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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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I have some musings here, but I'd better post my score first, so it won't be missed. There is no change.


2009 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: 0/YTD: -2


Well, yeah, I've been working along, but sometimes I think the those RH Super Savers have their end in some other infinite dimension. But the other excuse is that I always want to start something else before I finish the project at hand.:devil So this week I revisited the dishcloth thing for my sister....


I've always hated having to crochet into chains, so have tended to steer away from crocheting in rows most of my crocheting life. But something has come along to change all that - the single crochet base chain and the double crochet base chain. I could never figure out how to do those from the print descriptions, then I discovered the demonstrations on YouTube! It is fabulous to be able to get that first row done without having to crochet into a chain!:c9


Did they have this technique forty years ago when I started to crochet? Or is it really something that is fairly new?


I used that to start a second dishcloth using another stitch in the 365 crochet stitches perpetual calendar. I just have to be mindful of the pattern stitch count. This one uses front post triple crochet. That's another new thing for me - fp and bp stitches. I first used that this past year on a preemie cap. I wonder when that appeared. I don't find those in any of the "ancient" stitch books from when I started.


Oh, right, this is a stashbusting thread, but hey! I only come in once a week.


I may have fallen off the wagon. I was on e-Bay this past week looking for a particular bath & shower brush that seems to no longer exist, and thought it wouldn't hurt to check in on some of my favorite yarn searches...:lol

Ended up bidding on two lots. I usually loose because I bid really low, so I suspect that when I check back on Tuesday, there won't be yarn for me there. But you never know.




Stashbusting CAL: WTD: 0/YTD: -2


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I've always hated having to crochet into chains, so have tended to steer away from crocheting in rows most of my crocheting life. But something has come along to change all that - the single crochet base chain and the double crochet base chain. I could never figure out how to do those from the print descriptions, then I discovered the demonstrations on YouTube! It is fabulous to be able to get that first row done without having to crochet into a chain!:c9




Stashbusting CAL: WTD: 0/YTD: -2



Isn't it the best? I has saved me so much frustration to start with fsc and fdc! It is really helpful when you have to make ovals because the "bottom" of the stiches is almost the same as the "top".


Anyhoo, I was just posting to say 3 more skeins are gone. +6 more! Yay!

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I haven't been here all week, but I did a lot of :crocheting. I used up 3 balls, 2 skeins and rolled a skein down (+8) :cheer. I'm at my parents house now, and my mom just offered me a TON of :yarn. I was good :clap, I only chose 3 skeins (-6) :(. Today is my b-day and tomorrow we're going shopping (we both have coupons for Michaels) but I'll try to be good :yes.

WTD Score: + 1 :cheer I'm back on the plus side :cheer

Ellie 13

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:hugBraxxi, feel better soon, sweetie!


OK, let's all cheer for ME!!!:cheerI spent several hours in a yarn shop, and came home with 2 pattern books, only 1 skein of yarn, and my first completed FPDC stitches!!! Gotta love YouTube! Any way, my WTD is still good +16!

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I've been sick and/or babysitting for a lot of this week so I haven't gotten as much done as I wanted to. I've finally reached the point where I had to roll that one pounder into a ball. Sometimes I think that skeins like that should be worth 4 points when finished instead of just two, they're twice as big! I'm going to use up all my little cotton skeins on dishclothes next week just so I can have a positive score. Especially because I think there's another package of yarn on the way to me from my stepmom. Apparently the Hancock's where she lives was having a sale this week. So, long story short:


WTD: +1 YTD: -27

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But something has come along to change all that - the single crochet base chain and the double crochet base chain.


These are so great aren't they? I've only done single so far but it's great for garments because it stretches more. I used it on the wrist of my fingerless gloves. Gotta love YouTube for learning new stitches!


I'm almost done with another skein, working on a hat that has a lot of front post treble in it. I'm not going to post for the week yet because I'm hoping I can get that one more skein in before midnight tomorrow. Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!

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Sometimes I think that skeins like that should be worth 4 points when finished instead of just two, they're twice as big!


Well, actually I think you guys are pretty lucky! :cheer In my country we don't have skeins larger than 50 gr. That means, when I'm buying yarn for a project I'll go in minus BIG time..! Other than that: hope you feel better, beeing sick is not fun at all!


So, I'm just dropping by before I go yarnshopping... :blush Hehe. At the time I actually have +10, but when I get back from my LYS, I guess I have my FIRST minus at this game..! :) I'm going to buy yarn for the "Cupcake" top from the Happy Hooker-book. :hook

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With two kids constantly on the computer, I have to post when I can.


So I am posting early for the week.


WTD=-5 YTD=-3

Not too bad really. My knitpicks order did me in this week. But that Comfy Cotton yarn is so nice!


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I didn't completely use anything up and I inherited 3 skeins from my LYS...:think


-6 WTD / +7 YTD

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At this rate, I will be out of the negatives in, oh, say 7 weeks. lol Of course, this would mean that I couldn't buy any yarn for the same 7 weeks. Someone will have to hog tie me before going into WalMart. lol

WTD +3

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I am done for the day, too. I finished that flannelghan (6 more skeins since Wednesday) for DH's v-day present :jumpyay:woo

...and used up a small skein on a scarf.


Here's my totals:


wtd: +22

ytd: -40



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I did finish another skein but I still have hopes that another will bite the dust today so I will post later. here's hoping. :xfin a big plus 6 would go a long way to negating that minus 20 I ran up on Monday.

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