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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Just wanted to stop by this morning and say hi! :clap Its my bday so I will probably not be on a whole lot today, and we were gone alllllll day yesterday for Lamaze, dinner and then we watched the Red Wings and conked out :lol


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Have a very happy birthday Erin! Spoil yourself today, you deserve it :D


I actually had my party for my birthday last night. I'm changing decades in a couple of years and for some reason, this year I actually wanted an event. I'm not normally a big "look at me" type of person when it comes to my birthday either. Since I was inviting people who had little ones, I decided to have it at a local bowling alley, that way the little ones could come play with us too. And we had soooo much fun! The only downside was when the jerk playing on a league yelled at me about using flash. What a shame I ruined his "fun". I guess it's not just a game to him :rolleyes. I'm gonna try and get some pictures up on my blog today, but I gotta warn you, most aren't that good due to lack of flash.

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sounds like alot of fun!! Nothing like a funtime bowling!!Have to check out your blog later on tonight to see the fun!:clap

Boy I like these little slatines you can whip alot out in nothing flat while watching tv!Hoping by the time I go to bed tonight I will have one whole sqaure done on the big top quilt I decided to make!

You dont happened to have these saltine pattern quilt in a airplane design for little boy do you?Truck and Rig is so cute my one son is into trucks and busses but the other one is airplanes t hink he dreams of flying!!:lol

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Thanks ladies! Its been a really lax day so far. After dinner last night neither me nor hubby felt too good. I spent the night on the couch by accident but it helped with my tummy so! I don't really feel like doing much today since its ICKYYYYYYYYY outside, but hubby is ACTUALLY going to make me dinner tonight so Im excited, and we ordered "our" rocker for my bday YAH! Hope you all have a lovely day!

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Hi everyone. 'Hope you are having a great weekend.

Val and Erin ~ Happy Birthday to You! :cake


craziebunny ~ Cara hasn't shown us an airplane pattern, but knowing her, she may have one in her files. :D


DH will be home this evening, so I'm trying to catch up a bit. The cold has slowed me down a lot. :( I've been making and joining a few squares in between working on U of Texas scarves...# 3 is started!

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Hello Everybody,


I've been MIA since July. I haven't had any management staff. The 2 I was training are dragging their feet and the DM won't let me certify them until they finish the book. I've had to open 7am and close 10pm my store every single day. I have a loaner ASM in order for me to get this weekend off. My DM is going to recruit me an assistant and forget about trying to train supervisors. It will cut the hourly people hours but it will give me my life back.


I've missed everybody.


I hope everyone is doing well.


Hi Valerie!! :hi:hug Gosh we've miised you! That is just insane about your job. They really must get you some help before you collapse :hug


Hi to everyone else, too. :manyheart Early to bed for me again and maybe by tomorrow this cold will be out of here. :yes


I hope it's on its last legs today :hug Mine seems to have finally degenerated into just the sniffles. I can deal with that :yes


Just wanted to stop by this morning and say hi! :clap Its my bday so I will probably not be on a whole lot today, and we were gone alllllll day yesterday for Lamaze, dinner and then we watched the Red Wings and conked out :lol


:bday Erin!! :manyheart


Have a very happy birthday Erin! Spoil yourself today, you deserve it :D


I actually had my party for my birthday last night. I'm changing decades in a couple of years and for some reason, this year I actually wanted an event. I'm not normally a big "look at me" type of person when it comes to my birthday either. Since I was inviting people who had little ones, I decided to have it at a local bowling alley, that way the little ones could come play with us too. And we had soooo much fun! The only downside was when the jerk playing on a league yelled at me about using flash. What a shame I ruined his "fun". I guess it's not just a game to him :rolleyes. I'm gonna try and get some pictures up on my blog today, but I gotta warn you, most aren't that good due to lack of flash.


And :bday to you too!! I didn't even realize it was your b-day :hug Sounds like y'all have a great time last night in spite of the party pooper :D


sounds like alot of fun!! Nothing like a funtime bowling!!Have to check out your blog later on tonight to see the fun!:clap

Boy I like these little slatines you can whip alot out in nothing flat while watching tv!Hoping by the time I go to bed tonight I will have one whole sqaure done on the big top quilt I decided to make!

You dont happened to have these saltine pattern quilt in a airplane design for little boy do you?Truck and Rig is so cute my one son is into trucks and busses but the other one is airplanes t hink he dreams of flying!!:lol


Nope no airplane. But that is a good idea. :yes


Can't seem to stay awake long enough.


Well, gee I wonder why? You poor thing :hug


Doing laundry today and BD is tidying his room. I have to spend this week doing mine that's why I'm doing laundry today instead of tomorrow :blush I had it all nice and tidy but then the stores started marking down Fall florals and Michaels had that big Vanna's sale not to mention the contest. My poor craft room didn't have a chance :lol

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:birthday Erin! I sure hope you are feeling better by this time. What did your hubby make for dinner? When does the rocking chair arrive? I will bet you find yourself snuggled in it and daydreaming, even before Alexander makes his appearance. Have a good evening.


And, Val, I read earlier in the week that your birthday was approaching, but I did not realize it had already passed. So sorry this is belated, but :cake to you. What a good idea for your party! Glad you had so much fun.


Mary and Cara ~ it is good to read that you are both on-the-mend. Take care. Good luck on those house cleaning chores. Too bad we have to do those, sometimes, isn't it?!?


Valerie ~ I cannot believe you have managed to keep up such a pace this long, but it is real good to hear reinforcements may soon be on the way. Hang in there :hug


We are still hiding out from the deer hunters driving around the county at all hours of the day :rofl They are crazy! We, literally, live out in the middle of nowhere, yet trucks crammed with blaze-orange-wearing folks are passing by too regularly for my peace of mind. It is only about 15-degrees, today, so it was not a real stretch to keep the girls indoors, but they were pretty excited to see the dusting of snow still out on the deck. The tooth fairy paid out house her first visit last night :) You can probably imagine the excitement this morning. DH will be home late this evening. Talk to you all, tomorrow!

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Man I'm pooped :whew Been doing all the stuff I usually spend all day Monday doing. And I got up kinda late for it. Think I'm gonna call it done for the day though. No way I'm going to try vacuuming and mopping today. I have a hard time with floors anyway. Wonder if I can talk BD into doing them this week? :rofl

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HI everyone have a question do I put the squares together each of the colors that they are made with or can I use any color?


I put them together using one of the colors of the squares. For example, if I'm joining a black square and a white square, I usually use the white. You can use a contrasting color. I've seen several done like that. Just keep in mind that you'll be able to see the yarn from the front. If that's the look you want that's just fine. :hook

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I put them together using one of the colors of the squares. For example, if I'm joining a black square and a white square, I usually use the white. You can use a contrasting color. I've seen several done like that. Just keep in mind that you'll be able to see the yarn from the front. If that's the look you want that's just fine. :hook

:)thank you for quick responds!!:clap

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Man I'm pooped :whew Been doing all the stuff I usually spend all day Monday doing. And I got up kinda late for it. Think I'm gonna call it done for the day though. No way I'm going to try vacuuming and mopping today. I have a hard time with floors anyway. Wonder if I can talk BD into doing them this week? :rofl


You sound like you need a nappy poo. Leave the floors for another day. :yes

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Mary - another 52 solids for me


I am nearly done my fourth baby nine block using my ATW leftovers. I also have a bunch of extra saltines that I think I may try to use in a scrap-type nine patch or something else. I have different numbers of different colors so I need to think of a way to use them all up.

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I finally got the border on Just Ducky. I kept taking the wrong green from the stash stored in the garage. Finally got the correct one. :hook




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Happy Monday, everyone. :autumn

Hi Dusty. 15 degrees! I know you all are used to that, but I'm glad it's you. :lol We live about 1/2 mile from woods and ranch land, so often we hear the hunters' guns - but thankfully they aren't driving down our street. :yes


Donna ~ That's great that you're almost finished with the BIC. :cheer 21 more solids are added.


Tracy, your Just Ducky is adorable. :c9 I love all the colors you've used! Is this one for a niece or nephew?


Karen ~ Hi! 52 more are on the list. :clap

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Morning everyone! :waving Im up late this morning, which Im gonna blame on my hubbys from scratch spaghetti! mmmm. In the 3+ years we have been together hes never REALLY made me a meal like that so it was super special. He's just usually never home to do it. We had some yummy cheesecake for desert, which is my fav. :drool


Our rocker should be here in less than two weeks. I would have one now but I didn't want creme as the cushion color so we ordered it off the internet. Im excited about it though! :D


Its 32 here, and isn't supposed to get any higher apparently. :wbrr Problem with MI is that last week we were hitting the low 70s


Mary 44 more solids for me please... the end is in site!! :hook

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