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Our House Part Two


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Val- It would have been a perfect day if my oldest had also been here! But having 2 of them here was pretty close!!! My oldest lives in Boston and is currently on vacation in Singapore!! She should be arriving home tomorrow!




My bil and sil lived in Singapore for 5 or 6 years. They liked it there, (but were happy to come home!)

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Mary, have fun today!


Amy, glad you had some quiet "ME" time.


Joanne, I didn't know about your 3rd daughter or I forgot. I agree 2 out of 3 is not bad at all...especially with Ryan as the cherry on top.


Julie, thanks! My parents and relatives are buried in Alabama. My mom passed away in 1992 and her funeral was held on her birthday...ironically my dad died the day before his birthday. My mom is in my dad's family area b/c he had a joint headstone made for them when we buried her. My mom's side of the family is on a hill in the same cemetery overlooking my dad's family. I use to visit my mom all the time until I had this feeling that I would never move on with life if I continued to go as often as I did. My best friend lost her mom 3 years ago and goes once a week and every single holiday to change out flowers. Each person has to come to grips with grief in their own way.


I'm going to my sister's house and I'll check back later.

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Hi Amy

I hope you have a nice quiet day today and can get some more done on your afghan .


Hi Cindy !


Val ,

Yes, I agree,sometimes people can't seem to move on if they attend the gravesite too often. It really is a personal decision I guess, and all of us would choose differently on how to handle it .


By the way, aren't you one of the ones making the new mystery ghan ? I thought you were and if so, what colors are you using ? Sorry if I asked before .




You sound like my kind of ice cream eater ! THAT would make a tasty sundae .


Your dad must be a super terrific guy if you want him as president. Maybe you should encourage him to run then you could be one of the First Daughters !


Very honest turning all that money into the bank -- you probably helped someone pay their house payment .


And I thought Joey Lawrence was cute too ,although WAY younger than me . He had a really cute haircut when he was little.

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Good afternoon. Rosie and I went to an estate sale in addition to the antique mall. I bought a bunch of little things at the estate sale and jewelry cleaner at the antique mall. Rosie bought a quilt and wood at the estate sale and a set of dishes at the antique mall. Then we went out to lunch and on to the fabric store. In the evening we watched TV together and did the initial planning on a deer quilt for John. This morning I slept in. I guess I'm more tired than I admit to.


Thank you Joanne & everyone for the congrats on my win. I found out about 5 a.m. this morning when I was looking around the ville while holding Mr. Fussypants. :D

Considering the rough pregnancy you've just been through and the problems Mr. Fussypants is giving you, I'm glad you decided to go ahead and order one. You deserve it.

I didn't get much of anything done today. I would like to start a new RR for Elijah. I want to make it a tummy time play blanket......I was thinking black and white for the RR & then primary color crocheted shapes sewn all over. I thought it would catch his eyes & also serve as a good teacher for colors & shapes. Whatcha think? :think

The blanket sounds adorable.

Thank you Cindy. I am SO tempted to buy it for myself.....I NEVER buy anything for me & am so tempted yet the guilt is already setting in & I haven't even ordered it yet. :lol

No need to feel guilty, we all deserve something nice once in a while. Or even twice in a while.

1- Have you ever found any money someplace out in public ? What 's the biggest amount you have ever found ? Did you keep it or turn it in ? Maybe a $5 bill and I kept it as there was no way of knowing who had lost it.


2-Which famous celebrity alive today would you like to meet, and what question would you like to ask them ? Whoopi Goldberg or George Clooney. What's it really like to be a movie star?


3-Since this is an Olympic year,how many of you know where it is ? Nope. What is your favorite Summer Olympic sport to watch ? Diving and gymnastics are my favorites.


4-If you had to play a board game,which one would you choose ? Scrabble


5- Favorite pie ? Blueberry or cherry


6- What one piece of advice would you give someone soon to be married ? Really TALK to each other about everything. Keep the communication lines open and give each other room to grow and change as you stay together.


7-Name someone famous that does a good deed for others with their money or celebrity status . Cheech Marin


8-Name a favorite cartoon character or TV show from your childhood . Yogi Bear


9-We have a new channel here that plays a lot of the old black and white tv shows from the 50's era . Name something they do on those shows that today's age doesn't do . Couples sleep in twin beds and families always have meals together at the dining room table.


10- Let's leave ALL the candidates aside who are planning on running for President this Fall. Who would YOU think would make a good president ,that is not at all into the political scene, but would have some good characteristics to make us a good president. Whoopi Goldberg


11- When you think of the Queen of England,what is the first thing that pops into your head ,and do you think she'd be in person how you think she would be ? How hard it must be to always be on display. She always appears regal, formal, and distant, but I'm not so sure that is the real woman when she's in private.


12- What is your favorite ice cream topping ? Hot Fudge


13- What color of clothes do you think you have the MOST of,and what color do you not have ANY of ? Black! No yellow


14- If you went on an African safari,what animal would you like to see the most ? Elephants


15- Did you ever go on a blind date back in your teens,and if so, how did it work out ? None


16- What food would you NEVER get tired of ,even if you had it every day ? Chinese


17- If the used a new idea for Dancing with the Stars tvshow,and picked people at random to be on the show,and they showed up at your door ,would you go on the show and what celebrity would you want as your dance partner ? I might if they paired me someone really, really good since I don't know much about dancing. Some one like Frank Sinatra.


18- What American state or site would you most like to see that you haven't gotten to see yet ? Yellowstone National Park


19- Do you believe in ghosts ? Yes Ever SEE one ? My grandmother. I was driving back to Minnesota after her death to get my family for the funeral. I came over a big hill and saw her face in the air in front of me. It was a much younger face and she was smiling and radiating happiness. I had to pull off to the side of the road. I felt surrounded by love and happiness. My mom thought I had flipped out and lost it. It was sooo real. I felt so comforted.


20- Whose poster hung on your wall as a teenager ?


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Hi Ladies,


I'm not feeling well again. The crud is back. I even took a nap today and naps are not something I do.


Judy or anyone else, I'm making a blanket for Maya's teacher. I'm using a shell st pattern, but I would really like to do a rr. I'm using baby yarn do you think it is doable or should I stick with what I have. DD asked me to use the varigated baby yarn as a friend of mine made her one with it and she really liked it.


I'll catch you all later.

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Judy, have fun at the orchards. It was a good - quick - visit. DH got a couple of things he liked...because I'm on WW again:D

Yesterday marked the 1 year anniversary of my Dad's death and today would have been his 73rd birthday. I'm missing him but God is still good and heals broken hearts.

The first year IS the hardest, as Joanne mentioned...:hug:manyheart


Enjoy your visit to the orchard, let us know what type goodies you come home with .

DH got his seeded Italian bread and prune danish...I put blinders on:lol I DID get the best tasting hot Italian sausage for my dinner, though - it was great!


Judy- Have fun at the orchards!!! I haven't been in a while! Probably good for my waistline that I haven't been !!! I get soooo very tempted by all their yummy baked goods!!:lol

My WW switch is "on", tg:lol


Some people really don't deal well with doing that, and it's perfectly ok. We are all comfortable handling those things in different ways.

We all handle it differently I guess.I went to my parent's graveside once...it was so horrible for me I never went again.

Steph's mother actually takes pictures of her dead relatives in their caskets . I know it's common practice where she comes from, but it gives you quite a START to be in her living room,glance up at the photo on her wall,and see her DEAD DAD in his coffin. Not something I'd want to decorate my living room with,but it gives her comfort, to look and know he is there on her wall . Different strokes I guess.Ewwwww.

I already want nothing done for me when my hourglass runs out. No viewing, music, flowers, sermons, nothing. Just a guy digging a hole .me, too - just have a party and tell good stories about me.

If people want to see me, come do it while I'm here .They wont do me any good when I'm dead .



I caught up on my shows and crocheted on my sisters blanket. I decided to just do HDC. It will be nice when its done. I have a long way to go though!!

That's a good, fast stitch!

Is that book being made into a movie? When we went to see our movie last week there was a preview for a movie called hunger games and it looked REALLY good! I didn't know there was a book :think

I heard it was going to be a movie. I'm still liking the book!!

I'm not feeling well again. The crud is back. I even took a nap today and naps are not something I do.

You're body is teling you to rest!:hug:manyheart

Judy or anyone else, I'm making a blanket for Maya's teacher. I'm using a shell st pattern, but I would really like to do a rr. I'm using baby yarn do you think it is doable or should I stick with what I have. DD asked me to use the varigated baby yarn as a friend of mine made her one with it and she really liked it.


I'll catch you all later.

It's a baby blanket?

Making a RR with baby yarn can be tedious and take a long time...personally, in this case, I would stick with th eshell pattern.

Variegated as an occasioanl accent is really nice...


'nite all!:hug:manyheart

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Hi all,

Back from babysitting! He is teething and chewing on everything!!! We had a fun time together- and DD and SIL got to visit her friend who just had a baby girl and then go out to dinner!


Julie- I 'll have to download the pics from my phone- and also ask DD if she minds if I put a pic here!


Marlene- Feel better!!! I agree with Judy- baby yarn can be tedious in a RR, but I've made them with Vanna's Choice Baby which is a worsted weight and it came out great! With baby yarn (3 weight) I'd probably double the strands!!

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Linda- Glad you had a good time yesterday!!!


Judy- I'm watching the scale right now- I seem to fluctuate 2-3 lbs which I can live with. Still fitting in all my 'new' clothes so that's good. I really have to watch though- I'm not obsessive about it, but I do check the scale every other day or so--just to keep myself on track!

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Linda- Glad you had a good time yesterday!!!


Judy- I'm watching the scale right now- I seem to fluctuate 2-3 lbs which I can live with. Still fitting in all my 'new' clothes so that's good. I really have to watch though- I'm not obsessive about it, but I do check the scale every other day or so--just to keep myself on track!

The scale was creeping up for me, and I didn't like how I felt. I'm glad I went back:yes

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'morning, peeps!


Good morning!


Although it's President's Day, my company is open for business as usual!:( On the plus side, there should be less traffic today going to/from work:).


Hope you all have a good day!



That was the only thing that DH didn't mind about working on holidays - the drive into NYC wasn't nuts! I hope your day goes well.


Everyone else, enjoy the day! It's my usual Monday and DH is working this morning:lol

I'm headed out to Michaels to pick up some thread for x st!

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Good morning. It's finally stopped raining and the sun is out. My fingers, hands, wrists and shoulder have hurt so bad I wasn't able to even hold a hook this weekend let alone use one. I did work on the pattern for John's deer quilt and have it all plotted out now. :devil Even holding and using the pen for that hurt. But it's at the point where all I have to do now is start cutting and sewing. Probably won't start it until after the move though.


Hi Ladies,


I'm not feeling well again. The crud is back. I even took a nap today and naps are not something I do.


Judy or anyone else, I'm making a blanket for Maya's teacher. I'm using a shell st pattern, but I would really like to do a rr. I'm using baby yarn do you think it is doable or should I stick with what I have. DD asked me to use the varigated baby yarn as a friend of mine made her one with it and she really liked it.


I'll catch you all later.

:hug Hope you get to feeling better soon. :hug A warm winter does seem to bring out a lot of bugs that are nasty and hang on forever. More so than with a cold winter.


What size rr are you making? I'd use two strands of baby weight yarn for sure. It wouldn't be too bad if it's a baby blanket size, but to do a full size rr would take forever.


Hope you all have a good day. :manyheart

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Hi Ladies,


I'm not feeling well again. The crud is back. I even took a nap today and naps are not something I do.


Judy or anyone else, I'm making a blanket for Maya's teacher. I'm using a shell st pattern, but I would really like to do a rr. I'm using baby yarn do you think it is doable or should I stick with what I have. DD asked me to use the varigated baby yarn as a friend of mine made her one with it and she really liked it.


I'll catch you all later.


I agree with everyone else, especially since you're just not feeling well. But, since you already have the other one started I'd keep going with it. Like Judy said you can use the vareigated yarn as an accent. Maybe do just a couple rows with it in intervals or something :think


Linda- Glad you had a good time yesterday!!!


Judy- I'm watching the scale right now- I seem to fluctuate 2-3 lbs which I can live with. Still fitting in all my 'new' clothes so that's good. I really have to watch though- I'm not obsessive about it, but I do check the scale every other day or so--just to keep myself on track!


:lol I get on the scale maybe every other month :eek I don't own one so I only weigh myself when I go to my parents :shrug


'morning, peeps!


That was the only thing that DH didn't mind about working on holidays - the drive into NYC wasn't nuts! I hope your day goes well.


Everyone else, enjoy the day! It's my usual Monday and DH is working this morning:lol

I'm headed out to Michaels to pick up some thread for x st!


I have to run out and think I'll be making a stop there as well.....after all it is President's Day and I have a coupon good on the entire order including sale items :devil


Good morning everyone!! I hope you all have a great day!!


You too sweetie :hug

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Amy, I hope you got a chance to get cozy in your chair and some crocheting done yesterday. Have a great day!


Joanne, Glad you had fun with Ryan yesterday. It is nice when you don't have to deal with traffic.


Linda, I'm sorry you're experiencing pain. I know how you feel. Mine usually hurt when I first wake up and are usually a little tender after getting rid of the stiffness and major pain. I don't think they've ever hurt as you've described. Praying that you'll be pain free today!


Judy, good for you in avoiding temptation yesterday. I'm starting my 3 mile a day walking today.


Marlene, hope you're feeling better.


To the rest of the "Housemates" have a great day!



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Howdy all

To Marlene ,Marisa, Jude, Linda ,Amy Val ,Joanne


Think I got you all that have been in this morning.


Hope you all have a good day and get some craft time in .



Sorry about your arthritis. That stuff is miserable isn't it ? Sure puts a crimp in your plans somedays .



Hope you fight off that flu soon. Nasty stuff .



How's your day going ?



Are you, Joanne and Val all doing the mystery ghan ? I didnt remember anyone else mentioning it .

I went and looked at that area to see some of the photos so far. Looks like quite an interesting design on this one .

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Howdy all

To Marlene ,Marisa, Jude, Linda ,Amy Val ,Joanne


Think I got you all that have been in this morning.



Are you, Joanne and Val all doing the mystery ghan ? I didnt remember anyone else mentioning it .

I went and looked at that area to see some of the photos so far. Looks like quite an interesting design on this one .


Yep, Judy bailed on us :rofl Phyllis is doing it as well I think :think


We shall see where it leads, I'm anxious to see the next clue to see if I can start formulating a thought as to where they're going with this weeks 'squares' :think

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I have to run out and think I'll be making a stop there as well.....after all it is President's Day and I have a coupon good on the entire order including sale items :devil

I didn't get any coupons this week. It's ok though - my entire order was under 5 dollars.

Maybe I should do only x stitch!:lol:lol


Judy, good for you in avoiding temptation yesterday. I'm starting my 3 mile a day walking today.

I think I ran around 3 miles worth already! Took Miss Lucy for a walk around the block. It's a little hilly, so it's a good one. Then I took Lucy to get nails clipped....came back and took Sparkie to get his done. 5 minutes away, so doable. I can't wrestle with them to clip them myself any more!


Marisa - yes, Phyllis is doing the CAL and the KAL.


Does anybody know where I can find LA2755 35 Granny Squares Combined to make a Granny Sampler Afghan? It's by Martha Brooks Stein. I have searched high and low for it.

Have you checked the Leisure Arts site? I think that's what the letters LA mean in front of the code.

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Does anybody know where I can find LA2755 35 Granny Squares Combined to make a Granny Sampler Afghan? It's by Martha Brooks Stein. I have searched high and low for it.


It's out of print....but look on ebay




I think I saw more than just this one. It'd be your best bet I think

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Hi House! I've just caught up with posts...it's been a busy house. :lol


Joanne ~ So glad you had "Ryan time" this past weekend. :c9 The teething and drooling goes on forever. ;)


Marlene ~ Looking forward to seeing your ghan! :yes


Amy ~ Your aghan will be so pretty in hdc!


Linda ~ I hope your arthritis is much better by now. :hug Good luck with all of the sorting and deciding what to do with things!


Judy ~ What project will you be doing in cross stitch?


Hi to the rest of the House, too. I need to get back to my desk and hopefully finish these taxes today.


I'm linking to the Charity CAL - Are we still supposed to post pictures only in one CAL and once in Show and Tell? :think 'Need to go look that up. :)



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