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Our House Part Two


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Jill, that angel is beautiful!


Mary, it only seems like I'm doing a lot....there have been more small projects lately. And I'm only up to row 16 on the Paris graphghan. I had to frog an entire row this afternoon because of a three stitch mistake. I'm working it sideways. Since I'm reading the graph from my big Nook its easier that way. Sort of. The enlarging feature is great for counting he boxes.


Cindy, I remember my son and his attachment to legos. They're such a great gift. And the area where I have wips is cross stitch and embroidery. I can't bring myself to give up on finishing them. I have a pink baby blanket to make, but have time. Baby isn't due till April.


And coupons or gift cards sit in my long Vera Bradley wallet. Never know when I'll need them!


Have a good night my friends.

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Hi Ladies,


Jill, That crochet angel is just beautiful. I have never seen anything like it before.


Cindy, I have several wip and don't know if I will ever finish them. New projects just keep popping up. I can say all the rain we have had here I sure am glad it's not snow. We would have a lot.


Mary, Some of those phases the little ones go through are cute. I hope this one passes soon. 


Judy, Have you ever done swedish weaving? It's done on a huck cloth and you use yarn and needle and weave it. I haven't learned it yet, but I do have a couple of books. I hope to learn it this year. 


Hi to the rest of the house.


I did get the laundry done yesterday. Hubby helped me hang all the clothes. I have been working on the puzzle in the little club house when I get a chance. I have it just over half done. The other people who stop in and work on it will know the puzzle queen is back. lol 

Tomorrow are temps are suppose to warm up around 60. Can't wait! Hope everyone has a nice week!

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Marlene, I haven't tried swedish weaving, though I may have done something like that when I was a girl and went to a summer camp run by Lithuanian nuns and I remember doing something that sounds like it might be similar. Good luck with it!

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Good Morning, House. :)


Jill ~ The angel is lovely!  It's so nice that you see your family quite often...your mom must love having you with her!


Marlene ~ I learned Swedish weaving when I was in grade school.  A neighbor taught my friend and I - I still have the book and 2 or 3 hand towels we made!  I'll try to post a picture later, but I have to find them first! :lol  I hope you have some good weather this week!


Judy ~ You are so good at the graph 'ghans!  It must take lots of patience to get those stitches in just the right place. :yes


Cindy ~ You sure had me laughing at your description of "ignoring old projects..."  I think you should just accept that you are addicted to starting new things and describe yourself as "extremely creative."  :lol   Remember, you're not alone!  ;) 


It's been really cold here, but the sun is shining and all is good.  I'm making lists and trying to get organized after the holidays.  The older I get, the harder it is! Lol


Have a good Monday, friends. ♥♥♥

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Hello ladies. It was a fairly quiet day at work today, it's really gotten cold and it's been snowing off and on. Work again tomorrow.


Marlene, I learned Swedish weaving in high school home Ev class. I haven't seen an example of it in many years. We made hand towels, and I thought they were quite attractive.


Mary....I think it's more that I have a very short attention span!


I am, once again, working on living a healthier lifestyle. At the moment I'm focusing on exercise. So far, so good. I haven't missed a day yet, and it's already the fourth....or should that be...but it's only the fourth! Either way, I'm off to spend some quality time with the treadmill,!


Have a great evening, ladies.

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Mary, I'm not sure if its patience....or just Polish hardheadedness that won't let a graph project get the best of me!


Cindy, living a healthier lifestyle is hard to do...till you get a scare. Stick with it, sweetie.

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Hello to you all.  The computer wouldn't accept my post yesterday and then I lost it and gave up. 

That is a beautiful crochet angel.  I've never seen anything like it.

On the prayer shawl front.  We stopped to see one of the ladies from the church.  She's been in a lot of pain and is facing extensive lower back surgery, possibly as soon as the 18th.  I asked her if she would like one and she said yes.  I automatically knew which one would be perfect for her.  Then I couldn't find it.  Once we were back at DD's place I was moving a few things around and there it was.  It's only about half done.  I'm working on it and it has reached the half way point as far as the yarn is concerned.  Row wise it's about 2/3 of the way done.  I should be able to get it done by the weekend.  :xfin 


  :fever   DD has been sick with a combination head cold and sinus infection for the last week.  GS now has it.  I'm hoping that I miss out on it, but I'm not too sure about it.  I'm still at their place and helping out where ever I can.


One of my wips is an afghan with a dragon design on it that​ I created.  It's made out of saltines and maybe a fourth done.  I have another one in the same style, but different pattern, where I have to recreate maybe 6 - 10 of the squares and replace the old ones with the new ones.  It was made for Kim and shouldn't have needed repairs so soon, so I'll probably just keep it when it's fixed.


Love to you all.​

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Morning peeps


Linda that shawl is meant to be....love the way you found it.

I'm looking forward to seeing your dragon than! Is GS into dragons? He may lay claim to one or both!


Well, it was Beyond freezing earlier this morning....bitterly cold even by my standards. We've been too warm till now but this is colder than we should have. Oh, well.


Have a great day my friends....off to visit goddaughter before she heads off again.

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Hi Ladies,


I am the proud of owner of Mary Jo's crochetville bag #118. It is just beautiful as is the doll she made. It will get lots of use. Yesterday was the jam session. I worked on a carseat tent (pattern from ravelry). I tried making it with a graph and it didn't work out. His dad is a San Diego Chargers fan. So I tried using the logo on his hat. Which is a lightening bolt and it just didn't work out for me. So I decided to do what I originally planned and put puppy dogs on it. I also started a pair of Easter Bunny booties. I'm not sure if they will be big enough by then. I will have DD measure him. He's going to the doctor again today. He is having a problem with formula. Mommy and daddy did to.  It's messing with his tummy and diapers.

Are temps are warming up this week with some more rain coming. I bought a conventional oven with me and I'm going to try it out and make a pan of brownies. I have to check and see what I have for baking pans. I dislike the oven in Having the trailer. Having to mess with lighting it every time I want to use it. We have happy hour today and everyone brings finger food so I'll take the brownies.  I'll be back later. Have a nice day everyone!

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Good morning house!


Remember me?  I have been lost in the shop..inventory, taxes, end of year paperwork, new product, un-decorating, re-decorating for Valentines day and trying to remember to breathe each day.


I have read thru all of the posts, you all have been so busy!    Love the crochet angel-how precious.  And the graph ghan totes and basket are pure lovely-ness.


Happy New Year to each and every one of you!  i have made a resolution to use my time more wisely, especially here at the shop where I get distracted not with my customers but in-between.  Am trying to make better use of my time as I would like to rest a little in the evenings.


hugs n squishes!

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Hi, Lee Anne....rest up if you can!


Marlene, when we saw the clues for the bag a few of us knew it was you! So happy for you. I love my bag and it gets a ton of use....holds a lot!

My two brothers couldn't handle regular formula....this was in the early 50's. One had to have soy formula and the other had goats milk! Both are huge men now.....I hope the little guy feels better soo n.

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It's been a long day and I don't want to even talk about it. Lol  (Not to worry - nothing too serious!)


Marlene ~ I know you'll love your tote and doll! :clap


Judy ~ Love the picture!  ♥


Tomorrow has to be a better day and I will catch up with you all soon. :manyheart

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Good morning peeps....


Mary, your days sounds like some of mine. Today you turn the page. I'm glad we don't have days like the movie Groundhog Day....


I posted on the Encouragement thread how hubby asked me to make a USMC logo graph ghan for our good friend, someone he knew backin his earlh NYPD days.


My blog is finally updated with as many pictures as I could find and you can see a picture of the first time i made the marine ghan. Not permitted to post a link to the site.


Have a great day, my friends.

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HI ladies. Not much to report here. Still not feeling 100%. Lots of coughing, and some chest pain because of the coughing. (Yes, I'm absolutely certain it's from the coughing.). I've been taking an antihistamine along with some Motrin at night and that stops the coughing and pits me to sleep. My chest pain doesn't start until after I've been up and coughing for four or five hours. No other symptoms to go along with that cough.


My washer has been misbehaving, so I went out and ordered a new washer and dryer this morning. My dryer still works but it's over 35 years old, so it can't be very energy efficient. Supposedly my new washer and dryer have a life expectancy of 25 years!


I'm going to go get a haircut tomorrow morning and I'm seriously considering a new look. I've been wearing my hair in a side parted bob for at least ten years. It's easy and it's familiar, and it grows out gracefully. It's also boring though and I'm ready for a change. Just not sure what the change will be! I've been looking at pictures online. It can't be high maintenance, I'm not going to get up any earlier on work days to fuss with my hair.


Have a great evening ladies.

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Cindy, I sure hope the cough disappears soon. That sounds awful. You don't want it to turn into something worse.


I'm getting my hair colored tomorrow.... And like you I'm getting it shaped into something different. I had it very short but it wasn't looking good. I think it's my turn to go for a short Bob, keeping a center part and letting the layers grow longer so I can get rid of the crazy look it sometimes gets. Good luck to both of us...lol!

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Hi Ladies,


Mary, Hope today was a better day. Hugs!


Cindy, Hope your feeling better soon! My cough is getting less everyday. It's been 3 weeks. 


Judy, I talked to DD today and she said they put the baby on soy and he is so much better. 


LeeAnn, Don't forget to breathe. 


We had meet your neighbor this morning with coffee and donuts being served. I took my bag and showed it off. I love it! We went and played cards tonight. It's the only card game I do play here. Hubby is going golfing tomorrow. Then tomorrow night were going to a country music show with some friends. Hope everyone has a nice week! Stay warm!

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Hello friends. Still coughing away here, but it seems a bit better today. Maybe the end is in sight.


I think I like the haircut that I got this morning. It's still a chin length bob, but with some layers for shape. The real test will be when I see what it looks like when I style it. I have very thick, heavy hair and the layers make it look lighter.


I ordered a cheap fitness tracker and it came yesterday. I need to get in shape. I weigh a couple of pounds more than I did before I lost 25 pounds on weight watchers 2 years ago. Dh has also gained weight. I really wanted an accurate pedometer, but this thing was cheaper and reviews indicate that it is more accurate than most pedometers. So my goal is going to be at least 7500 steps a day, plus 150 minutes of intentional exercise every week.


My new fitness tracker told me that I got just over two hours of restful sleep last night, plus nearly 4 hours of light sleep. I can't remember how many times it says I woke up, but I did wake up several times. At least I know why I'm tired today! I think I'm going to like this gadget. I purposely chose a cheap one, ($15.99), because I'm not really all that technically inclined and I want to see whether I will still use it once the novelty wears off.


I haven't done much yet today. I suppose I ought to get moving...it's already mid afternoon!

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Jill, when I decided to get a fitness tracker, I did a Google search for ratings and the Misfit Flash, (which is the one I got), and one called Miband both showed up as top bargain choices. When I bought my Flash, the black one was $15.99 at Amazon, and colors were more. I just looked and it's up to $18.77 with colors still costing more. Reviews were mixed for both kinds, but the Flash sounded a little better to me.


Most fitness trackers require a blue tooth enabled smart phone to synchronize to. I'd suggest you look at the app reviews for your particular device, as well as the product reviews.


Bear in mind that I've only had this thing for a day and a half. Thus far it certainly seems to live up to its promise, but it was cheap, and I don't expect it to be indestructible. I tend to lose interest easily, so cheap is a good option for me.

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Marlene, that's good news about the baby. It seems to be the basic things that often need to be tweaked.


Cindy, the layers do help. I think you will find it easier to dry, too. My hair is still short,so mine was cut in the back, slightly stacked so it lays better. Iys were its the thickest, so it needed to be cut. I think it will wear well for me since I was already clipping.itup off my neck.


Have a good night my friends.

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Hi, all.  DD and GS are a lot better today.  DD worked from home today, and it looks like they will both be going to school and work tomorrow.  Unfortunately, it looks like I'm now coming down with a version of what they had.  My voice is hoarse and scratchy and I'm developing a cough.  I'm keeping up with posts, but still fighting with my computer to keep them long enough to post.  I'm hoping this one makes it on.


I'm on the last row of the shawl now.  I'm 1/4 of the way through the last row (the one that's all picots) which is the doozy row.  I sure like the look that it gives the finished shawl.  I just don't like making all the picots.  It's going to a special lady so it's worth it.


Love to you all.  :ghug

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Good Morning!  I can't believe it's already Friday!  It's just been one of those weeks where the days all run together. ;)


Cindy ~ A new washer and dryer will be really nice!  Hopefully, your cough has improved. :hug   A new haircut always makes me feel better.


Linda ~ Oh, I hope you're not getting what DD and DGS have had!  Way to go on nearly finishing the shawl ~ I know the recipient will be very happy to have it. :manyheart


LeeAnn ~ It must be so hard to keep some balance with all you have going on!  You sound like you have a good plan. :yes  Are you still hosting the crochet/craft group?


Judy ~ Another graph 'ghan in your future!? :)  


Marlene ~ I'm so glad you received the tote!  And such good news about the baby :c9 ...DH could only have goat's milk as a baby.  MIL always loved telling how a neighbor had goats and she went next door to get the milk.


Hi to the rest of the House, too! 


DH's back is still not (and may never be) right.  The doctor wants him to go for more PT, so we start that today.  I was trying to keep this week appointment free, but he's already had two due to his back.  I treated myself to a new iphone 6 yesterday.  My old one is getting really old. Lol 


Have a good morning, everyone. ♥♥♥♥♥

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Hi, all. DD and GS are a lot better today. DD worked from home today, and it looks like they will both be going to school and work tomorrow. Unfortunately, it looks like I'm now coming down with a version of what they had. My voice is hoarse and scratchy and I'm developing a cough. I'm keeping up with posts, but still fighting with my computer to keep them long enough to post. I'm hoping this one makes it on.




I'm on the last row of the shawl now. I'm 1/4 of the way through the last row (the one that's all picots) which is the doozy row. I sure like the look that it gives the finished shawl. I just don't like making all the picots. It's going to a special lady so it's worth it.


Love to you all. :ghug

I love the look of picots...I'm sure its going to be beautiful.

Good Morning! I can't believe it's already Friday! It's just been one of those weeks where the days all run together. ;)





Judy ~ Another graph 'ghan in your future!? :)


Marlene ~ I'm so glad you received the tote! And such good news about the baby :c9 ...DH could only have goat's milk as a baby. MIL always loved telling how a neighbor had goats and she went next door to get the milk.


Hi to the rest of the House, too!


DH's back is still not (and may never be) right. The doctor wants him to go for more PT, so we start that today. I was trying to keep this week appointment free, but he's already had two due to his back. I treated myself to a new iphone 6 yesterday. My old one is getting really old. Lol


Have a good morning, everyone. ♥♥♥♥♥

Marine corps graphgan....while I putmy Paris cyan on a temporary hold....


Has DH ever tried a chiropractor? My son does different treatments for people, many involving PT type treatments, unlike the older chiro he used to share his office

space with. Enjoy your iphone. My android is good....but....waiting till I'm done with the packagepayment deal in a year and a half to join the rest of the world. There are some things I can't do on it that my friends and family can


Have a good day my friends

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Hello ladies. Still coughing...but....today I read that research indicates that chocolate is better for suppressing coughs than codeine. So, at least the cure is worth a bit of discomfort!


I have an iPhone 5. DH woukd like to upgrade, but our phones work well and iPhones are expensive. My DD just got a new Android phone, (forget the brand) and she loves it. It feels much nicer in your hand than an iPhone, and she hasn't complained about any limitations.


Linda, I'm glad that DD and DGS are feeling better. Sure hope you don't get too sick. Your friend will love the shawl!


Marlene, congratulations on being the newest "tote lady"!


My new fitness tracker says that I walked 1.8 miles at work today. I've often wondered how much walking I do there. Today was a pretty quiet day too.


Have a great evening ladies,

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