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2011 Stashbusting CAL


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WTD = -18

I've come to the conclusion that I need to either REALLY sit down and crochet my behind off for a few days (to work off this totally bad YTD score) or I need to REALLY go yarn shopping with Sue (and say that I give up on keeping score cuz it keeps going in the wrong direction anyways). :rofl

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Putting in my totals now, so I don't forget!


It was a "holding steady" week for me. I'm trying to rest up my ailing thumb, so I've cut down a bit on my crafting, so:


Stashbuster Total: WTD +0 YTD -27


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I hope to work on the granny ripple afghan today and at least finish up one or 2 skeins. I have a 1/2 finished sbt too I could finish...it only takes time..maybe I just won't work today.... yeah that isn't going to work either. And I never leave the farm to do it all :D

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WTD = -18

I've come to the conclusion that I need to either REALLY sit down and crochet my behind off for a few days (to work off this totally bad YTD score) or I need to REALLY go yarn shopping with Sue (and say that I give up on keeping score cuz it keeps going in the wrong direction anyways). :rofl


Do we have a date on Labor Day???



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well posting my score now because tomorrow I start my new job at 3pm-11pm so I will be coming home to crash so here goes my score for the weekending July 16,2011:



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Do we have a date on Labor Day???



As of right now, I don't know. My MIL mentioned getting together again on that day. I'm trying to pin everyone down.


well posting my score now because tomorrow I start my new job at 3pm-11pm so I will be coming home to crash so here goes my score for the weekending July 16,2011:



:cheer:clap:cheer:clap:cheer:clap:cheer:clapcongrats on the new job:cheer:clap:cheer:clap:cheer:clap:cheer

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I finished a baby afghan, a couple of hats and shared some yarn this week so my score (which will never look this good again) is wtd +18, ytd +58.

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Worked all morning at the blood drive at my church. Did the coffee, juice and sweets table for the Knights of Columbus. And also got to knit for most of the time. So I finished up two skeins of yarn.


WTD=-6 YTD=0


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A friend brought me a skein of :yarn (-2). It's green with brownish speckles through it (weird :think). She wanted green, and that's all she had. I said if she found the right color in my stash she could have it. She didn't want to take more than she gave, so I gave her 3 balls and a 1/2 skein. The oz./yardage is about the same, but point, wise I win :cheer (+4). I'm going to make a turtle with because it looks like it might be good shell color.

WTD: + 6 YTD: + 98

Ellie 13

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Finally finished off the honkin' big skein of baby-sport, and finished the afghan I was making with it, too!

WTD +2

YTD +52

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As of right now, I don't know. My MIL mentioned getting together again on that day. I'm trying to pin everyone down.


AGAIN??? NO ME ME ME!!! :rofl



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WTD: -4, YTD: -47


Here's to hoping :turtle beats :rabbit this week.


Remember scores will be posted tomorrow late afternoon/early evening since I work on Sundays. :)



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Almost forgot to post this week! Already in bed and don't feel like getting out to boot up my laptop, so let's try this via CrackBerry:


WTD: +21 | YTD: +33


I have the feeling my score will never look this good for a week again; I've sacrificed all my WoW playing time (and prettty much every other non-work/non-sleeping time) to crochet this week (FINALLY finished the ripple afghan, and the back of the Tunisian cardigan for my mum), and while it was a lot of fun (and productive!) my hands are still aching a bit.


Also, I started the next afghan in my project list (bit too hot to work on it much though), and I need to buy more yarn for that... So I might as well buy yarn for my next project too... I might have to divert some of the willpower I'm using to resist the urge to try and teach myself double knitting (don't think I can imitate that in crochet too easily, but I can't knit to save my life). :lol

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I really have to stop going into the craft stores!!!!


WTD -63

YTD -284

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