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I want to THANK you all..I am touched

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I don't know where to put this for everyone to see, so I am putting it here, Amy or Donna, please feel free to move it if needed.

I want to thank all of you so much for your prayers, PM's good thoughts, cards, everything. I can't stay up very long or I get very dizzy and ill feeling, BUT the doctors say in a week I will be feeling much better, so he says. I do hope so. For those of you who don't know me, don't worry..lol..I have Lupus, end stages so they tell me. It is taking over my organs.

I know there are MANY people out here worse off than me, and PLEASE don't spend all your energy on me, don't neglect any others who need your prayers too. I pray for you all every day, as I lay in bed, or get up to eat, today food smell has me nauseous. I know I am rambling, trust me, the meds, the illness. But have NO fear, the JoBug will be back here full time soon, God WILL help me. I have faith.

Thank you so very much friends from the bottom of my heart and soul. I NEED every prayer right now, and wont turn one down. I don't even care if you pray in a different way than me, I believe in God, and I know God is with me.

Thanks Thanks Thanks.

I CAN NOT have surgery Friday, my inflamation is still too bad. It has been postponed a week, IF my blood counts are up. So I sit, and wait, and wait and wonder...

Hugs and Love to you all. I THINK I got al my promised squares mailed out just yesterday, if not, PLEASE let me know, I try to check in here when I can. Sometimes I cant post or read much cause my eyes cant focus too well right now. but PLEASE let me know if I promised something and havent delivered because I consider myself to be a person of my word, and I want to be remembered as that.

Hugs and Love


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JoBug I don't know you well either, but I do know from the posts that I read that you have a big heart for others. I pray for you every day and will keep you in my prayers. Stay strong and don't give up. :hug

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Only you would worry about your promises to send squares to others when you are feeling so bad.


Take care of yourself and know you are missed and loved :manyheartvery much. We are here for you and trying to send you our strength.:hug



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JoBug, you're faith will be your strength as you deal with whatever comes your way. This shows in the words that you wrote, what an inspiration you must be to those who know you. I hope that you will feel better next week and that you're surgery goes well. Many prayers sent your way:)

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Dear JoBug, I do not personally know you; but, I know you are a wonderful person to think of others before yourself. I have several friends with lupus and understand how you suffer. Hopefully this will be just a"little" set back for you. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family.:manyheart

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Oh JoBug, some of that dizziness and nausea is probably your new pain patch. Stuff for pain can do that. A lower dose, or spaced farther apart might help. I'm praying for you all the time Sweetie.

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:wavingHowdee JoBug,


I'm fairly new to the 'ville. Just joined last December. Wanted to let you know I ask my Sunday School class this past Sunday to pray for you and all the others on the 'ville who had prayer requests. Will keep praying for you.:hug:manyheart:hug

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You are in my prayers daily and I am sending you good wishes for improved blood counts. May God comfort you during this time and I just lift you up to Him for healing and strength. :hug


Take care and God bless,


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JoBug, prayers being said for you. Even though you may not have heard from me, I've been praying for you.....without you knowing. You must take it easy and take good care of yourself. You need to keep your strength up. I wish you the very best and a speedy recovery. God Bless you and make you well. :hug

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This is a song of encouragement for me and has always been, I hope it brings you some comfort as it has always for me.


Words and Lyrics by Richard Rogers and Oscar Hammerstein II



When you walk through a storm

Hold your head up high

And don't be afraid of the dark.

At the end of a storm is a golden sky

And the sweet silver song of a lark.

Walk on through the wind,

Walk on through the rain,

Tho' your dreams be tossed and blown.

Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart

And you'll never walk alone,

You'll never walk alone.


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