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The Shawl Is On The Move!!

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Waiting on pins and needles to see who the lucky recipient will be. You are really brave to commit to sending out four in December. Fingers are crossed that everything goes well.


Not to put down the shawl, but it's nothing for me to turn out one of these in a day. It's my own pattern so I can just run through it pretty much with my eyes closed at this point. :lol So it will be nothing for me to make four of these for December. Coming up with the different colors that I think everyone will like is going to be more challenging than the crocheting of the shawls. :)

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Wow Elle i've been off here most of the time and just looking and found this thread and wow what a wonderful thing you are doing to send out your precious hand made shawl to people from the forum..


I cant hardly wait to see who will it be to get the first shawl...


God bless you deeply in health for what you doing


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Elle, you have a big heart and very sweet for giving your hard work. Those who receive your shawls are blessed even more.



DH and I are both only children. I have an aunt, a cousin and her two sons who live in another state that I speak with regularly on the phone, but who I haven't seen in 8 years. Other than them, DH is the only family I have. The people here at Crochetville have become somewhat of an extended family over the couple of years that I've been a member. When I crochet, unless an item was made specifically for me or DH, I usually end up giving it to the first person who says "Ooh! I like that!" I thought about it, and who better to give things to than people who love crocheted items, who know and appreciate the work that goes into them! This is just so much fun for me, seeing how excited everyone is and how much they're looking forward to seeing where the shawl lands!

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The stalking hookers :rofl :rofl :rofl

I love it! I may need a t-shirt...of course my kids would never let me leave the house!

I leave the front window open so I can hear the mail truck...it has a very distinctive sound. I am expecting several things too so my kids like to yell out..."the mailman just went by"...which always has me running to the window...until I hear the laughing...what turkeys!

Elle: You're right, this is like an extended family! No matter how bad of a day I may be having, logging on to crochetville always takes my mind off of things and cheers me up. A thread like this one has me checking often to see the latest! someone once did a poll on whther people spent more time crocheting or hanging out at crochetville and I am thinking it is definitely a toss up around here!

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that is me.. when huby see's a package he trys to beat me to the mailbox. even if it has my name on he he'll hold it so i can't see the lable n say MINE MINE MINE... lol.. If im not home Curriousty gets him and he opens it then will try to retape it shut.. THEM are times i Kick his Can!!!! Yellin MINE MINE MINE

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I'm thinking it HAS to reach its destination tomorrow! I gave the package to our mail carrier and told her that I wanted it to be sent with a confirmation of receipt, but I don't think she heard me because she never dropped off a receipt for me, so I guess she just sent it on like a normal package. It has been on the road now, well, it will be a week Monday (tomorrow), so I would think that tomorrow will be the day. From now on, when I send the shawls out, I will not give them to the mail carrier, I'll have DH hop on his bicycle and pedal on out to the post office so that I can get the receipt for delivery confirmation. This way I'll be able to track it down to see what's what with it until it reaches its destination.


Next month's shawl is already underway. I don't want to give away too much information too early, but I will say that it is going to be soft, soft, soft!, and that the color will be autumn-appropriate! Nuff said about that for now!

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It's even driving ME nuts now! :lol:lol:lol


I keep looking to see if the person received it and I'm hoping there's a posting from her before I have to go into work at 3! I can check periodically while I'm at work, but I can't really spend any appreciable amount of time online downstairs, so I just keep hoping to get it over with before I have to go!! I'm chewing the insides of my cheeks raw here! :lol

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