I woke up a couple of weeks ago with a sharp pain in my side/back right where the bottom ribs are.  Anyway, Snicklefritz did a big POUNCE and landed right on the sore spot.  The Sweet Pea decided to PLUNK DOWN right on it.  Kitty got it again several more times in the night but not as dead center or as hard as the first time.  I was trying not to successfully to get to sleep and none of that nonsense helped.  Hence being asleep this morning.  I hurried around and got the basics taken care of and out the door in about 15 minutes.  Things went well from then on so all is well.  We had a good time shopping, visited a whole lot and had lunch together after the shopping.


We have grey and cloudy skies again today, which is gloomy gus weather.


Michelle you amaze me with all you get done.


Last night when DD picked up GS she picked up Snicklefritz.  Soon I heard her saying, "Ewwww.  What are you doing cat?"  She got around where I could see them and there was Snicklefritz burrowing his hear into her long hair and both paws going through it in two more places.  He would shake his head, bite at it, lick it, bat at it, etc.  All of which felt super strange to DD and looked totally hilarious to me.  Her hair goes at least half way down her back and is soft and very curly.  He loved playing in it.  Getting him out of it was a bit of a trick.


Hoping you all have a good day and get to feeling better.

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