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Does anyone ever crack on you for your hobby?

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My 13-year old daughter really cracks on me for crocheting. She says it's a grandma hobby and I'm too young to do it. A guy at work in his 20s made fun of me when he found out I like to crochet. In response I threatened to crochet him a hat for each day of the week. LOL


I love to crochet and find it very relaxing. I'm 33 and I have no problems with having a "grandma" hobby.

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I'm a tom boy (even now that I'm sneaking up on 40 LOL) and the fact I do crafts at all I'm sure people find amuzing, but I'm a tough girl so they don't have the nerve to say it to my face! LOL



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No one has ever made a negative comment about my hobbies. My daughter is 21, and she wants me to crochet things for her and her husband. :lol


I think it's really kind of ignorant for people to lump hobbies into an age category. People of all ages, genders, and backgrounds knit, crochet, and do all kinds of hobbies. I don't know why crochet seems to categorized as a hobby only for old women. :think

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I'm 33 too, and I've had negative comments. One from one of my best friends! She told me that I was too young for crochet - only little old ladies did 'that stuff'. I told her that I enjoyed it because it was relaxing, fun and useful. A male co-worker looked at me like I'd crawled from underneath a rock when I told him I liked to crochet. But he's in his mid-20's also, and tends to like things with a designer name splattered all over it. DH was 'amused' by my crochet, until he curled up in the first afghan I made. He couldn't believe how warm and comfy it was. Now he's a believer! He probably wishes I wouldn't spend so much on yarn, though...:lol

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crocheting is not grandma stuff...high paid models wear crocheted items and expensive stores carry crocheted clothing. and the only way to get it made is by hand. all my friends at work want to know what i have in my yarn bag and love looking at my new projects. i have been crocheting since age 11 and AM NOT a grandma yet!!!

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32 here and I get the "grandma hobby" comment, Dh actually teases me frequently though for him it really is just a joke

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I usually get the "You must have so much time on your hands." quite a bit.


I tell people that "With my health I would lose my mind if I didn't keep my hands busy. Besides - What do you make while you're sitting around watching tv?"

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ive been crocheting since i was a teenager! i have always gotten gramma comments.. except when they see the finished products... then ppl are usually suitably impressed!! ;P

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I haven't gotten the grandma comments and I've been crocheting for about 37 years (started when I was 20). I guess what I don't like the most is the question, "What are you knitting?":think:think

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I have been crocheting since I was 8 and now I am 27 and I get old lady comments a lot. Latley, friends have been saying it is a nerdy hobby. But this is coming from friends who play tons of online games and have armies of hand painted miniatures and action figures and come over to set up "battles" in my living room. How are they any less nerdy than me? DH sometimes says I am going to get dementia by doing repetitive things and not learning something new....but I have never made the same thing more than twice and I though learning new patterns and stitches was good for the brain. I just think they are jealous.


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Here's an article that says knitting (and presumably crocheting) can DELAY dementia, and watching TV can ACCELERATE it



Just tell the folks that say you have too much time on your hands that "On the contrary, I'm filling my odd bits of idle time with an activity that improves my health, and am producing works of fiber art in the process." And to second RoseRed, "By the way, what do YOU have to show for your time spent in front of the TV or at the Dr's office, etc. ??

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i'm 36 and my dh sometimes gives me a hard time about my crochet. at first is was an old lady hobby and being on line talking about crochet was more old lady. Now he asks me about what i'm making and why. and we do use our brains when we crochet. :cheeri'm glad about that.




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I guess what I don't like the most is the question, "What are you knitting?":think:think


I haven't really gotten the grandma comments yet, and I am only 31. But I do get the "What are you knitting?" all the time, doesnt bother me to much, its when you tell the same person over and over that you crochet not knit and yet they still say knit. :think:shrug

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... I guess what I don't like the most is the question, "What are you knitting?":think:think


This is one of my biggest pet peeves. You mention yarn and you get "oh you knit." Nope I crochet!


I actually had this discussion the other night with someone cause I said I was playing with yarn and he asked what I was knitting. Even worse is when you are doing it in a Dr's office and they ask you what you are knitting. :think Sigh.

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DS's father complains about it all the time, telling me it's stupid and complains that he has never seen me finish a project. I obviously dont keep ALL my projects. When they're done I send them off. Just because he hasn't seen them doesnt mean they havent been finished.

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I'm 20 and I learned a while ago because I saw my friend doing it and I thought it was cool :lol so I don't really get any cracks from it since my friends are the ones who influenced me to do it. But it do get .. "wow! that's witchcraft!" because some friends (who don't crochet) think it's magic the way a ball of yarn turns into a hat LOL!

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I'm 59 and a Grandma. I get the comments of doing "old lady stuff" all the time, but who do they come to first when they want an afghan, need a gift or HAVE TO HAVE a new winter hat & scarf to match the jacket they just bought? The "old lady". :lol

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I think the 'old lady' comments are laughable. Obviously some people watch too much tv if they think only 'old ladies' crochet or knit. Besides, how do they imagine those ladies became so skilled? Do they think they woke up the morning after their first grandchild was conceived, with full knowledge of how to crochet or knit whatever their hearts desired? Fortunately, not everyone reacts to public acts of yarny creativity with such backward ideas. Just yesterday, my ear specialist walked into the exam room, spotted me crocheting and asked 'what are you crocheting?' Then he talked about the sweater someone made for his daughters( handed down from oldest to younger) and how his mom quilts..See, not all of 'them' are muggles!

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I haven't gotten the grandma comments and I've been crocheting for about 37 years (started when I was 20). I guess what I don't like the most is the question, "What are you knitting?":think:think


this only bugs me when it's my students who know better otherwise I take it as an opportunity to explain bc inevitably when I say "actually I'm crocheting" the answer is "what's the difference?" so then I can share that crocheting is most often done with one hook (I don't go into broomstick or hairpin lace LOL) and knitting is done with at least two needles


my students will say something about my crochet needle too, just because they know I'm going to look at them and say "it's a hook, a hook, see this bent over section at the end that's why it's called a hook" depending on the student I may end by calling them a dork or goofball said with all love and affection LOL (I have my students for 3 years so we get to know each other well, I teach in a small rural district)

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