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Our House Part Two


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Boy the hot fudge sundae sounds good !


I had to laugh when you said you would have a hard time talking to the queen. I'm such a Gabby Gus ,the Queen would have a hard time getting away from my talking. She'd have to get those guards with the big fuzzy hats to haul my rearend away from her . I'd think of lots of stuff to ask her I bet .

It seems to be a trend so far that we all wear either black or blue and no one has orange clothes. Guess I need to hunt up an orange shirt .




You funny thing ! You'd take the crown off the queen .

and the answer for marriage RUN !!!! Funny ! :D

You havent lost your wit and funny bone .

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Hi Jude

Dont you hate when that happens ?




but here is my answer to #6 What one piece of advice would you give someone soon to be married ?

Respect your spouse

After seeing an elderly couple in the supermarket where the wife talked in a very belittling manner to her husband I wrote an article about respecting your spouse. It was published in a devotional magazine....

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1- Have you ever found any money someplace out in public ? What 's the biggest amount you have ever found ? Did you keep it or turn it in ?


I found a coin purse with two hundred dollars in it in the grocery store parking lot a few years ago. I turned it into the courtesy desk and several weeks later got a phone call that it had not been claimed. I asked them to donate it to charity.

2-Which famous celebrity alive today would you like to meet, and what question would you like to ask them ?


can't think of anyone in particular


3-Since this is an Olympic year,how many of you know where it is ? What is your favorite Summer Olympic sport to watch ?


I think it's in London, (not sure though). I like watching the diving and gymnastics


4-If you had to play a board game,which one would you choose ?


Not much of a game player, I do sometimes play Jenga, and Farkle. Also Old Maid and Crazy eights with the grandsons.


5- Favorite pie ?




6- What one piece of advice would you give someone soon to be married ?


Always treat each other as you would like to be treated


7-Name someone famous that does a good deed for others with their money or celebrity status .


8-Name a favorite cartoon character or TV show from your childhood .




9-We have a new channel here that plays a lot of the old black and white tv shows from the 50's era . Name something they do on those shows that today's age doesn't do .


I watch a lot of I Love Lucy, and Lucy and Ricky slept in twin beds


10- Let's leave ALL the candidates aside who are planning on running for President this Fall. Who would YOU think would make a good president ,that is not at all into the political scene, but would have some good characteristics to make us a good president.


11- When you think of the Queen of England,what is the first thing that pops into your head ,and do you think she'd be in person how you think she would be ?


I think of her hats. I think she would be regal and very formal.


12- What is your favorite ice cream topping ?




13- What color of clothes do you think you have the MOST of,and what color do you not have ANY of ?


I have a lot of red and black, no orange. (and I hear tangerine is the "in" color for spring!)


14- If you went on an African safari,what animal would you like to see the most ?




15- Did you ever go on a blind date back in your teens,and if so, how did it work out ?




16- What food would you NEVER get tired of ,even if you had it every day ?


Anything chocolate


17- If the used a new idea for Dancing with the Stars tvshow,and picked people at random to be on the show,and they showed up at your door ,would you go on the show and what celebrity would you want as your dance partner ?


Cannot imagine myself on that show


18- What American state or site would you most like to see that you haven't gotten to see yet ?


Yellowstone National Park


19- Do you believe in ghosts ? Ever SEE one ?


No and no


20- Whose poster hung on your wall as a teenager ?

This is going to show my age....Bobby Sherman and David Cassidy


Here are my answers. Fun questions, Julie!

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DH and I have been chillin' together watching golf after a morning of hopping from store to store for some little things for the house...

It ended up being a nice mellow day after the busyness...:c9


No new hook project going yet, but have started my book club's next pick: Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. It's a bit futuristic, and I've really gotten into it fast! I started it today and am up to page 46:D


Off I go for tonight.



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I agreee on the spouse thing. I have heard it go both ways. There used to be an elderly lady who owned a craft store and her husband would come help her out on Saturdays when she was busiest .

She was SO rude and belittling him the entire time . I felt so sorry for the poor little guy. He seemed like such a nice little dude ,and she wa constantly crabbing at him .


The other time was in a grocery store .2 elderly people. The lady wanted a carton ofvanilla ice cream because it was on sale . She picked one out and started to put it in the cart, then her grumpy old husband told her to put it back, they didnt need it. They were both skinny as a rail ,so it wouldnt have been an OVERWEIGHT type issue, he just didnt want her buying it .

I leaned over and told her if I was married to him, he'd be eating vanilla ice cream 7 days a week . I'd buy it nonstop just to show him to learn some manners.


Oh,and I saw a young couple with a toddler. They were in the checkout line in front of me. They were probably early 20's. The guy had a 65 dollar video game ( for himself) .The lady had about 8 skeins of yarn. He yelled at her and asked her what she was buying it for. She said she wanted to make their boy a bigger blanket because his baby ones were too small for him . The guy told her she didnt need it and go put it back.

Once again, I leaned in and told her KEEP THE YARN. How many loads of laundry and meals have you made him ? You deserve the yarn and you are making something useful with it .

THEN I looked at the guy and told him the video game cost 3 times what her yarn would have,and did he NEED it ?

He backed down and shut the heck up .



I also saw a lady in the store with a little kid,maybe 3 or 4. He was begging to look at the toys and she just kept hollering at him, yelling and crabby . I went up to her and told her she should be thankful she has that baby every single day and stop being so mean. she shut the heck up too .


One of these days ,someone is gonna smack me one for butting in .

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Well I did it, I ordered the kindle fire. I couldn't bring myself to do it & then Hubby said "do it or I'm doing it". He said if I felt that bad it could be an early birthday present, so I just did it. I can't wait to get it & see what it's all about.


And Julie, of course I'd take the crown because it is rightfully mine....there can be only one Queen & that's me!

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Julie~Your stories remind me of when I was outside of Walmart on Wednesday of last week. This lady got out of a caravan & had to go to work...she was telling the driver aka babysitter what she packed for the toddler boy. The mom gives kisses & goes into work. The van is sitting waiting for another passenger that went into the Dunkin Donuts. The lil boy is screaming for his mom....so what does the young lady babysitter do? She sure didn't turn around to soothe him. She doesn't even look back at him. She blasts her music so loud that her van is thumping drowning out the lil boys screams. This broke my heart....she could've soothed him.....I wanted to open the door & soothe him myself.

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Oh my all these stories of spouses and belittling ! Good advice Judy- Respect your spouse!!!


Had a great day with DD and BF and then youngest dd and my GS came over for a few hours too!!! It was a great day!!!


Loved reading all the answers!!


Tab I'm so glad you ordered the Kindle Fire!!! You deserve it!!!

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Hi Tab

Have fun with your new Kindle. They sure do lots of neat things .


I agree about the crappy babysitters. It's really sad sometimes how some kids are treated .



A big good morning to everyone else. I'm still dopey this morning ,so will check in later when I'm more awake .

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Happy Sunday!


Julie- Good morning right back at you--and that was pretty scary what Tab witnessed. It IS sad how some children are treated!!


Linda- I hope you had a good time with Rosie at the antique show!


Not much on the agenda today other than going to DD's later on this afternoon to babysit!!! In the meantime, time to get some coffee and start the relaxing day!

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'morning, peeps! We

re makign a run to Delicious Orchards this morning:)


Jules, you are one very brave soul to butt in the way you did - but I am SOOOOO glad you did those things!:yes:hug


Well I did it, I ordered the kindle fire. I couldn't bring myself to do it & then Hubby said "do it or I'm doing it". He said if I felt that bad it could be an early birthday present, so I just did it. I can't wait to get it & see what it's all about.

:yay:yayYay, Tab! It's nice to see we can still enable:lol:lol:lol



Julie~Your stories remind me of when I was outside of Walmart on Wednesday of last week. This lady got out of a caravan & had to go to work...she was telling the driver aka babysitter what she packed for the toddler boy. The mom gives kisses & goes into work. The van is sitting waiting for another passenger that went into the Dunkin Donuts. The lil boy is screaming for his mom....so what does the young lady babysitter do? She sure didn't turn around to soothe him. She doesn't even look back at him. She blasts her music so loud that her van is thumping drowning out the lil boys screams. This broke my heart....she could've soothed him.....I wanted to open the door & soothe him myself.

I would have wanted to do something, too - what, I don't know...:angry

Not much on the agenda today other than going to DD's later on this afternoon to babysit!!! In the meantime, time to get some coffee and start the relaxing day!

Have a wonderful day and enjoy being with Ryan.:c9


Have a great day, everyone. BBL!:manyheart

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Julie, good morning to you as well. I love your stories...you should compile them into a book. I have a sister that speaks her mind and I've been a little jealous of that at times.


Tab, I'm glad you ordered the Kindle Fire. You deserve something for you. I probably would have gone into Walmart and told the mother about the treatment of her baby. Julie and my sister would have dealt with the babysitter:eek:D:yes.


Joanne, glad you had a double treat of both daughters visiting in one day and that sweet cherry Ryan to top it off. Have fun with Ryan today. I hope you get a chance to crochet today!


Judy, have fun at the orchards.


Yesterday marked the 1 year anniversary of my Dad's death and today would have been his 73rd birthday. I'm missing him but God is still good and heals broken hearts.


To the rest of the "House" sisters that haven't checked in, Have a wonderful day.:hug



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Morning Joanne

Enjoy your babysitting hours. Precious time ,so soak it up like a sponge. Tomorrow you'll turn around and that little babe will be eye level with you .

That seems to be how fast time goes by. Cam comments to me all the time about how short I am and how tall he is getting. He is gonna be tall like his dad,so will probably be as tall as me by summer or next fall. It's amazing how fast the years have gone by .




Enjoy your visit to the orchard, let us know what type goodies you come home with .

And I don't know if you'd call me brave or stupid,stepping into other people's business like that. There are just certain things that tick me off royally,and one is a husband /boyfriend treating their better half poorly .

Another is someone treating a kid or elderly person poorly . I cannot STAND to see those videos on the news where they have a hidden camera and it shows a nanny or nursing worker caring for a child or old person,and hitting them or smacking them .I have to turn the channel. I can't even stand to hear the SOUND of it .


SO, one of these days my big mouth will probably get me into trouble, but I'm not afraid .

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Julie, good morning to you as well. I love your stories...you should compile them into a book. I have a sister that speaks her mind and I've been a little jealous of that at times.


Tab, I'm glad you ordered the Kindle Fire. You deserve something for you. I probably would have gone into Walmart and told the mother about the treatment of her baby. Julie and my sister would have dealt with the babysitter:eek:D:yes.


Joanne, glad you had a double treat of both daughters visiting in one day and that sweet cherry Ryan to top it off. Have fun with Ryan today. I hope you get a chance to crochet today!


Judy, have fun at the orchards.


Yesterday marked the 1 year anniversary of my Dad's death and today would have been his 73rd birthday. I'm missing him but God is still good and heals broken hearts.


To the rest of the "House" sisters that haven't checked in, Have a wonderful day.:hug



Val- It would have been a perfect day if my oldest had also been here! But having 2 of them here was pretty close!!! My oldest lives in Boston and is currently on vacation in Singapore!! She should be arriving home tomorrow!


:hug:hug to you! The first year is the roughest:hug:hug My Dad will be gone 8 years this March and I still miss him.:yes

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Julie- I AM soaking up this precious time. He is sitting now without assistance- so cute! And so much easier to play with. He loves his little piano and making noises!


Judy- Have fun at the orchards!!! I haven't been in a while! Probably good for my waistline that I haven't been !!! I get soooo very tempted by all their yummy baked goods!!:lol

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Hi Val

So sorry about your dad. I'm sure you miss him a lot. Those anniversary dates are hard,aren't they ? Is he buried someplace close by ?

Most of my relatives that have passed on are all in the same cemetery down in the town we have our reunion in each June.

I always go there when we are down there ,and go out to the cemetery,and sit on their grass and talk to them . Tell them how much I miss them,and thank them for the part they played in my life. Then as I leave, I pat the top of their headstone,since I can't touch THEM . Kinda like a parting gesture.

It's always sad, but it helps me in a way to feel still connected ,and I know they are there and can hear me. Gives me a peaceful feeling maybe,although I wish they were all still here to talk to in person .


As for my MOUTH, I have always been that way, I talk to strangers all the time . I always speak my mind . My husband is the exact opposite,A man of few words . He told me once that he wished he could be more like me and be comfortable enough in my own skin to talk to anyone, stand up and talk in front of a crowd about anything . I've never been nervous to do that,even in school,when all the other kids were nervous about oral book report day, I'd always volunteer to go first .

I guess I just like to YAK and have someone to LISTEN .

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Hi Val

So sorry about your dad. I'm sure you miss him a lot. Those anniversary dates are hard,aren't they ? Is he buried someplace close by ?

Most of my relatives that have passed on are all in the same cemetery down in the town we have our reunion in each June.

I always go there when we are down there ,and go out to the cemetery,and sit on their grass and talk to them . Tell them how much I miss them,and thank them for the part they played in my life. Then as I leave, I pat the top of their headstone,since I can't touch THEM . Kinda like a parting gesture.

It's always sad, but it helps me in a way to feel still connected ,and I know they are there and can hear me. Gives me a peaceful feeling maybe,although I wish they were all still here to talk to in person .


As for my MOUTH, I have always been that way, I talk to strangers all the time . I always speak my mind . My husband is the exact opposite,A man of few words . He told me once that he wished he could be more like me and be comfortable enough in my own skin to talk to anyone, stand up and talk in front of a crowd about anything . I've never been nervous to do that,even in school,when all the other kids were nervous about oral book report day, I'd always volunteer to go first .

I guess I just like to YAK and have someone to LISTEN .


My parents are now resting in NY- with my Grandma, Grandpa, great aunts and uncles. Every time I pass the exit for the town on my way to Boston- I 'talk to them'. I try to get to the cemetery once a year- usually sometime in April since my Dad passed in March and my Mom in May so April is right in between!


I've gotten so much better at speaking up- but it doesn't come naturally. That's really a gift when you can get up in a crowd and talk about anything. My Dad was a real talker too- he could strike up a conversation with anyone!!!

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Hi House. :)


We spent a good part of yesterday by the fire...golf tournament was on and I got about 1/2 of another scarf done.:hook We're meeting DD, SIL and Little Guy for lunch at 11:30, so I'd better get in the shower!


Have a wonderful morning! :manyheart

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I'd guess that you'd be fairly comfortable with people ,mainly due to your profession. You have to be a people person to do that ,so you really dont have to be a big talker, you just have to be able to connect with people and I'm sure you do that very well .


It's nice that you are a short drive from the cemetery so you can visit as you choose .

Some people really don't deal well with doing that, and it's perfectly ok. We are all comfortable handling those things in different ways.

One of my cousins died about 6 years ago ,and one of her girls goes every holiday and decorates her gravesite with flowers, etc.

Her other daughter has never been there once because it''s too hard for her,so she doesn't go .

We all handle it differently I guess. No right or wrong way, just what each person is comfortable with.

I have VERY odd beliefs about funerals, viewings etc. I refuse to attend them. I think it's a morbidly uncomfortable thing to go VIEW a dead person . I like remembering them alive, talking,laughing and happy . It may sound disrespectful, but it's the way I feel .It's not that it doesnt break my heart when someone close to me dies. I am totally comfortable going to their graves and sitting on their grass and talking,but the viewing them DEAD . Nope, aint happening.

Steph's mother actually takes pictures of her dead relatives in their caskets . I know it's common practice where she comes from, but it gives you quite a START to be in her living room,glance up at the photo on her wall,and see her DEAD DAD in his coffin. Not something I'd want to decorate my living room with,but it gives her comfort, to look and know he is there on her wall . Different strokes I guess.

I already want nothing done for me when my hourglass runs out. No viewing, music, flowers, sermons, nothing. Just a guy digging a hole .

If people want to see me, come do it while I'm here .They wont do me any good when I'm dead .

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Good Sunday Morning to everyone!! I had the house to myself last night so I caught up on my shows and crocheted on my sisters blanket. I decided to just do HDC. It will be nice when its done. I have a long way to go though!!

Today will be a day of not doing a whole lot. I will hopefully get some crocheting in. I hope everyone has a great day! It sounds like everyone has fun stuff planned for the day!!

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Thank you Joanne & everyone for the congrats on my win. I found out about 5 a.m. this morning when I was looking around the ville while holding Mr. Fussypants. :D


I didn't get much of anything done today. I would like to start a new RR for Elijah. I want to make it a tummy time play blanket......I was thinking black and white for the RR & then primary color crocheted shapes sewn all over. I thought it would catch his eyes & also serve as a good teacher for colors & shapes. Whatcha think? :think


I think it's a great idea :yes


1- Have you ever found any money someplace out in public ? What 's the biggest amount you have ever found ? Did you keep it or turn it in ?


I found a bank envelope on front of the bank in the Walmart back home. It felt kind of thick, but I didn't count it. I just brought it back up to the bank....I hope it found its rightful owner.


2-Which famous celebrity alive today would you like to meet, and what question would you like to ask them ?


I don't think about celebrities like that so I have no clue :(


3-Since this is an Olympic year,how many of you know where it is ? What is your favorite Summer Olympic sport to watch ?


I don't know where, I like the gymnastics (I think that's summer)


4-If you had to play a board game,which one would you choose ?


Trivial pursuit, or any of the quiz games :)


5- Favorite pie ?


Coconut custard or blueberry a la mode :drool


6- What one piece of advice would you give someone soon to be married ?


I've never been married, but I like all of your responses. I'd say be truthful and straightforward


7-Name someone famous that does a good deed for others with their money or celebrity status .


Well everyone said Oprah, so I'll note that Donald trump gives to a lot of charities with the apprentice.


8-Name a favorite cartoon character or TV show from your childhood .


Strawberry shortcake :)


9-We have a new channel here that plays a lot of the old black and white tv shows from the 50's era . Name something they do on those shows that today's age doesn't do .


Love the old black and whites :) they were always positive and had a learning curve weaves in.....the moral of the story.


10- Let's leave ALL the candidates aside who are planning on running for President this Fall. Who would YOU think would make a good president ,that is not at all into the political scene, but would have some good characteristics to make us a good president.


My dad :wink


11- When you think of the Queen of England,what is the first thing that pops into your head ,and do you think she'd be in person how you think she would be ?


I don't know :think


12- What is your favorite ice cream topping ?


Caramel with peanut butter with hot fudge all together :blush


13- What color of clothes do you think you have the MOST of,and what color do you not have ANY of ?


I had a great variety before I cleaned through it, but now I'm lacking in pinks and have a lot of whites


14- If you went on an African safari,what animal would you like to see the most ?


Something that wouldn't come after me or climb on the car I was in :lol


15- Did you ever go on a blind date back in your teens,and if so, how did it work out ?


I'm sure I have, but no stories stick out in my mind :think


16- What food would you NEVER get tired of ,even if you had it every day ?


Eggs and I eat them almost every day :lol


17- If the used a new idea for Dancing with the Stars tvshow,and picked people at random to be on the show,and they showed up at your door ,would you go on the show and what celebrity would you want as your dance partner ?


Sure...I don't really have rhythm but what the hay.....you only live once :wink


18- What American state or site would you most like to see that you haven't gotten to see yet ?


Grand canyon


19- Do you believe in ghosts ? Ever SEE one ?


Yes and no, if I feel a presence, I openly tell them that I don't mind them being there but I don't want to see them and I won't bother them if they don't bother me.....yes, I say this out loud to my empty room and I haven't had a problem. Only time was in my dorm on campus at chiro school, every nit I'd wake up feeling like someone was standing over me so I always slept with the light on there which seemed to prevent the waking up :think


20- Whose poster hung on your wall as a teenager ?


Joey Lawrence and my brother used to make so much fun of me :blush


DH and I have been chillin' together watching golf after a morning of hopping from store to store for some little things for the house...

It ended up being a nice mellow day after the busyness...:c9


No new hook project going yet, but have started my book club's next pick: Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. It's a bit futuristic, and I've really gotten into it fast! I started it today and am up to page 46:D


Off I go for tonight.




Is that book being made into a movie? When we went to see our movie last week there was a preview for a movie called hunger games and it looked REALLY good! I didn't know there was a book :think

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